Invasion: Cleansing Fire | Jedha
Invasion: Woken Furies | Nirauan
Faction: Unearthing Horror
Faction: Proving Grounds | New Sith Order
The Second Great Hyperspace War continues to rage violently as the Brotherhood of the Maw return to Chiss Space after fearsome strikes on the Galactic Alliance protected world of Jedha and the New Imperial fortress world of Nirauan. The Dark Crusade continues to build momentum, yet rising tensions and numerous losses in manpower have proven to become a concern to the Heathen Priesthood and their Dark Voice. The Dark Lord of the Sith and Voice of the Maw, Darth Solipsis , recognizes the growing power of the New Sith Order their affiliates in the Church of the Dark Side and the Neo-Imperial Final Dawn has sparked tension with the tribal fiefdoms of the warlords, the pirate clans, and the numerous dark cults such as the Sorcerers of Rhand and the Knights of Ren whom would see this new breed of Sith perish alongside the old order.
As the single largest conglomerate of adherents to the Dark Side of the Force, and the largest collection of powerful Sith in the galaxy it is easy to lose sight of their mission and plunge into civil war. A folly that all who before them had succumbed to, yet the Dark Voice in all his wisdom has devised a strategy to mend the growing divide and help repurpose the numerous marauder hordes into a collective body. With each world they collect more and more slave-soldiers, create new workers or strandcasts, even recruit among the galaxy’s strongest. If they are to come out on top of the Great War they must be able to fight as one, and not divided as they had been.
The answer had always been in front of them, structure, purpose. The answer was inspired from the past, the present, the Krath.
The Dark Lords of the Sith, Darth Solipsis and Halketh , called for the former Queen of Empress Teta Dyans Keto after a number of trials for members of the New Sith Order was staged. In the depths of the Sith Citadel on Exegol, they restructured the Maw’s war bands and presented their decision to the Warlords who ruled the realm. Each fiefdom would supply troops to the Maw Holy Crusade, each would retain their place in their fiefdom and represent their masters in the Great War but united under one banner indivisible and the universal belief in the galaxy to come. The forces of the Hidden Maw all shared the vision of the Dark Voice and the belief in the destruction of the galaxy so a new dawn can rise, it was time to commit to the idea and make it a reality. It was time to bring an end to it all.
While many were initially apprehensive it was agreed upon unanimously by the many warlords after Zachariel Steelblood revealed the ultra-modernization of the Bloodsworn military forces already under way. Not wishing to be left behind or fall prey to the once again rising power of the throne of Osseriton, the ranks of the Mawite horde fell in line with the vision of Dyans Keto who began the official organization of the Maw Holy Crusaders as her ancestors once organized the Krath Holy Crusade.
The time has come. The innumerable horde gathers over the now occupied Chiss Expeditionary Defense Force depot on Kinoss where the head of the modern incarnation of the Krath Cult Dyans Keto organizes a rally of the Holy Crusaders, preparing them for their next strike against the Core Worlds, the Outer Rim, and the Tingel Arm where they would strike next against the Ashlans in their cradle of power.
Rally alongside your brethren, prepare for war.
Divide the spoils of Chiss Space, plot alongside the mighty Warlords.
Stand beside Dyans Keto and inspire the horde.
There has been sightings of surviving CEDF ground forces in the northern tundra, Politorate intel from the FINAL DAWN suggests an underground base still exists that has yet to be discovered and may rest in this vicinity. If this is true, then the Chiss rebels must be rooted out and ‘rejoined with the rest of their kind’. All biological material must be collected for continued development of the highly sensitive and successful Electra series Chiss Strandcasts. Expect a siege, air defenses and ground forces held up by snow fortifications, it didn’t work on Csilla it won’t work here!
Hoth style battle for CEDF hidden redoubt, root out the last of the Chiss on Kinoss.
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