Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Caelius Mars

Caelius Mars

NAME: Caelius Mars
FACTION: The Republic
RANK: Padawan
SPECIES: Telorian(Silver)
AGE: 19
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 5 ft, 10in
WEIGHT: 145 lbs.
EYES: White
HAIR: Bald
SKIN: Silver/White


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Strong Connection to the Force(+)- Similar to most Telorians, Caelius has a strong connection to the force, giving him enlightenment and a sense of enthusiasm to expand his knowledge in culture of the Force.

Peaceful(+/-)- Caelius' people believe in a somewhat-pacifist lifestyle, causing Caelius to always be a rational negotiator and diplomatic figure, which may also come to blows when it comes to using brute force or violence as a way to get a point across.

Blind(-)- A small percentage of Silver Telorians are born blind. Although he can see through the force/seismic sense(which isn't as mastered due to his lack of experience with using the force), he does have issues with recognizing certain people and things, which may cause his downfall in the line of his field.

Eager(-)- While he is an eager student to learn much of the lore and knowledge of The Republic, his inexperience and eagerness often may lead him to doing certain things to cause harm to himself and others, if he's not careful.

Knowledge(+)- Telorians are a people of knowledge and technology, giving Caelius a very intelligent upbringing in his early years of development. Caelius is a very smart young man, and may even be more of a diplomat than a force user at times.

Caelius is a very slender(no pun intended), young man with a athletic/scrawny physical buildup. His skin is silver, and tends to reflect that of the galaxy's stars and dark skies at night sometimes, as it is a trait of his people.

Jedi is the rank, Caelius is the name. He was born to a race known as the Telorians on the planet known as Eldiria. The planet, while very sandy and desert, had multiple regions of fertility and prosperity. Caelius was born to a commonwealth member of the planet's elite. While they didn't govern any part of the planet's region, Caelius was given the best upbringing, and education that came by in the planet. Youngest of his large family, Caelius always felt welcomed but felt that his purpose went beyond becoming a politician or a aristocrat in Eldiria's society.

It was at a young age that he was discovered by travelling Jedi, to have been a born force user, which was a rarity,but common thing among Telorians. Their race were so enlightened and connected to spirituality that most people went on to such prestigious titles such as religious leaders, and the lucky force users became Jedi, or Sith for the unfortunate souls that were tempted by the Dark side. Caelius left Eldiria before he turned 17, to follow the path to Knighthood, serving the Republic. He now travels around, in search of a master, and someone to guide him to his fate.





Darth Voracitos said:
If you don't mind enthusing me, could you provide a link for your species? I can't find a wookie page on it by googling it.
its an original..i can provide you a link once this account or my alt gets 50 posts :D
[member="Darth Voracitos"]

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