Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Location: Ziost
Reclamation services were an in things she had found going over some of the ideas with the others. They could explore ruins and bring back a lot of things, then with the right connections sell them to museums that would display them or if they happened upon something dangerous it could be kept safe. It allowed the jedi master a chance to really get in there and explore the worlds while most of her attention was going over the different pieces of equipment she could work with. The speeders to get from the ship were one such things while they had mechanical droids set to scan and search. She was going over ideas to better improve the performance of the speeder.
Reclamation services were an in things she had found going over some of the ideas with the others. They could explore ruins and bring back a lot of things, then with the right connections sell them to museums that would display them or if they happened upon something dangerous it could be kept safe. It allowed the jedi master a chance to really get in there and explore the worlds while most of her attention was going over the different pieces of equipment she could work with. The speeders to get from the ship were one such things while they had mechanical droids set to scan and search. She was going over ideas to better improve the performance of the speeder.