Cacak Tarn
Captain Sarcasm

Basic Information
Name: Cacak Tarn
Captain Starguard
Gender: Male
Species: Kel Dor
Age: 34
Height: 6'2
Weight: 178 lbs
Hair Style: Bald
Hair Colour: N/A
Eye Colour: Black
Skin Colour: Peach
Faction: N/A
Rank: Pirate Captain
Homeworld: Dorin
Force Sensitive: No
Allignment: Neutral | Neutral
Personal Information
(+) Leader: Cacak was born a leader - and he will forever be a leader.
(+) Fleeter: Cacak's adoptive father and his lifestyle in general means that he has spent a large part of his life on starships. In turn, this means he knows the ins and outs of fleeting and ship maintenance.
(+) Persuasive: His pirating lifestyle has resulted in Cacak becoming quite persuasive - using his wit to get people on his side.
Neutral Traits:
(=) Sarcastic: For some unknown reason Cacak has developed a great sense of humor - especially for a Kel Dor - and often uses Sarcasm as a coping mechanism.
(=) Historian: From a very early age Cacak has been fascinated by the history of the universe and often goes on expeditions to expand his already extensive knowledge of it's history. He hopes to eventually piece together what has been lost over the many events that have plagued the galaxy.
(-) Cocky: Presumably for the same reason that he is sarcastic - Cacak is also rather cocky.
(-) Greedy: The trait that plagues every pirate - greed. Cacak is no exception to this and he is extremely greedy.
(-) Prideful: Cacak has a lot of pride and he sure does not like any of it taken away from him.
Kills and Bounties