Coci Heavenshield
Dawnguard Grand Master
“Naturally, this plant had to be red”, she told the surrounding plants and gritted her teeth pulling on the plant with all her might. It was stubborn, a parasitic plant living off the fern with its ‘teeth’ firmly embedded. It is the Dreamul’er plant with properties to heal lightsabre injuries and naturally would be very beneficial. An exclamation of pain came from her mouth, and she rang her hands which now had small barbs prickling her skin, so fine you could hardly see them but could feel them well enough. How ironic that this planet gives injury as well as remove it.
Coci is no botanist, but determined that if she was to acquire this sample, it would have do come fern and all. She stood back and instructed the droids to get to work removing it before they would pot it and transport the fern back to her ship. The droids had also acquired soil and water samples to be analysed so the transfer of this planet would meet with success. This planet, in unknown territory, oceanic and tropical, and the heat most enjoyable to her after Midvinter, it was nice to be warm again, but even still she looked forward to going home to be with her family once more. The greenhouse at Eirin’s Reach would be climate controlled and ready for the new arrival under its roof.
She moved out of the way so the droids would work, stood under one of the larger fern fröns trying to pick out the hair like barbs from her fingers when her attention drew to the skies. The sound of ship engines rumbled in the distance and grew louder as they headed her way. A small squadron of fighters flew over them, low to the ground to the point Coci could feel the wind in their wake and disturbed the canopy of the treetops.
Once the droid were done, it was time to get back to the ship, they had not gone far before the next fighter squadron passed. “Get the ship ready for departure please”, she ordered the droid, the sooner the better. Her brow furrowing and she watched the fighters disappear from sight over the horizon.
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