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Character Caelan Valoren, the Lost Prince




Full NameCaelan Aereen Valoran
PronunciationKay-lan | | Val-or-an
AliasLost Prince
  • Galactic Alliance
  • New Jedi Order
BirthplaceLazerian IV
Height5' 6"
Hair ColorBrown
Eye ColorBrown
Skin ColorTanned
Distinctive featuresHas a large scar on his right cheek
PlaybyRandom Art
  • Current: TddmRqj.png


Caelan was born on the Monarchy world of Lazerian IV as the Crown Prince. An only child, he was given a royal upbringing, and taught some moderate ways of the Force, though his destiny was to be the ruler of the world and not a Jedi. Due to unfortunate events, he has been forced to go on the run in order to preserve his life, and has been hiding out in the under city of Coruscant for some time.


Caelan was born on Lazerian IV to King Alaric and Queen Amara of the Kingdom of Devit, the ruling monarchy of the world. Destined to be the future leader of the world, he was given everything a child could want for. Life was comfortable and there was nothing for him to worry about. Most of his days were spent in study or venturing the nearest city and interacting with the local population, as was customary of royal children. It was expected that they develop good relations with the people of their world in order to be effectual rulers. This was a change that was made when Areena took over for her Imperial loving father in the late days of the Galactic Empire many, many years prior, when the world turned away from its Imperial leanings and became more sympathetic to a Republican lifestyle.

Queen Amara was from a long line of Jedi that came from the world, having given up the lifestyle in order to remain with her husband and children. As a result, Caelan inherited her connection to the Force, and even as a child displayed an aptitude for using it without intent. Sometimes this had hilarious results, like one time when he was chasing after a ball and ended up propelling it right into the groin of one of the guards, who promptly doubled over in pain, which left Caelan laughing uncontrollably on the floor. Most of the time, though, it didn't really mean much for him other than being another thing he had to study.

Life continued like this until he was fourteen years old. He and his twin sister, only minutes younger than him, would spend time together almost constantly. They both had other friends, but it wasn't the same as playing together. One evening, when they were playing, some men entered the manse with the assistance of several of the guards. They killed the guards who resisted before killing the King and Queen. They moved to attack the siblings, as well, but Caelan pushed his sister out of a window before anyone could find them. He lost sight of her because he wasn't able to follow, having to duck inside of a cupboard to avoid being spotted. That was the last time he has seen his sister and he doesn't now if she's alive or not.

The invaders eventually found him, and he used the Force to propel them away before running past them. During the scuffle of him evading them, one of them managed to cut his cheek open with a blade that was forged through the dark side, leaving a wound on his cheek that would never fully heal. He did escape, though, and made it to a friends home, who quickly shuffled him from one house to the next until they could smuggle him off of the world. Their intention was to get him to Coruscant where he would, hopefully, be able to find assistance from the Alliance.

The only problem was that he traveled by public transport, and when he exited, there were people there grabbing anyone that resembled him. He was forced to run again, ending up in the underbelly of the city world, where he found an abandoned structure that he could hide in, which is where he still resides, stealing what he needs to survive, and hoping people will forget about him, or that he can somehow, someday, find help.

Strengths & Weaknesses

  • Heredity: Caelan was born from a long line of royalty combined with a long line of Force users.
  • Survivor Mentality: As a result of the things that happened to him, he has developed excellent survival skills.
  • Compassion: It comes with the territory. Being a descendant of Aereena has left him with a strong sense of compassion towards others.
  • Honor: A noble upbringing has left him with a sense of honor and chivalry that will not waver, though sometimes survival means he must do things he doesn't like.

  • Fear: A healthy dose of fear goes a long way, but Caelan struggles with it far more than in a healthy manner.
  • Darkside Taint: The wound on his face has left him with a dark side taint that will not go away easily.




Armor and Clothing



  • Alaric Valoren | Father | Former King - Killed on the Night of Betrayal.
  • Amara Valoren | Mother | Former Queen - Killed on the Night of Betrayal.
  • Kita Kita | Twin Sister | Princess - Status Unknown
  • Anneliese Kaohal Anneliese Kaohal | Adoptive Sister | Jedi - The big sister he never knew he wanted.
  • Roman Vossari Roman Vossari | Future In Law | Jedi - Betrothed to his sister, Annie.
  • Arhiia Voronwe Arhiia Voronwe | Consular | Jedi - The young woman he loves more than anything and has vowed to always care for.



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