Killer droid
Character Description:
Name: BX-1138
Faction: None as of yet.
Rank: Captain
Model: BX-series Commando Droid
Age: 846
Gender: Masculine Programming
Height: 1.91 meters
Mass: 85 kilograms
Sensor Color: White
Plating Color: Grey, with white markings on his brow and chestplate.
Force Sensitive: No
[+] Enhanced Processors
[+] Advanced Targeting
[+] Programmed for stealth
[+/-] Light armor plating
[-] Vulnerable to ionic charges
[-] No understanding of the Force
Unit BX-1138, manufactured by Baktoid Combat Automata like the majority of BX-series commando droids, looked identical to all other commando droid captains; standing 1.91 meters tall with white, glowing sensors. Like every other commando droid captain, the grey-painted 1138 had white markings on his chestplate and brow to indicate his rank. His cranial unit wasn't elongated (like the B1s) and his body had a more humanoid shape, enabling him to disguise himself easily.
Biography: (WIP)
- 21.57 BBY: Olanet Factories - (E-5 Blaster Rifle + Captain rank)
Manufactured in one of the gigantic factories of Olanet by Baktoid Combat Automata, BX-1138 was just another commando unit programmed to fight the oppressive Galactic Republic, with limited independent thought and an undying loyalty to the Confederacy. He was the captain of Unit 121, a squad consisting of 18 BX-series droids. Soon they would be used as cannon fodder just like the billions of other droids—and clones.
- 21.6 BBY: Battle of Brentaal IV -
As the bloody Clone Wars raged on, in the early days of the Republic assault on Brentaal IV, Unit BX-1138 and his squad were deployed to sabotage Republic artillery positions, enabling the Separatist Droid Army and Brentaal resistance to conquer one of the numerous GAR outposts on the planet. Unit 121, under the command of BX-1138, successfully infiltrated the Republic outpost to place explosive ordnance on the GAR mortars. After slipping out without the clone troopers noticing, BX-1138 and his squad detonated the explosives from a safe distance, enabling a droid platoon to smash through the position. Unit 121 left the planet shortly thereafter.
- 21.34 BBY: Battle of Atraken -
One of the earliest fronts of the war, Atraken was as chaotic as warfare could get: the two sides were stuck on a what-seemed to be a perpetual stalemate. Neither the Republic nor the Confederacy were able to gain the upper hand in the conflict, and those who suffered most were the one million colonists on the world. Unit 121, led by BX-1138, sucessfully defended a Separatist outpost from a clone platoon, losing three squad members in the process. Captain BX-1138 wasn't shaken by this, but he wasn't completely indifferent to his comrades' deaths either. At the end of the battle, the squad made sure their fallen comrades' bodies weren't left to rust on the desolated land. Their remains were picked up and incinerated.
Unit 121 was later deployed on several reconnaissance missions, before being assigned to another planet months before the Republic ambushed nearly all Confederate bases in a violent offensive, resulting in 90% of the civilian population's deaths.
- 20.79 BBY: Battle of Jabiim -
Another bloody front in the nightmare that was the Clone Wars. The Galactic Republic had launched a massive offensive on the planet Jabiim, desperate to rescue its precious ores. The Confederacy acted quickly, sending hordes of battle droids to aid the Jabiimi rebels against the invading GAR forces. The fighting lasted weeks, months, with no results. Unit 121 was deployed in the inhospitable battlefields against clones and Jedi alike, targeting artillery pieces or key players in the Republic defense. Five squad members fell to the lightsaber of a Jedi Knight during the bloody battles that took place on the planet, while the rest of Unit 121 was barely surviving the conflict.
The Separatist forces finally managed to push the Republic back, at the cost of seven members of Unit 121. When the clone army ran back to Coruscant in their LAAT/i gunships, Unit 121, left with only eight commandos, was assigned to...
- 20.2 BBY: Battle of Duro -
A glorious battle for the Confederacy. Led by none other than the dreaded General Grievous, the Separatist forces smashed through the Republic defenses in a strategy devised by the Kaleesh military genius. BX-1138 and his squad were deployed among with several other commando droid squads to infiltrate and sabotage a Republic Golan I space platform. 1138 was determined not to lose another squad member, but two of his commandos perished in the ensuing battle on the planet's surface.
Unit 121 remained on the now-captured Core world until the Republic began the Outer Rim Sieges. He and his squad were relocated to Mygeeto, where they would remain until the end of the war.
- 19.7 BBY: Battle of Mygeeto -
The last front Unit 121, Mygeeto, much like Atraken, seemed to be stuck in a stalemate. The Confederacy kept advancing, and the Republic kept pushing them back with the aid of Jedi Master Ki-Adi-Mundi. During the first months of the battle, Unit 121 was stationed at a Separatist power generator, before being deployed on the battlefield to sabotage enemy turrets and engage clone troopers as the droid reinforcements started dwindling. Despite 1138's best efforts, Unit 121 suffered heavy losses in the ensuing conflict, losing six squad members and leaving the Unit with only two commandos: Captain BX-1138 and BX-41/1140. The two droids developed a close bond and acted as a sniper team, with one being the spotter and the other the shooter.
The BX-series commandos were en route to their next objective in an Armored Assault Tank when the droid deactivation signal was emitted from the CIS High Council. The vehicle sat there for over eight hundred years, shielding the droids from the inhospitable atmosphere of the Outer Rim world. The droids, or whatever remains of them, are still inside the frozen vehicle, waiting for someone to stumble across and free them...
E-5 Blaster Rifle
E-5s Sniper Rifle
Stun baton
V-1 Thermal Detonators
Mark IV Recon Droid
Confirmed Kills:
Bounties Collected:
Role Plays: