Sarge Potteiger
Emotional Damage
Mzeh, Fondor System
Moon 6 - Name Unknown.
"Hope for the best, prepare for the worst." - Unknown
If one wished to find an inhospitable world upon which to tread, one need look no further than the moons of gas giants. Remote, uninhabited, devoid of any significant form of life beyond the potential for microbes. Most systems had planets like these, and the moons were often large enough to have rudimentary atmosphere.The atmosphere wasn't the problem, however. It was what the atmosphere contained. No one had truly ever charted this moon beyond its existence, as a thick haze clung to the atmosphere lending it a reddish hue that obscured the surface.
When they'd gotten below that cover on their dropship, though, he was surprised to find a satellite of ice. The atmosphere registered as a supremely unhealthy mix of methane, ethane and enough nitrogen that it hung in great banks of what could only be termed smog.
There was wind, rain, rivers and lakes. All bodies of water were liquid methane, a curious planetary evolution for lack of a better phrase, but one with which he could work.
It was, in Sarge's eyes, perfect.
No one visited this world, or this moon. No one could even scan the surface. There was absolutely no reason for anyone to be here, and so it would provide the perfect backdrop for a massive undertaking - a fortress. A fortress for his soldiers.
A fortress where they would be free to launch their campaign against the Dark Side of the Force and the Yuuzhan Vong. The M47s swooped in low across the surface, scanning the environment to get a read on geological features and provide a cursory map.
The one they had from surveys many centuries ago were woefully outdated and singularly unhelpful. They wouldn't have long once they left the dropship, but there was a frigate in orbit where they could return to to replenish their air supplies.
Peering through the cockpit viewport, he looked down at the rapidly forming map and pointed to a massive mountain some distance away. "Here." He instructs the pilot, massive armored finger jabbing down onto the readout. "Now." The pilots nodded, knowing better than to speak right now.
Where once a genial if intense man had been, there was now an uncompromising bulwark of faith in the Force. That the Dark would not grow. That there was something far larger at play than even their two sides of the conflict. There was a higher being, somewhere. It helped, however, that the Vong were fanatical in their devotion to their gods. The best way to counter fanaticism was with fanaticism.
At that point it was simply a matter of being better funded, better prepared and better equipped than your opponent. Of that, he had no doubt he would emerge on top. As the Illria bucked against a furious crosswind, the great spire came into view, icy peak jutting towards the sky from a landscape dominated by frozen seas.
"Set her down at the foot. I want to get a read on the stability of the area." He turned, hunched frame stepping back the dropship, soldiers in their carapace armor sitting rigid with eyes forward as they waited for landing. Perfect soldiers, the lot of them. For all appearances, they were machines, devoid of personality.
He knew better. They just had a switch that was flipped when on an operation, and he'd have it no other way. "Sergeant Hastings." His mechanical voice booms. The soldier to his immediate right lifted his head, orange lenses looking up at the Knight of Grey. "Prepare the survey equipment."
"Aye, sah." He says in a gruff Corellian accent, a lingering remnant of his conditioning and sleep-training. "You have one hour to get this right." The dropships engines screamed as it arrested its own forward momentum, slowly to a stop as landing struts extended from its bulk to lower it onto the ice surface.
And so it began.