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Cabur Aranar

Atlas Kane

Cabur Aranar
Age: 27
Sex: Male
Height: 2,5 m
Weight: 150 kg
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Dark-Blond
Skin: Light
Force Sensitive: No
Species: Valkyri
Full Name: Cabur Aranar
Faction: Mando'ade
Rank: Explorer
Homeworld: Mandalore
Alignment: Neutral Good
Mother: -------------------
Father: ------------------
Siblings: None known
He's a fairly easy going, curious young guy who likes to find unexplored places a take things apart only to then put them back together. He may be a bit eccentric, but he's a good guy, trying to do the right thing.
Strengths & Weaknesses:
+ Inventive
+ Mandalorian
+ Curious
- Too Curious
- Large Target
- Str over Dex

Being Valkyri, Cabur and his parents lived on Midvinter. His parents were what people would nowadays call scientists, focusing on many different aspects of earth and sky. They researched many things, like the lights that would ever so often pass by in the sky, the appearance of strange meteorites, people with magical technology and so on. Those things fascinated them, especially once they found out that they weren't alone in the galaxy. Because one day, a research team landed on the planet. It was one of the Republic's exploration teams. They were sent here to investigate how advanced the planet's civilization is and what they were like. The team landed not even a mile away from the small house Cabur and his family had lived in. Cabur was outside when they landed, so he went out to find out who those curious people walking out of a flying chunk of metal were. Once the young Cabur arrived at the landing site there were a couple soldiers setting up camp as well as defensive positions, while the scientists and explorers set up their camps and prepared to start their research. He was fascinated by all of the different things and though the soldiers didn't appreciate that there was a young seven year old running around the camp looking at all of the different things, the scientists liked the change of pace the little Valkyri brought and they taught the young Cabur about their equipment and language.​

Once it was dusk however Cabur returned to his home. There his parents asked about his day, since, as oblivious to the real world as they were, they didn't notice the large freighter land near them because of their studies. He told them about everything he had experienced that day, which caused the parents to want to see everything for themselves, and the next morning they did. They went with Cabur to the camp the Republic team set up, where the scientists were glad to talk with the Valkyri about various scientific topics like stars, their technology, the galaxy and more, while Cabur spent more time with the soldiers, who were starting to warm up to the little goofball of excitement. They were walking around the perimeters of the camp and talking about all the different wonders the galaxy had to offer. Cabur was fascinated by all of their stories and wanted to go with the soldiers to explore the galaxy and see the things they were telling him about for himself. Of course they told him about a romanticised version of the galaxy and left out all of the wars and atrocities that were happening everywhere in the galaxy on a daily basis.

Cabur's parents were just as fascinated as he was and decided that they wanted to come with the research Team once it was time for them to leave. The research team was quite open to the idea, since they thought of it as a "trade of knowledge" with them getting to experience and study Valkyri culture while giving the Valkyri a chance to experience their culture and society in return. And so Cabur and his family packed their things and left the planet with the research team. They were on the ship for a couple of days, when they were attacked by what seemed to be Sith Empire Forces. However, during the fighting it was revealed that the "Sith" were not actually Sith, but pirates that had been terrorising the sector. The Republic troops fought valiantly, but they were no match for the superior numbers of the Pirates and after many deaths, the battle was lost. Everyone Republic combatant either fell in battle, was executed or joined the pirate crew and the civilians were taken as slaves, including Cabur and his family. The young Cabur was taken by the Captain himself as a sort of servant, having to do all his dirty work that he thought was beneath him.

his continued for a while until the Pirates, overconfident because of their lucky streak of raids, decided to attack a Mandalorian vessel. They started their assault and everything seemed to be going fine. The ship didn't offer much resistance and was boarded pretty quickly, though once on board the Mandalorians fought unlike anything the Pirates had ever seen. Within minutes the Pirates lost over half of their men while the Mandalorians didn't even suffer a single casualty. After a short yet bloody battle the Pirates were defeated and Cabur was amongst the few survivors on the Pirate vessel. The Mandalorians, being honourable men and women, decided to adopt the young boy and raise him as one of their own. So they taught him everything about the Mandalorians, about their culture, their language, their fighting styles, their religion, their society, everything. He learned quickly and became a rather fine warrior, finding his forte in melee combat. Everything from the Beskad, to staffs, to knives he wielded like a natural. Though when it came to ranged weapons he was not so lucky with his talent. He was an average shot with the blaster and was awful when it came to anything larger than that, except for sniper rifles and other semi-automatic or long range blasters, those were not as hard to shoot with for him, provided he was given enough time to set up his shot.

He lived happily with his new Mandalorian family for a while, until one day a couple of them moved out for a bounty. They didn't return for a while, which wasn't too unusual, but what worried Cabur and the remaining clan was the fact that they didn't respond to any of the holo-messages sent their way. Soon it was clear that something had to have gone wrong and a couple of the Clan members were about to launch a search party, when the ship the hunters had used returned. The ship, however, was empty. There were no signs of life and no indication of what had transpired, aside from the broken helmets of those who had went missing. The Clan took this for a challenge, someone had killed their kin and was now so brash as to send them an insult. An action such as this would not go unanswered. This, of course, infuriated Cabur and like many from his Clan, he wanted to get revenge immediately, but his adoptive mother told him not to go yet, other warriors that were more capable and trained should take up the hunt for whoever did this. He should instead stay with the Clan and keep training until his skills matched those of the other warriors, for he was still not a true Mandalorian. The other hunters would surely be able to find whoever committed such a crime and bring them to justce
And so Cabur trains and trains always striving to become better and better so that one day he would get his revenge for the things that were done to his clan.​

Atlas Kane


Clan Aranar:

Aliit'Buir: Ragnar Aranar (NPC)

Clan Aranar is a fairly young clan that only came to the attention of the galaxy not too long ago. They are mostly a clan of nomadic people to whom family is everything. Most of them act in smaller groups, which go out to do various tasks like bounty hunts, escort missions, or other types of mercenary work. While those packs are out on the hunt, the others stay behind and train the young Mando'ade in the ways of the Mandalorians. When it comes to fighting the clan mostly prefers close quarters combat and melee fighting, which began to become a trend thanks to the many pirate hideouts, ships and bases they had to take out for many different employers and a sniper rifle won't do you much good in a tight, claustrophobic corridor. Their training regime is rigorous and includes training with many different types of melee weapons like staffs, blades, fists, knives as well as more exotic weapons, such as whips or lightsabres, in the case that one of their kin is force sensitive. While they do mostly focus on melee, they still train with ranged weapons just as much, for what use is a sword to a warrior when his foe can shoot him from half a mile away? The Clan's members are rather well versed in close quarters Shock & Awe combat tactics, though they are less proficient at employing more range-focused tactics for a longer engagement, though there are some who focus on those kinds of things. Those are usually less common amongst the clan, as they find themselves at a disadvantage when fighting on a boarded ship or space station, but they are invaluable when battle takes place in an open field.

ver since the clan accepted a Bounty for some aristocrat however, a streak of bad luck seems to have struck them. The hunters that had accepted the Bounty and went out to collect it went missing and only their broken helmets were found when their ship returned without them. The Clan took this as a personal insult and efforts are now being led to find whoever did this. When others started to go missing as well, the Clan started to become truly worried and many stopped accepting contracts in favour of trying to find the one responsible.

Now the Clan is out for revenge and they are getting better and better everyday, until one day they can find and kill the one responsible for the disappearance of so many of their clan members.


  • Close Quarter Combat
  • Melee Combat
  • Shock & Awe
  • Hit & Run
  • [member="Cabur Aranar"]
  • [member="Guthrum Aranar"]

Atlas Kane

@[member="Kable Detta"] Vor'e!

@[member="Vanessa Nacht Seele"] Mandos are best!

@[member="Ordo"] <3

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