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Approved Tech Cæmel Dragons Cigarettes

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Image Source: minimally photoshopped by myself to sponsor the Dragon Palace logo instead of theirs.
Intent: Expensive cigarettes for all to smoke. Especially directed at the visitors of The Dragon Palace.
Development Thread: None
Manufacturer: Outsourced, ordered by The Dragon Palace.
Model: Cæmel Dragons, No9.
Affiliation: Open Market
Modularity: No
Production: Mass-Produced
Material: Over 4000 different chemicals and toxins all in a little fancy rolled up in fancy paper. Packaged in a metal and leather container. This includes tobacco, carbon monxide, nicotine, tar, arsenic, ammonia, hydrogen cyanide, cyanide, acetone, butane, DDT, formaldehyde, sulfuric acid, cadmium, freon, geranic acid, methoprene, maltitol and a lot more very scary sounding chemicals. With this comes standard taste enhancers and provokers combined with a strange toxin that changes the color of the smoke.

Oh, but do not fear my friend! It got a high quality filter as well.

The newest product from Cæmel is a special and limited design made for The Dragon Palace, the hottest of all entertainment locations on the sparkling planet of Antecedant. Sold only there and in few select specialized shops across the galaxy.

To accommodate the luxurious nature of the Dragon Palace these cigarettes come in a very neat and wonderful case fitting most standard pockets! It is accompanied by 22 tall and thin cigarettes ready for being lit. Every pack comes with a main ingredient or taste, the most common being menthe with cyan smoke. A feature of the Dragon Palace ciragettes to match the party atmosphere of the wonderous place.

Examples of available packs include:
- Menthe, Cyan smoke
- Strawberry, Rose smoke.
- Orange, Orange smoke (obviously).
- Bubblegum, bright pink smoke.
- Grape, purple smoke.
- Spicy, blue smoke. (tastes... Very bad)
- Without flavor, white smoke.
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