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Approved Location Cadera

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Intent: Setting for future roleplay

Image Credit: WopGnop (original artwork commissioned by me)

Canon: N/A

Permissions: N/A

Links: The Jedite Church, Catacombs of Cadera, Jedha City


City Name: Cadera (formerly known as Bospa and Tanwar)

Classification: Urban center

Location: Jedha

Affiliation: The Jedite Church

Population: Moderate (pop. 50,000)

Demographics: 50% Human, 50% Other

Wealth: Medium. Cadera generates a substantial income through agriculture, small businesses and donations, in turn channeling much of its own monetary wealth towards charity. On a barren desert planet where water is worth more than gold, the city is considered rich in the abundance of springs and wells it possesses, coveted by many outsiders.

Stability: Medium. Occasionally disrupted by Jedite extremists, Templar corruption, wildlife attacks, and skirmishes with raiders along the borders, Cadera is generally peaceful as necessities for survival are amply met, ensuring a quality traditional way of life for its citizens.

Freedom & Oppression: A religious city whose laws are in accordance with the principles of the Jedite Church. Policed by the Jedite Church Templars whose power is sometimes abused. Cadera advocates good morals, balance of nature, hospitality and nonviolence, though individual attitudes vary. Regulations on exotic drugs, alcohol, weapons and species are enforced by the Templars, in charge of dealing with potential threats to the city's safety and culture, as well as the native ecosystem.

Description: An agricultural desert settlement spanning the length of a fertile valley


Springs and wells
Most wells are for public use. Springs are fewer, forming the headwaters of Cadera's rivers, and are often guarded by Templars.​

Rivers and canals
Crossed by bridges or rowboats​

Roads and footpaths
Most are trodden and unpaved dirt, save for more populated areas such as Cadera City.​

Templar stations
Jedite Templar headquarters that function as barracks and jailhouses. Those along the mountains are more strategically designed as forts and watchtowers.​

There are two large mountain ranges, one on each side of Cadera's wide, flat valley. The mountain soil and caves nurture most of Jedha's native species.​

Caves and underground bunkers
Households may have their own underground bunkers, some linked to a cave system that connects with the Cadera City Catacombs. Most caves double as bunkers, and also serve the proper environment as underground farms for mushrooms and other native wildlife.​

Harkona Mountains. The northwest mountain range of Cadera, also called the Harkonas.
  • Rustin. A mountain district that farms cacti and mushrooms.
    • Rustin Templar Station
    • Blackspur Mine. Contains kyber crystals and a few other pockets of gems and ores.

Pagami Mountains. The southeast mountain range of Cadera, also called the Pagamis.
  • Mount Paga. The tallest peak of the Pagami Mountains.
    • Mount Paga Templar Station. Overlooks Cadera Falls.
  • Cadera Falls. An area of cascading waterfalls channeled by the rivers of the valley, pooling just outside of the Pagami Mountains and turning the surrounding desert into a lush oasis. The pools are free for travelers and neighboring inhabitants to take water from, though fights with possessive squatters and raiders occasionally arise for the Templars to step in and resolve.

Cadera City Valley Highway. The main highway that leads from one end of the valley to the other, connecting with Cadera City. It is the largest road where most foreigners and caravans travel.

Cadera City. The main commercial district of Cadera, encircled by towering walls to shield it from desert winds.
  • Cadera City Hall. Cadera's central government building that serves as a courthouse. The mayor of Cadera is an Elder.
  • Cadera City Spaceport
  • Cadera City Templar Station
  • Clerith's Well. A popular well and garden that greets those who enter through the main gate of Cadera City, with many troughs for animals to drink from.
  • Cadera City Treasury. A bank and food pantry.
  • Cadera City Library. A public library.
  • Cadera City Hospital
  • Cadera City Academy. A compact 20-story tower building with floors accessible via stairs and turbolifts. The Academy offers courses in several fields including agriculture, construction, technology, and science. The building is strictly classrooms and staff offices, while the Cadera City Library, food stalls, and student stores provide other necessities nearby for students outside the Academy.
  • Rainwood Terraces. A wide 5-story building. An all-in-one hotel, apartment and dorm complex for travelers and Academy students alike.
  • Cadera City Catacombs. One of Cadera's tourist attractions. According to local legend, these are the very same Catacombs of Cadera, at least what remains of their lower levels, after Jedha City's destruction; reconstructed and abandoned by other desert natives since then. Certain areas are restricted for safety, as predators still lurk deep within the catacombs. It also serves as a bunker for Cadera City's inhabitants.

Bospa. The downtown district and historical heart of Cadera, home of the first settlers, southeast of Cadera City.
  • Tanwa's Well. The first well of Cadera, named after Cadera's founder, Net Tanwa.

Lasco. The farming heart of Cadera, southwest of Cadera City and Bospa. The largest yet least populated district, occupied by wheat fields and orchards.

Tanwar. A pastoral grassland. The ranching heart of Cadera and second largest district, bordering between Bospa and Lasco. Named after Cadera's founder, Net Tanwa.

Native species
  • Crops
    • Cacti – A variety of species sourced for water, fiber, fruit, seeds, and medicinal properties
    • Mushrooms and fungi – Found in caves near water
  • Livestock
  • Mounts
    • Spamel – Ideal for long-distance travel across the desert. A few herds of spamels are stabled along the borders of Cadera.
  • Predators – Found in the mountains or underground

Non-native species (selected for their inability to survive outside Cadera, so as to not disrupt Jedha's native ecosystem)
  • Field crops
    • Grain
    • Gourds
    • Tubers
    • Fruit trees
    • Medicinal herbs
  • Livestock
  • Mounts
    • Ronto – Common pack animal for farmers, used to haul carts and plows
    • Kaadu – A quick mount to get around the valley and more populated areas. Kaadu rentals are nearly everywhere in Cadera.
  • Companions
    • Corellian hound – Used for hunting, tracking, herding, and guarding property and livestock
    • Egren – Natural pest control


Medium. Cadera relies on the cohesion of its citizens, including the voluntary Templars, to monitor and defend its cuty. Overall providing many eyes to keep a lookout for trouble, and room to alert outside allies and reinforcements, should dire need arise. The Templars act as the primary security force stationed throughout Cadera, while citizens may have their own weapons and private security systems. High walls and underground bunkers, designed to shield against sandstorms and other elements of nature, offer a light defense against infantry and bombardment. A few sensor beacons are installed around the perimeters to deter sand slugs and other predators, though these are expensive and time-consuming to maintain, not enough to continually cover the area.


716 BBY
Led by a Tocoyan dowser named Net Tanwa, the first Jedites settle in a barren valley on Jedha, naming their settlement Bospa. Local legend spawns that the valley marks the crater where Jedha City and the Catacombs of Cadera were destroyed. In the following years, Bospa flourishes into cultivated farmland as springs, wells and rivers arise, attracting many neighboring tribes and travelers to join its settlement.​

732 BBY
Bospa is renamed Tanwar, after Net Tanwa's death.​

786 ABY
Tanwar becomes a registered sanctuary of the Jedite Church.​

800 ABY
Tanwar's census is 2,000. Its first spaceport is established, leading to rapid population growth and imported species. Using local legend for popularity, Tanwar is renamed Cadera, after the Catacombs of Cadera.​

811 ABY
Cadera's census is 25,000. The city is formally divided into eighteen districts, including Cadera City, Bospa, Lasco, Tanwar, and Rustin.​

Rain falls on Cadera once every 10-20 years. Whenever it rains, Cadera celebrates with a rain festival.

Popular among the mountain districts is a coming-of-age rite of passage that includes venturing into the mountain caves and killing one of Jedha's native predators.

Cadera has few land and air speeders, as fuel is very expensive to import and is reserved for space travel. Beasts are relied on for daily transport.

Bartering is an acceptable practice, exchanging goods or services without using money.

There are no temples or dedicated buildings of worship in Cadera. The entire settlement is considered a sanctuary and parish owned by the Jedite Church, therefore religious gatherings and sermons can be held anywhere in Cadera, from open fields to plazas to family homes.

There are no orphanages or refugee camps in Cadera. Orphans and refugees are assigned to live in households and farmsteads, adopted by members of Cadera's community unless the adoptees decide otherwise.

Schooling is not mandatory for citizens. Most naturally learn how to read, spell, and do basic math at home. Those who wish to make their way elsewhere in the galaxy, may earn their degrees at Cadera City Academy, where students can enter a loan agreement of paying back a sum of their job earnings to the Treasury, in exchange for tuition.
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