Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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But everyday there's a new thing comin'

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
The one thing he could be called on was being stunted in his ability. The counter to that was to get creative. Everything around him could be, and was a weapon. He just needed to open his mind to the options available. Energizing particles could make them explode, heating and cooling could be done by affecting matter with the Force. He would get there.

And he owed her? This was [member="Ket Van Derveld"]… Wait, he can’t blame him. He could have taken the getting beat down route. But he didn’t. Smirking, Marek just kept his eyes on her. He would get the damned whiskey. If she didn’t kill him first.

Right, creativity. He still wished he had a damned slugthrower. He felt naked without it. Biting his lip, and looking around the room, he was waiting on her to move, so he could use what she was going to do against her, hopefully.

At least that was his plan. “Bring it.” Really, Marek, threatening [member="Curupira Hawk"]?
Wicked Witch of Schwartzweld
Really? Bring it? The redhead chuckled. She felt her strength return to her, being full able to laugh without any issues. "If that's what you what you really want...," she said, concentrating again. In a moment, her hands rose and she jumped forward, her hands resting on the ground as she spun her entire body over then, ending on her two feet when completed her jump. In her mind, she had felt the items in her room. The table behind him, the vase not too far from him, other things that could be of use.

Her hand waved from left, the vase flying rapidly from the size towards him. It was glass, filled with water and a local flower. Her head tilted for a second before she repeated her former move, jumping forward, her hands touching the floor before she spun again, coming in close range to him. Her mind was still firmly locked on the vase she aimed at him. But that was really just the distraction.

[member="Marek Starchaser"]

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
There was a time when he needed to stop speaking. And now was one of those times. Marek Starchaser was a bit overconfident and even he knew his short comings with the Force. Calling a skilled witch to come after him? Not that bright.

She was coming st him. Closing in. He could feel the vase being grabbed in THE Force. Keeping an arm up he reached out to form a barrier in it'd path. Something to stop it dead and shatter it. The next he noticed she was practically on top of him. Trying to swing his shield, and send her flying with the Force, he could tell he was going to be too slow.

He needed new tricks.

[member="Curupira Hawk"]
Wicked Witch of Schwartzweld
Curupira had barely given him half a second to acknowledge just how close she had come to him before she jumped and spun mid air, raising leg mid jump, her heel coming into to the side of his head. Just as she rose, she let the vase continue its path without her own control on it. She could feel him working the Force but this point, it had little to do with it and a lot more to do with how he'd react without it.

[member="Marek Starchaser"]

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
What in the… Marek was not expecting this. He wasn’t exactly good with the physical combat. Fighters? Guns? Sure, but lightsaber and hand to hand? Decidedly not. He barely had time to react, and even with the Force to react, he wasn’t fast enough. Catching the kick to the side of his head, he fell to the floor.

Rolling to catch himself, he got back up into a crouch, feeling anger, and for the first time in a long time, reaching out to it. He could feel it in the Force, feel its power. But what to do with it? He tried to focus it into his hands, could he…? Extending his hands, he could feel the electric sensation of the Dark Side, but… nothing.

Looking at her, he was watching [member="Curupira Hawk"]'s body, what was she doing next?
Ket watched the goings on silently, sipping on his glass of murky brown liquor, being mindful of all they did both physically and within the Force. The sad part was he could feel them both holding back. He sighed a bit to himself, and closed his eyes, massaging the bridge of his nose with his right forefinger and thumb. Looking to Marek and Curupira, he knew she'd understand when to stop. Marek, however, was beginning to disappoint the Sith Lord. He was much more a hunk of raw clay than his abilities in the Force would have suggested.

Concentrating upon the darkside, he let it's tendrils wrap itself around him, and began to influence them in kind. Rearing his hand back, he let the Force gather within him, and let out a burst of pure Force energy into Marek's chest, a feeling of being hit with a two ton speeder crashing into his chest. As the boy flew backward into the far wall behind him, Ket stood up, nodding to Curupira his approval.

"You will have to do better than that, young Starchaser. Perhaps what we need is a change of scenery, hmm? I think you need a refresher in the basics, as your want is there, but your heart doesn't seem to be into it nearly as much as it should be."
Wicked Witch of Schwartzweld
Most people didn't see her coming with her short size and the way she looked. That had always been her advantage. But in all honesty, she had expected Marek to be able to respond. It was a split second he had which could have been enough if he hadn't been trying to save himself from the vase and trying to push her away at the same time.

She completed her circle in the air, and dropped to her feet to the ground as her golden gaze landed on him for a moment. His hands were up, as if he would do something but he didn't. With the corner of her eye, she noticed Ket's moment and since Marek's movements didn't strike her as actually doing something, she shifted her gaze to him, noticing him looking at her and then down at his apprentice.

As the kid flew back, her eyes darted right back to Ket after that the second, seeing his nod. Really? First time in forever he didn't bulge while someone attacked her repeatedly and she got a nod. Charming. Now that she could take a second to think about it and not focus on the attacks, Curupira pieced a few things together. Only reason why the Sith Master wouldn't react was if he instructed the kid himself to do it. Well, isn't that peachy, she thought to herself as her golden gaze remained on Ket for a bit longer before she heard him speaking again.

"Limited powers, not creative enough," Curupira said as she redid her ponytail. Not that either would be enough for whatever he was told to do. Curupira just would have kept going. She was a warrior by birth, a survivor by any means necessary by upbringing.

[member="Ket Van Derveld"] | [member="Marek Starchaser"]

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
Marek would never claim to understand most people, especially not someone like [member="Curupira Hawk"]. He wasn’t ever going to predict anything she did, that was for sure. And with the hit that came at him, from her, he could only shake his head and take it. What in the nine Corellian hells was he doing here?

Was he over his head?

He could feel the power, he just didn’t have the outlet. He wanted to throw lightning at the witch, but how? The getting from point A to B here, that was what he needed. He could use the power, he felt it, there was just the need to tap into it. Then it happened.

Before he could do anything, he felt the air knocked out from him, after hitting the wall with such force. That was embarrassing. Not losing to the witch, but being called out on the lack of ability. He was craving the education here.

“I… I earned what powers I did to get myself through. I need more. I need to learn more, to earn more.” He looked up at [member="Ket Van Derveld"]. "An outlet for the power."
"Now, now, my vicious little morsel. You'll have your fill of the fight soon enough!" he said, his voice raising into a fever pitch, flashes of the wild beast within coming out to say hello in his world-weary blue eyes. His grin widened as pallid lips parted to show his elongated canines. With a low, guttural chuckle, he strode over to his liquor cabinet once more, and depressed the top of a rather dusty decanter, and with a click it slid down into the neck of the bottle and the whole of the wall slid back before sliding to the side.

Within the depression hung various objects, and a select few he took. A pair of holsters, spring loaded, that he affixed to each forearm. "I think perhaps somewhere familiar to you, young Starchaser,..." then an identical pair of saber hilts, worn and old as well, with no visible means of activation. He slide each into a holster, both securing with a light *click*. "...somewhere I can see just how hungry you are,..." another holster, which he strung around both his shoulders, a tight fit but not without purpose as he then pulled a slugthrower down from the racks. He popped the clip, checked it, and then reinserted it, locking it into place as he slid the slug thrower into the holster. "...and somewhere I can relax a bit." At the word 'relax', he turned and winked to Curupira, and then pulled down and donned a long leather coat as worn as his pants that nearly kissed the ground beneath his boots.

With a tap of his fist, the wall slide back into it's proper place, and he looked to Marek with that famous grin known worlds over. "We go to Coronet City, Corellia." He shook his head slightly, chuckling as he strode to Curupira, holding out a hand for her. "Shall we, my dear Curupira?"

Curupira Hawk | Marek Starchaser
Wicked Witch of Schwartzweld
Marek earned the powers he had. But there were barely any from what she could see. How old was he even? She was twenty-two. She had a plethora of things she could use, not just of powers. It could all be incorporated one way or another, played with, combined. From what Curupira saw, he mostly messed around with different applications of Telekinesis, and even there, there were a lot of other options to it. And of course the draining power she did not appreciate one single bit. As Marek made the comment how he needed to earn more, she nodded. "And learn what else you can do with what you have," the redhead added. If he was gonna rely on telekinesis so much, he had go into it deeper.

She heard Ket told to her, glancing back at him. Curupira offered him a tiny little smile. While it didn't really show most of the time, a part of Curupira really had missed all of this. Even when it was just sparring with Seth, it was fun. She quickly noted exactly what he was doing, getting his things. Curupira vanished further into the apartment then herself, getting her own holster with her slugthrowers. When she returned to the boys, they were fastened around her thighs and hips, one on each side. If the kid paid attention now, he'd notice things, such as Ket having slugthrowers and lightsabers while Curupira only had her two slugthrowers. She also wasn't wearing the clothes she had a moment ago. Instead, she was ready to get out of here.

Her mate was already waiting for her, his hand held out to her. Curupira took it and smiled.

[member="Marek Starchaser"] | [member="Ket Van Derveld"]

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
Looking between the two gathered, the ones that were calling him kid, the ones that had the experience of the galaxy behind them, the experience he craved. The experience he needed and desired, he was listening. Then the wall was moving. This grabbed his interest for sure. Watching his Master, or hopeful Master gear himself up, the Starchaser nodded.

Somewhere familiar.

Where were they going? That was what he wanted know. With [member="Curupira Hawk"] stating he needed to learn more of how to use what he ahd, he didn’t know how to approach it. Waiting, that was what he was going to do. Wait and figure out where the next step was. Ket was about as well armed on a normal basis as Marek always hoped to be.

“To Coronet, that works for me.” He was going to need to load up his weapons. He had left them aboard his ship. Of course, he was speaking to [member="Ket Van Derveld"], there wasn’t much of a choice. But if he could stop by his ship and arm up…
FF>> 20 minutes later...

Private Docking Port of The Deceased Star

Ket made his way across the concrete and durasteel landing pad, the night winds of Ryloth whipping to and fro. The long leather coat he wore bellowed out behind him as heavy footfalls fell one after the other, the sound echoing between the wall of the apartment building and the hull of his ship. Stopping about 6 feet from the cargo hold door, he closed his eyes a moment, and through the dark conduits of the Force, he influenced the circuitry within and the door hissed, unlocking and lowering post haste. Sapphire orbs snapped open once more, and he ascended the ramp into the heavily modified bay. Passing through what was now a two speederbike garage, he let his hands float across the pair of custom speederbike's gleaming surfaces. Moving through the rest of the Skipray, he made his way into the cockpit, sitting down in the pilot's chair. Tapping a few buttons and flicking a few toggles, the ship's hull shuddered as the sublight engines and thrusters came to life.

Turning to Ruu, he mused out loud. "You give them an inch..." he said with a wink. He gave Marek exactly 15 minutes to gear up. That was 20 minutes ago.

[member="Curupira Hawk"] | [member="Marek Starchaser"]
Wicked Witch of Schwartzweld
It was a good thing she pulled coat off the racks on her way out, Curupira realized as she felt the winds. Ryloth still fascinated her, all cities built inside the mountains and yet it still felt like she was outside.

Once Ket had opened the cargo doors, she followed after him up to the Weapons/Tech Compartment and removed her coat first before taking the seat closest to the cockpit while her mate commented on his apprentice being late. "Usually how it goes..."

[member="Ket Van Derveld"] | [member="Marek Starchaser"]

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
Finding one’s way on Ryloth was tricky enough, finding it when under a feeling of needing to be punctual? That caused more problems than it was seemingly worth. He had to make it out to the Dark Tide and back to where the Deceased Star was. Right turn, left turn, right turn… Wait, not that way. Finally getting to his ship, Marek basically took the whole wall of weapons down. His blaster rifle, pair of slugthrowing pistols and lightsaber were pulled from the wall, and he grabbed one of his 72-hour bags. Full of MREs and ammunition. Enough to bug out and survive should the worst occur.

Now it was time to make it back. Checking his wrist chrono, the Sith hopeful cursed at himself as he rounded the corner to the docking port. Looking up to the ship that was warming up, he shook his head. Way to go, Starchaser.

[member="Ket Van Derveld"] [member="Curupira Hawk"]

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