Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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C-02, The Banished Metal Lord


NAME: C-02, The Banished Lord

FACTION: Ex-Metal Lords

RANK: Banished

SPECIES: Droid (Sith Training Droid)

AGE: 18 (Years active for)

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 1.7 metres

WEIGHT: 73 kg

EYES: Yellow

HAIR: None

SKIN: Durasteel frame



STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+ Slicer: C-02 is an excellent slicer, capable of slicing into other droids to turn them and use them for it's own devices.

+ Holographic: C-02 has the ability to disguise using a holographic projector built into him, like most Sith Training droids.

+ Tactical: C-02 has a tactical and manipulative mindset, observing foes from a distance and figuring out ways to bring them down.

- Ionic: As with most droids, C-02 is weak against ionic blasters and similar attacks.

- Low Resources: Having been banished, C-02 has low amount resources to combat the Metal Lords and other threats.

- Extremist: C-02 is willing to go through high and dangerous lengths to get what is believed to be needed done.

A droid with a skeletal frame, C-02 looks like a walking metal skeleton with yellow glowing eyes. Made of durasteel with red markings across black-shaded metal. He dons many holographic, but his most common is a weak looking mercenary with a beard.

C-02 was found and activated in derelict space station, among an asteroid field. Besides having been deactivated for many years, the droid looked to be in good conditioning. It was activated by the Metal Lords, and became known as Lord Cloaked, for his ability to cast holographic projections. He became renowned among them for a smart, tactical mindset among physically powerful droids.

After the Metal Lords left Mechanus, C-02 went a scouting mission. On this mission, it came across a merchant ship. Requesting to board, it saw that there were droids aboard, being mistreated. It boiled C-02 over the edge, and it saw the organics killed. This act was not in the Metal Lords favor, and the droid was banished.

But before the inevitable banishment, the droid raided a Metal Lord factory, stealing a small army's worth of different Metal Lord droids, then fled Metal Lord territory with it's ship and some War Galley's. From this point on, C-02 referred to itself as the Banished Lord.

SHIP: A damaged Tome'tayl





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