Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Business is Quite Tiresome.

In Umbris Potestas Est
[member="Judah Dashiell"]

Vanessa Kuhn, as she was rightly called now, waited on board the mostly-finished shipyard, hidden in the asteroids of the Tund system. She had invited a businessman here, one who seemed somewhat familiar(likely due to some action regarding the Subach auction). Why so? Well, the shipyard still needed some work, and in exchange for some infrastructure to help maintain the massive station, it was likely a good idea to make a contract.

After all, business never did hurt.

Looking over documents on the trip to the asteroids, Judah thought the last name of this woman to be familiar. The same Kuhn (or part of the same clan) of the industry that was divesting stock left and right? Maybe, maybe not. There were billions upon billions of people in the 'verse with only so many names to go around. It wouldn't have mattered in any way despite the relation.

To say why he was meeting here though was still a bit unclear. Judah wasn't sure if this was a potential contract on a repair station (which Salacia was great at) or some nerf-and-bantha show on buying space in the station. A shrug of his shoulders and he pushed the thought out of his mind, focusing on bringing the luxury yacht Sirena into the space station, docking up at an operational arm.

Time to get to work.
In Umbris Potestas Est
[member="Judah Dashiell"]

Vanessa awaited Judah at the docking port, finding herself delightfully surprised at the arrival of the businessman himself. Holding out a hand in cordiality, a shake quickly given, she stepped a bit to the side before introducing herself. "Mr. Dashiell. Glad you could come. As you know from the message, I'm Vanessa Kuhn, CEO of Emeritus Industries. If you'd be so kind as to come with me, we can discuss a bit more business regarding this facility."

After all, it was to be an important hub for supply to several of the newest customers of the company.

Making sure everything had been shut down properly in the Sirenea, Judah had wandered out through the docking arm. Once he made the short walk through, a woman was immediately waiting to greet him. Shaking her hand in greeting, his deep blue eyes scanned the area, taking in the space station.

So far, everything seemed standard. However, he had only walked several feet into the structure.

"A pleasure to meet you Miss Kuhn. Any relation to the other famous Kuhns in the 'verse?"

Judah had to ask. Not that it would matter to him in the slightest. No transactions had ever gone on with the other famous Kuhns and frankly Judah knew little to nothing about them.

"You lead, I'll follow. Who knows, might get the five credit tour for free, depending on where we are headed."
In Umbris Potestas Est
[member="Judah Dashiell"]

"Indeed... But I prefer not to let my stepfather's fame gain a hold, truth be told." She smiled. "Emeritus was artificed well before he married my mom." Stepping down a hallway, she motioned for Judah to follow. "This shipyard is something that Emeritus has been working on for some time now. From what we can tell from the few computers still operable, this was used by former Imperial warlord Rokur Gepta as the shipyard through which he produced and maintained his fleet out here in the Centrality. Considering its massive size, however, we're likely going to need to contract out to a service company to help keep it maintained."

Such was true - it would take a tremendous amount of droids and manpower to restore the shipyard to even half the production capability it once had.

"Oh I understand not wanting to be in the shadow of someone else. Just noticed the name was all."

Judah followed along, looking about at the station. Or...the interior rather. He caught a decent look as he approached on his flight in. The salvager in him had recognized the maintenance arms on the way in. Out in the middle of nowhere, there could be good many to be made in servicing vessels. Especially if one set up along a popular Trade Route or along a nasty stretch of pirate raids.

"Imperial 'warlords' do not impress me Miss Kuhn, no matter how large their station or so-called achievement."
In Umbris Potestas Est
[member="Judah Dashiell"]

"This was pre-Gulag. Back when a warlord could field as much of a fleet as any one of the galactic powers currently about. This facility could prove to be an extremely useful manufacturing facility - not to mention supply yard - once refurbished to full functionality. Hence why I contacted you - Salacia might prove best kept to manage the restoration and maintenance of this shipyard, considering its size and scope."

After all, it wasn't every day that something this useful would find itself being brought back to life.

"We have the potential to restore this back to your liking. A retrofit if you will. I've hauled dead space stations off the side of spacelanes and turned them back into brand new facilities. Saves on time, energy, credits. Sometimes there isn't any use building a new facility when you have a perfectly good one sitting in your backyard."

Judah knocked on the hull.

"Did you bring this up to air tight quality yourself or did you find it in this condition?"
In Umbris Potestas Est
[member="Judah Dashiell"]

"The station was in relatively good condition when we originally discovered it, though the reactors were non-functional. It took a good deal of jury-rigging to reactivate them and bring in the tooling for what we'll be producing here - they aren't able to be run at full power. Much of the exterior damage was relatively easy to repair - mostly panels taken off by looters." It was rather sturdy, overall.

Of course, passing the buck to Salacia when it came to maintaining it would certainly make things a lot better.

"Quite surprising, normally these stations are picked apart by salvagers in the interior. Sounds like someone got to taking some parts from your reactors though. Valuable metals in some of those parts, as you know. Same for the wiring. Could be another reason why you're not able to run at full capacity right now. Its not very unusual."

After all, Salcia did do quite a bit of salvage.

"Care to show me the reactors?"
In Umbris Potestas Est
A nod came to Vanessa's head as she motioned for Judah to follow her onto a swoop bike. The sheer size of this station meant that swoop bikes(modified for light cargo purposes, of course) were prevalent when it came to the maintenance and repair of the facility. They were the only ways anyone would be able to get to the reactor in a reasonable span of time.

But soon they arrived at the reactor room. Through thickened lead glass and duracrete-reinforced walls, through which could be seen the old, relatively rusted reactors. The output at the power console was nowhere near the top, somewhere between fifty and fifty-five percent power being produced.

"Can they be fixed?"

[member="Judah Dashiell"]

After their short ride, Judah quickly found himself peering through smudged but thick glass at two very ancient reactors. Honestly it looked as if someone had pulled them from a Tatooine scrap heap and threw them into the station. Granted, this was an old station within itself. If there had been proper maintenance done in the first place, perhaps there may have been a better chance.

As it stood now however....

"Not a chance. Your best choice is to turn those in for salvage, get some credits out of them, and get different ones. Not new ones but ones within the last one hundred years would give you better energy efficiency and allow you to draw greater quantities.If this had been maintained throughout the years, I would have said your chances are repair are much better."

"It would just cost too much, especially given the age."
In Umbris Potestas Est
[member="Judah Dashiell"]

"The reactors appear to be well-integrated with the facility... it may prove to be somewhat difficult to replace them, but perhaps with an adequate amount of effort, we can extricate and scrap them." She nodded. "Would you happen to know where we could find the reactors? Would be nice to see if your assistance could begin a bit sooner than later - so we can get this facility operational."

The faster it was brought to full bear, the better for business.

Judah was unconcerned about the issue of pulling out reactors. Salacia had an excellent crew and this wasn't their first foray into upgrading and restoring such stations. Yes, it would be a pain in the side to put in new-to-the -station reactors. However, when it came to things such as powering oxygen scrubbers and heat supplies in space, it was always wise for one not to cut corners.

"Reactors are fairly simple to obtain if one knows where to look. Large scale salvage ops tend to see them come through their doors. Not sure if Salacia's salvage ops have any right now...I doubt it. A few comm calls, putting the word out there normally leaves the salvage companies flocking to your door instead of the other way around. Not exactly many searching for used reactors out there."
In Umbris Potestas Est
[member="Judah Dashiell"]

"If Salacia is capable of doing that as part of the refurbishing of this station to full functionality, I would be more than willing to give you a maintenance and repair contract." After all, the less direct work she had to do, the better. "Anything to get this thing working again... It's well hidden enough to decrease the chance of direct attack, while being in neutral territory."

The less inter-governmental conflict, the better.

"We are more than capable of getting this station back in order. However, I'd like to see the rest of the station and look at the data you have on hand. It helps give a better idea of what would be involved in your contract."

Not to say Judah didn't trust Miss Kuhn. However, he wasn't going to be left on the short end of the stick cost wise on a station that needed several repairs. Best to go in eyes wide open as they say. Get the lay of the station. Negotiate. Go from there.

"If you have something else you need to attend to I am more than capable of finding my own way around."
In Umbris Potestas Est
She handed the datapad to the businessman, containing solely the survey of the station in question. There were areas that required repair, but energy shields were keeping their integrity together for the time being. The reactors' state was noticed, in concert with the aged manufacturing equipment itself that formed part of the station. The facility was massive, and could certainly produce more than its fair share of warships.

Something certainly worth contractual negotiations over - hence why she had called him here.

[member="Judah Dashiell"]

Blue eyes scanned over the document containing the general state of the station carefully. Having done this more than once, Judah actually knew what he was looking for now. Apparently some parts of the exterior needed to be re-skinned. Fairly typical fix and one that his mind pushed right next to the new reactor cores. Aged manufacturing equipment seemed more of Miss Kuhn's problem then his own. Judah was looking at a repair and maintenance contract, not one for repairing equipment or doing massive replacements.

Idly, Judah wondered if new reactor cores would blow half the ancient electronics and various bits of technology in the shipyard. Then again, there wasn't much of a choice in replacing them.

"I suppose we can contract. I don't see anything out of the ordinary."
In Umbris Potestas Est
[member="Judah Dashiell"]

"A fair point... The sort of thing we've been working on here indeed seems to be a bit of a pain to restore to a status we desire to be at. Once we find a suitable pair of reactors, we'll deliver them to you. You'll receive a notification once the reactors have been purchased and sent for delivery. Hopefully with Salacia's help, this facility can be adequately rendered functional."

She smiled, looking towards the businessman, happy that their contract was more solidified now than before.

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