Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Work In Progress C1

  • Intent: (Example: 'A personal weapon for Darth Scabious' or 'an advanced armored personnel carrier for the Republic')
  • Image Source: (Please link to where you found the image, or to the original artist if possible. TinEye or Google Image Search can help.)
  • Canon Link: (Please link the canon link if applicable canon item.)
  • Permissions: (Please link any Marketplace purchase approvals or other permissions to use other Writer's submissions as part of the submission)
  • Primary Source: Force Drain / Memory Walk
  • Manufacturer: (Kuat Drive Yards, BlasTech Industries, [Character Name], etc. Please ensure you link these accordingly.)
  • Affiliation: (Individual Character Name (an individual PC/NPC who is permitted to use this item), Company Name(s) (Companies authorised to use this submission), Faction Name(s) (Factions authorised to use this submission), other potential options include a submitted NPC unit, or another general organisation/group.)
  • Market Status: (Closed-Market (Any character can use this if they have explicit permission through, for example, a marketplace purchase), Open-Market (May be used by any character without permission from the Manufacturer))
  • Model: (Example: E-11 Blaster Rifle. For submissions where a model wouldn't be appropriate, such as a custom walking stick, put 'N/A' for 'Not Applicable'.)
  • Modularity: (Can components of this submission be swapped out for other components? Is it especially easy to modify? For most submissions, put 'No'.)
  • Production: Unique
  • Material: Synthetic carbon-based elements, The Dark Side
  • Force Drain: When added to a lightsbaer, the crystal allows the wielder to drain the life Force energy from anther, and absorbing it into herself; thus, also strengthening her connection to the Dark Side.
  • Mental Assault: When the lightsaber is powered up, the aligned crystal connects to Darth Moskvin mentally, and attacks whatever her focus is on. The attack can result from dark and horrifying illusions to mental disruptions to the target's mind and equilibrium.
  • ...Some Would Call Unnatural: With the crystal being synthetic based, the blade is hotter and thinner than tradition blades. The hotter aspect allows the blade to cut through most materials faster and has a stronger effect on those materials resistant to lightsaber blades. The thinner aspect allows the blade to move more swiftly allowing for quicker strikes and defensive maneuvers.
  • Instability: Because the crystal is synthetic, it's unstable. Due to the unstableness of the crystal, the blade could have a tendency flash off and on during use.
  • Weak and Frail: The crystal, being created unnaturally, is not as sturdy like natural formed crystals. It has the possibility of shattering or cracking without warning, essentially shutting down the lightsaber all together.

The Vampire Crystal, the name given to it by Darth Moskvin, was created by her in a Labatory, as most synthetic crystals tend to be. Through hard work and a stern focus she was able to create the crystal, but the hard work still lied ahead. Once the crystal was built, she needed to align it to herself and add special features to it, solidifying her ownership over the carbon-based object. She studied the various spells, tomes, texts, and tested her own Force abilities to unlock what best suited her settling on Force Drain and Memory Walk.

Using her knowledge of Sith Alchemy and the Dark Arts, she was able to manipulate the two Force abilities into a combination to add into the Vampire Crystal. The results were satisfying mostly, as only one of the two abilities took on the total aspect of the ability: Force Drain. The other ability Memory Walk partially worked but well enough to produce satisfactory results for the witch.

When the crystal was done and complete, it produced an eerie silvery color with plums of swirling smoke inside. She knew once added to her furutre hilts, her lightsaber blade would be silver.
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