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Private Business on Bastion


Wearing \ Gear : X | X | X | X | X
Interacting With : Diarch Reign Diarch Reign

He wasn't aware of the entire philosophy of the Diarchy. Nor did it matter - wasn't as if he was joining up. Makai had been invited out by Diarch Reign after an interesting encounter at a cocktail party. Makai had left that cocktail party early, having no interest in starting a war or being involved with more aggressive means of getting things done. There was a time and place for pushing for what one wanted and in his opinion one wasn't at that point yet. So after barely drinking a mocktail he had walked out.

With the Diarch reaching out, Makai found himself landing on the capital of the Diarchy. Upon landing, he walked down the ramp, his droid Thirty-Seven in tow. Bastion was going to be one of his last major outings for awhile. Makai wasn't sure if he was here on business or to discuss what happened on Dantooine with the ruler of the new government.

Time to find out.



Location: Bastion | Ravelin Spaceport
Tags: Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell

When the Diarchy’s sensors picked up Makai’s ship entering the system, Reign had begun his own journey to the spaceport to meet the other man.

Where normally he would have brought his Praetorian guards with him as a show of strength, he assumed a more personal and humble approach would work better with Makai.

In truth, Reign himself was unsure of why he had summoned the young Dashiell to Bastion. All he had known is that the young man’s character had impressed the Diarch, and he’d wanted a chance to get to know him in a less “hostile” environment and perhaps talk to how they may both benefit from a mutual respect and understanding.

This is how he now found himself. His
black and gold outfit a blend of imperial efficiency and esoteric force user. Arms clasped behind his back and standing upright, he watched the other man descend the ramp of his ship.

Stepping forward and extending his hand he said
“Mr. Dashiell, thank you for accepting my invitation. I must say, I was quite impressed with how you held yourself on Dantooine and wanted to take an opportunity to perhaps get to know each other a little better”

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Wearing \ Gear : X | X | X | X | X
Interacting With : Diarch Reign Diarch Reign

Walking along the landing pad, Makai looked around, unsure if he had ever been on Bastion in his life. Thirty-Seven plodded along a step behind him, photosensors looking around, scanning for threats. No threats, although Makai was incredibly surprised the Diarch was making his way to him. Typically it was bodyguards or an assistant, maybe a droid. Today it was the man himself.

"Diarch Reign, thank you for hosting me. You impressed me on Dantooine as well, that was quite the party. I'd love to get to know you as a man and leader, as well as the government you have here. Are you droid friendly or do you prefer that Thirty-Seven waits in the vessel? He is my assistant but I understand some may not welcome his presence."



Location: Bastion | Ravelin Spaceport
Tags: Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell

The Diarch studied the young man as he spoke, noting the familiar decorum of the Dashiells. A sense of friendliness but still very reserved and respectful. The Diarch couldn't help but smile at the question regarding the droid. While he understood the sentiment, his own brother would rather they rely on droids more than flesh and blood people.

"Your droid is most welcome my friend, we hear in the Diarchy do not harbor such prejudices"

He turned, starting to walk towards the shuttles that would take them to the city proper, motioning for Makai to walk with him.

"I'm an open book my friend, what would you like to know? I must admit I'm curious about you myself as well. I hope that you will get to learn a little more about us during your visit. The Galaxy has not always painted me in a favorable light."

His smile and friendliness were genuine towards the other man. He believed that they could become friends if his initial judgement of the other man had been correct.


Wearing | Gear : X | X | X | X | X | L3-37 | Interacting With : Diarch Reign Diarch Reign

"Some have phobias or hang-ups about droids, especially when it comes to listening devices and the like. I prefer to ask to avoid any potential issues."

Makai fell in step with the Diarch, his droid drifting along behind him. Thirty-Seven had gotten better in regards to keeping quiet and not butting so much into business. A sign the droid trusted him to handle most of the issues or concerns that arose rather than trying to rather loudly guide him in front of others.

"I can honestly say, Diarch, I do not know much of anything about you. So whatever the light the galaxy at large as painted you I am unaware of this reputation. I can't say I would give it much heed, much prefer to judge for myself. Reputation can often times be misconstrued like a game of comm."

They were walking towards a large building, taking their time with these first introductions.

"I can't say I am as open of a book but I will answer honestly. So. Diarch. What are your plans for this corner of the 'verse? Your attitude on business and neutrality?"



Location: Bastion | On Route to the Crucible
Tags: Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell

The Diarch laughed softly about the comments regarding listening devices. It was a kind thing for Makai to be worried about but with High Adjudicator Darius Vex Darius Vex , Reign was used to being listened to in all of his dealings, so Makai would find no issue here.

Outwardly he said
"I'll be honest, I'm sure our intelligence agency has already been hanging on every word, so often do they shadow me when they think I don't know they're there. But I appreciate your concern. I have nothing to hide here so even if you wanted your droid to record, I don't think it would be a problem."

As he boarded the shuttle that would take them back to the Crucible, the Diarch mulled over Makai's questions.
"Well first, thank you for wanting to see for yourself. Between the Sith's opinion of me and the Galactic Alliance, hard to think I've got any friends at all!" he laughed a bit when he said this.

"Second, my plans here, are relatively simple. I want to usher in an era of peace and order within the galaxy. Not just here in Diarchy space but everywhere. While I loath chaos, I can understand that the business world needs chaos to innovate, it is a different kind of chaos than that which plagues the galaxy though, it is controlled, ordered. Competition. While at times it is hard for me to stomach, neutrality and business often times have to be encouraged for the people to get the best of what they need."

He sat down on the seat in the speeder, motioning for Makai and his droid to join him.

"Tell me, what caused you to continue your familial tradition of going in to business? I've crossed paths with your father on a couple occasions, so I understand the background. But what pulled you to follow?"


Wearing | Gear : X | X | X | X | X | L3-37 | Interacting With : Diarch Reign Diarch Reign

Makai listened without interruptions. He was mildly curious what the opinion of the Sith and the Galactic Alliance were of the man now that it was mentioned. From the inference of things, it didn't sound too positive. Yet Makai was certain that neither group had a positive opinion of anyone but their own members.

"So peace and order through what means? A crusade? Diplomacy? I suppose no one route is the way to go. Seems like a large task, to create peace for an entire galaxy. Obviously you cannot go deep into strategy but I am curious how you will achieve this over time. "

Entering the shuttle, Thirty-Seven followed closely behind and took a seat away from the two men, giving some space. The half-Galan sat back as he regarded the next question regarding his entry into the family business. Makai could say he had never gotten the question before outside Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau and even then that was in a more roundabout fashion.

"Excellent question. For the most part I would say it was the path placed in front of me, I've been following my father around while he conducts business since about the age of five or so. I've always been interested in minerals and ores and gemstones, so I went to university and studied Marine Geoscience and Geospatial Analysis. This ensured I could be part of the business while also being my own man, not living in his shadow."

He paused for a moment, figuring he could ask a question in turn.

"What drives you to create peace and order? Was there a catalyst?"



Location: Bastion | En Route to The Crucible
Tags: Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell

There it was, the question that often either caused people to join him, or turn against him. Peace at what cost..
"This is the part of our path here that causes the most.. friction.. peace must be achieved by removing those who stand in its way. However we must. As we speak today, I'm sure you can tell, I would prefer to not bring fire and war to the galaxy.. but there are those in power, that will do anything to keep it. The Jedi, The Sith.. these old established orders who have perpetuated this war and chaos for millennia need to change, evolve to fall in line, or to die.."

The Diarch looked off towards the looming mountain outside of Ravelin city, where his home and the Crucible were located. The most visible and enduring sign of his legacy on this planet.

Reign listened to the young mining magnate speak about his father and the path that was before him and couldn't help but think of the parallels.

"I will admit a constant curiosity for ores and gems, but the intricacies have always eluded me"

He smiled softly while he pondered the other man's question. It was the crux of who he was.

"We have something in common, I suppose I was set upon this path by my own father. A great man, powerful beyond reasoning. He was a hard man, but he loved my brother and I more than anything. He looked at what was wrong with this galaxy and help mold us into instruments of change. Sadly, he is no longer with us, but his legacy lives on through my brother and I. That is what started me on this path, but what keeps me upon it? Even when I lose sleep from the battles and war.. is my wife.. and my own children.. I have two daughters, and I have watched their youth being stolen by a galaxy ravaged by war and chaos. They are the lucky ones though, there are children out there who know the sound of blasterfire better than the sound of birds.. It is for them that I fight, so than no more youth need be stolen by a galaxy plunged into chaos."

He did not ask another question at this time, he wanted to see how his companion would react to all he had said.


Wearing | Gear : X | X | X | X | X | L3-37 | Interacting With : Diarch Reign Diarch Reign

"That is a fair and reasonable way of looking for order. I think we could argue the intricacies of power vacuums and governmental power structures well into the evening. I can't say I completely agree with all of your points but I do understand the sentiment and thought behind what you are trying to achieve."

Makai couldn't say it was any crazier than other ideas he had heard in the galaxy. It seemed Jedi and other governments may feel the same. Peace and order to the galaxy to be brought to the universe no matter what the collateral damage. Of course, the Diarch could take many paths on his journey. Perhaps the government had teams of assassins and then they swooped in to take over during the chaos.

It was what he would do.

"I have two daughters as well. The youngest is due to be born soon. I can say we are one of the lucky ones where we live on a quiet estate on a quiet planet. We have multiple homes where if trouble did knock on the door, the girls could be safely sent. Not everyone has the ability."

He paused and looked out the window.

"Wife and kids are always good motivators. An inspiration to do more for them, you know?"



Location: Bastion | Hanger of the Crucible
Tags: Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell

The Diarch listened, and opinion of an outsider should always be listened to. Someone who is more concerned with profit margins and market volatility than the war between force orders.

As the shuttle landed in the mountain hanger of the Crucible the Diarch exited first, placating a guard who attempted to stop them.

“You are quite right, the intricacies of galactic conflict are an undertaking in and of themselves. It’s a logistical nightmare.”

He led the way further into the mountain, passing by the dorms of the Brotherhood students and classrooms where they were studying tactics.

“Mine are.. older.. but I wish you good fortune, it’s an adventure I must say. Alas, it is good your family has a safe haven. Not all are so lucky”

Reign stopped, looking the other man in the eyes.
“Indeed they are, I’m not sure I would have the conviction I need without them.”

He smiled softly at the businessman in front of him.

“But enough of my preaching, welcome, my friend, to the Crucible. The beating heart of the Diarchy and home to The Brotherhood. Here force users of all walks can find a path not relegated by the dogma of orders that have existed for thousands of years. But fine tune a tool for order and peace”


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