C3-G8 "Gate"
NAME: C3-G8 "Gate"
RANK: None
AGE: N/A official production date estimated at 15BBY
SEX: N/A Has male personality
HEIGHT: 5' 5
WEIGHT 270lbs
EYES: Right eye has range finger addition, left eye is normal sensor for droid
SKIN: Gold alloy
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+Perfect memory, he's a droid he doesn't forget
+Doesn't need atmosphere to operate
+immune to poisons and drugs
-Has weakness to ion weapons and electricity in general
-Non-living, has lack of compassion.
-Slow to adapt, lacks intuitive nature that living things have, can adapt given time to work out the problem and alter his programming.
G8 is a highly modified protocol droid. His right eye has been upgraded with a standard targeting device to help with accuracy. He carries a standard blaster rifle. Has a blaster pistol in a holster bolted onto his left leg. Has modified wrist rocket launcher and flame thrower appendage.
Has 'Aliit ori'shya tal'din'( family is more than blood) engraved on his left side of his chest plate
G8 or Gate as he will often allow himself to be called was salvaged by a junk dealer on Dantooine who refurbished him and reprogrammed him for salvage operations. Not long after he was lost in a card game to a Mandolorian bounty hunter, who further modified the droid to be a personal pilot and back-up for jobs. He was taught about Mandolorian culture and life from the bounty hunter. He was given more ability to alter his programming ot become a better hunter to help with jobs. After a few years as partners, the hunter began to consider G8 his brother and began refering to him as he would any other Mandolorian. G8 saw his brother die during a bad job and he was left to his own devices. He is still a bounty hunter in every regard, and still considers himself to be a Mandolorian.
http://starwarsrp.net/topic/3568-e-25-starfighter/ ( civilian variant)