Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Marshal, Journeyman Protector


Keldabe, Mandalore​

Objective I - The Meeting of Minds and Might. Those who wish to contribute to the decision of the next Sole Ruler are meeting in the Town Hall.

Objective II - The Street Feast. Eat and drink and be merry. Entertainments abound, music, theatre, performers, and more. Find a seat or dance the day away. Mix with Mandalorians and Witches alike in a huge festival.

Objective III - Freerole. Avoid the crowds and the parties. Be an edgy loner. Plan a secret rendezvous with your crush away from the masses. Hunt beasts in the wastelands outside Keldabe. Or drink alone on a rock somewhere muttering about stories of the past. Write your own story.

Bonus Objective -
The George RR Martin award. - Provide the most outlandish and excessive description of enjoying a meal.


Objective : 1

No sooner had the sun begun to rise over the eastern horizon, but the town of Keldabe went into a hive of activity. Today was a very special day, the festival of the Carnea was coming to town. For the city's merchants, taverners, restaraunteurs, and salespeople, it was going to prove the most potential profitable day of the year. Local family eateries put out extra bench tables, while the larger places, all the way up to Oyubaat, took over the streets with decorations, and expanded outside areas to accommodate the flood of Mando'ade who would come to Keldabe this day.

Carnea meant many things to many vode, for the people of Keldabe, their event would be dedicated to unification, what made Mandalorians one, and be celebrated with drinking and feasting. Invitations had been sent to all the Clans, and to all the settlements across Manda'yaim. Additionally as part of the invitation to Clan Rekali, the Witches of Dathomir, friends and allies of the Mandalorian Protectors, were invited to participate and attend.

Music began to play, as the morning went on, and the first arrivals began to filter in from distant lands. Old Keldabe, where Oyu'baat stood, retained its rustic and frontier appearance, with the largest building being the MandalMotors Tower, which stood between Old Keldabe and the industrialized and built up cityscape of New Keldabe. These were colloquial rather than official terms, to outsiders, it was all just Keldabe.

Entertainers and buskers came out onto the streets, to perform their arts, and thrill and amuse the visitors. Oyu'baat became the centre of the celebration, with a wide courtyard outside provided to expand the number of patrons it could cater to, with stages for bands to perform along with local theatre companies. Large holoprojectors were set up, to provide live coverage of relevant galactic sporting events.

Not far from Oyu'baat's party zone was Keldabe's Town Hall, which was built much like a cathedral, with a large high ceilinged hall with decorative stained glass windows. Normally given over to the business of administering the city, today it was set up for a feast. Invited to attend the private function were the elders, Alors, and those who would speak to the candidacy of Mand'alor, or to stand themselves as Sole Ruler. Here the decisions would be made, for the good of all.

It quickly became known that the Journeyman Protectors would buy food and drink for any who asked, and that brought out all the less fortunate onto the streets to enjoy the day. This swelled the crowds, and also brought a measure of inclusiveness and gratitude to the mix. Today was a day for everyone to partake in and celebrate being Mando'ad. It was not meet that any be excluded on account of their economic status. It also made the Journeyman Protectors very welcome wherever they went, making the crowds well behaved. When questioned about the invitation of and presence of the Witches, the JP patiently explained the sins committed against Mando'ade were not the part of the Dathomiri, who had long been friends of the Mandalorians.

In the streets, though the larger crowds weren't expected until mid day, there was additional security at most of the larger establishments. Journeyman Protectors patrolled the streets in pairs or fours. The gold helmets of the Hammerers could be seen here and there, as they walked alone, providing direction and aid where necessary, providing welcome where they could. The mood was jubilant, Keldabe got little enough chances to celebrate masses of visitors. This would be a party for the ages, if the locals had any say in the matter.

Arla and many others from Clan Rodarch began to arrive about an hour before midday, for when many of the feasts were scheduled to begin. She made her way to the Town Hall, where she would stand as a candidate to lead. She did not know quite what to expect, but she would try to enjoy the food, which she'd heard would be super. She did intent to avoid drinking too heavily, but that sometimes didn't work out.


Marek Rekali Marek Rekali Brooke Waters Brooke Waters Mig Gred Mig Gred Ordo Ordo Shev Skirata Shev Skirata Tarre Priest Tarre Priest Drego Ruus Drego Ruus Baal Varad Baal Varad Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze Raona Cadera Raona Cadera @Kenji Saizin Exton Stole Preliat Mantis Preliat Mantis @Gi'Yarr Shale Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol

Mandalore. They were definitely a whole other thing. She was debating changing out her armor from songsteel, to something like beskar, but she knew that it was a sacred material to the Mandalorians. She may have had a lightsaber, but she was at one point, a Jedi Padawan and built the weapon with her own kyber crystal. Currently, she was at Keldabe as a representative from the Blue Coral Divers, much to her dismay as she missed the larger galaxy, but she was more than willing to do her duty.

And the fact that Clan Rekali was welcoming witches, even if the Clans of Dathomir and the Rekali Witches saw things on different levels. She was here for the streetfair, to be seen and to show that the Witches and Mandalorians were not at odds. She came dressed in the blue robes adorned with shells, bone, and corals, that was her clan’s appearance. Flanked by two younger Witch Initiates, and meeting up with members of Clan Rekali, she had a few hours before they were going to be here.

Seeing the stalls all set up, she was excited. The feel of the beings here, the call of voices. It was clear that Mandalore was on the crux of a change here. She saw some still armored, but others were just making their way as they were. Brook did not dare bring her armor here, it was for her benefit to not give away her bounty hunter persona, or the persona she’d need if she as striking at Mandalorians.

If they stepped out of line.

“Lady Waters.”
Said a green armored Rekali, his helmet off, demonstrating brown eyes and pale skin. “We would like to welcome you and yours to Keldabe.” He offered a bow of sorts and she followed with a curtsy.

“We are grateful that the Mandalorians are including the Witches in the debates, a strong leader does help both of our people.”
She motioned to the two behind her. "These initiates are hoping to learn more of your people to report to ours, to better solidify relations."

Objective II

While Leddie did have whoever would be the next Mand'alor in the back of her mind. It was something she'd leave to her dad. No. The Zabrak wanted to explore and see what was around. She was quick to grab a snack and start walking around. He friends were doing various things, so she was just taking in Mandalore. It might've been odd to think about a Mandalorian never really seeing the world until this even kicked off earlier, but.... Well she was crossing it off the list over this whole event for sure.

Still, she'd walk quickly through the crowds hoping to find some more fun in the place. She looked at all the building, which was different from the starships, slapdash, and ag buildings she was use to. Sandstone structures that to her at least were something to see.

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