Droid Description
Name: BX-1335
Faction: The Confederacy of Independent Systems
Rank: Sergeant
Model: BX-series Commando Droid
Age: 848
Gender: Masculine Programming
Height: 1.91 Meters
Mass: 85 kilograms
Sensor Color: White
Plating Color: Charcoal
Force Sensitive: No
[+] Advanced Targeting Systems
[+] Programmed for advanced stealth
[+] Enhanced Processors
[+/-] Light Armor Plating
[-] Vulnerable to EMP/Ion attacks
[-] No understanding of the Force
Unit BX-1335, manufactured by Baktoid Combat Automata like the majority of BX-series commando droids, looked identical to all other commando droids; standing 1.91 meters tall with white, glowing sensors. The droid has "1335" painted on the right side of its cranial unit.
19 BBY, Battle of Mygeeto
The Confederacy was still continuing to advance as the Republic kept trying to push them back with Jedi Master Ki-Adi-Mundi at its core. The newly created BX commando was shipped out from a Baktoid Combat Automata towards the planet to fight on the Confederacy's side, making sure that victory was secured. The droid had been stationed near a command post on duty to watch over Confederacy high ranks as forces advanced. Unit 1335 had not seen any action in the time he was stationed there, yet there sounds of blaster fire in the distance. Soon later, Unit 1335 and a collection of other BX commando droids had gotten a new directive order to relocate at rendezvous point to stage another assault. On the way there, the final directive, the droid deactivation signal was emitted from the Confederacy High Council. Unit 1335 had fallen onto the ground along with several million other droids across the Outer Rim and other Systems. It's chassis wouldn't be touched for a while until junkers swept up the droid for scrap and credits.
256 ABY - Present, Tatooine
The BX commando droid was reawakened by an unknown splicer who happened to know their way around a command droid. He was aboard a sand crawler run by a multitude of handy Jawas who were trying to sell him for a few thousand credits. Unit 1335 was now free thinking and didn't have any orders to follow. The droid quickly found his way out of the sandcrawler and quickly found himself roaming the desert planet of Tatooine. As time went by he found himself on multiple different planets, trying to find the Confederacy of Independent Systems, as he previously was ordered to serve under them. He rather quickly found them and rejoined their ranks in the Confederate Army.