Hades Michae
The Yellow King
He’d never been to Bastion. In all honesty, he hadn’t been a lot of places besides Nar Shaddaa and Coruscant. Business hadn’t required him to fly off to exotic locales or rub elbows with the elite. In fact it often didn’t require him to be there in person whatsoever. The nature of his business had always required secrecy and letting those with less skill do the dirty work. So far it’d been working out pretty well. But the nature of his game was evolving in ways he hadn’t expected. Players bigger than he’d imagined needed the things he and his partners could provide and now that he knew what he could offer? Secrecy still trumped all, but he had his eyes on much larger prizes.
If pressed he’d be stumped on how to answer ‘why’? The money mattered only so far as what it could buy him to satisfy the urge for a fix. The power was meaningless to him – he was just going to die one day, and power wouldn’t matter to him wherever he went, wouldn’t matter to the husk of a corpse he left behind. At the end of the day, maybe building a good buzz was just better in a nice room, the kind of place he could have now, than in a cardboard box on Nar Shaddaa. He was less likely to get interrupted there.
He was standing on a balcony outside one of the huge fortresses that seemed to compose the world. He’d been told to wait here, that he’d be retrieved when it was time. Most of the meet-up’s he’d been too were far less formal than this and that he didn’t know how to act that part was obvious – not that he cared. A cigarette, half-smoked and no filter to speak of, sat between stained fingers as he lifted it to his mouth and took a deep drag. He closed his eyes, let it sit in ruined lungs, and exhaled as his lids fluttered open to watch the smoke curl away and up in to the Bastion skyline.
The edge of the balcony wavered, bending downwards and away from Hades as if it might slope to send him careening towards the ground far, far below. He heard someone come up behind him, inform him that he was to be seen, but instead he just pointed towards the anomaly. “You see that?”
The guard raised an eyebrow and looked slightly disconcerted before shaking his head that he did not, in fact, see the strange happening. Hades shrugged and flicked the butt of his cigarette over the side of the balcony before following the man inside.
If pressed he’d be stumped on how to answer ‘why’? The money mattered only so far as what it could buy him to satisfy the urge for a fix. The power was meaningless to him – he was just going to die one day, and power wouldn’t matter to him wherever he went, wouldn’t matter to the husk of a corpse he left behind. At the end of the day, maybe building a good buzz was just better in a nice room, the kind of place he could have now, than in a cardboard box on Nar Shaddaa. He was less likely to get interrupted there.
He was standing on a balcony outside one of the huge fortresses that seemed to compose the world. He’d been told to wait here, that he’d be retrieved when it was time. Most of the meet-up’s he’d been too were far less formal than this and that he didn’t know how to act that part was obvious – not that he cared. A cigarette, half-smoked and no filter to speak of, sat between stained fingers as he lifted it to his mouth and took a deep drag. He closed his eyes, let it sit in ruined lungs, and exhaled as his lids fluttered open to watch the smoke curl away and up in to the Bastion skyline.
The edge of the balcony wavered, bending downwards and away from Hades as if it might slope to send him careening towards the ground far, far below. He heard someone come up behind him, inform him that he was to be seen, but instead he just pointed towards the anomaly. “You see that?”
The guard raised an eyebrow and looked slightly disconcerted before shaking his head that he did not, in fact, see the strange happening. Hades shrugged and flicked the butt of his cigarette over the side of the balcony before following the man inside.
[member="Anja Aj'Rou"]