Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Manufacturer: Clan Kryze
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Limited
Weight: Average

  • Integrated Comms: Each helmet comes equipped with a small antenna on each side, allowing for reliable long-range communications - even in particularly adverse conditions.
  • HUD: Somewhat austere by modern standards, if by design. The warriors of Clan Kryze do not shun technology, but they certainly believe that assisted aim and the like serve only as a crutch; as a result, only the bare necessities are integrated within, such as the medical status of the wearer as well as a nightvision system.
  • Macrobinoculars: With a powerful (and adjustable!) zoom and a straightforward design, this simple accessory greatly enhances the scouting ability of its users.
  • Left vambrace: Personal combat shield
  • Right vambrace: Wrist vibroblade

  • Mobility: Conservative use of armor plating affords a great deal of mobility for the armor's wearer. Combined with the form-fitting undersuit, the breadth of movement is remarkable for its weight class.
  • Armor Class: Although no proper suit of beskar'gam, the protection afforded to its wear is fairly polyvalent - and, in some cases, better at absorbing impact-based damage. An enemy armed with weaponry specifically designed to take down a Mandalorian will thus be surprised by the different resistences of these auxiliaries.
  • Relatively Exposed: The mobility and range of motion afforded to the user comes at a price; the sparse armor coverage leaves the wearer vulnerable to aimed strikes in melee or at range. Then again, old soldiers say that the best armor is not being shot at all.
  • Small Production: None of the assembly process is automated. Every single suit of armor is the fruit of a Mandalorian smith's labor, and production is significantly reduced as a result.


A Mandalorian's armor is more than merely protection, but an expression of their soul - and an enduring reminder of their proud legacy.

Auxiliaries they may be, the Hastati of Clan Kryze are nonetheless regarded as younger siblings of sorts by their Mandalorian comrades; as such, much effort went into the creation of their armor. Ancient designs from Mandalore's past were used as an inspiration; most notably, the helmets of Imperial Super Commandos were combined with the still-excellent up-armored dome of Clone Troopers, as well as their macrobinoculars. The breastplate, vambraces and pauldrons were directly copied from the most popular and straightforward of beskar'gam designs; another sign of the Clan's respect for its auxiliaries lay in the measure of vanity afforded to them through the addition of tassels and a cloak, denoting them as the elite troopers that they are.

Beyond the strong feeling of belonging invoked by the armor design, the materials used are dependable and easily acquired. Durasteel serves as the main armor plating, whilst duraplast is used in the shoulderpads, kneepads, thigh guards and vambraces. Such a combination keeps the Hastati reasonably defended from incoming fire, yet mobile enough to quickly reposition during a firefight; with that said, they are not quite as capable of soaking up damage as their Mandalorian superiors due to their armor's lack of the beskar traditionally associated with such forces. Moreover, the flexibility and weight of their armor comes at a cost, as there are more than enough gaps for a marksman or a duellist to exploit.

Just as with the rest of the equipment provided to the Hastati, every single piece of the armor kit is made by hand, even though the materials would otherwise lend themselves well to mass production. A conscious decision meant to ensure a higher product quality, as well as a testament to Alor's commitment to the Clan's status as a non-industrialized power.


Out Of Character Info

Intent: A "standard-issue" set of armor for Clan Kryze's Hastati.
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Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: Clan Kryze
Model: N/A
Modular: Yes
Material: Durasteel, duraplast, plastoid, electric components, reflec coating, kinetic impact gel
Classification: Multipurpose
Defense Rating: Average
Energy Resist: High
Kinetic Resist: High
Sonic Resist: High
Thermal Resist: Average
Radiation Resist: Average
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze

Nicely made sub! The Image source field is broken, I would like to ask you to add the image source link to the template (others usually put it under the art). Thank you for your understanding!
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