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Approved NPC Caesar

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Intent: He is Tenzin's Padawan and idealy his purpose is to help Tenzin grow as a person emotionally.
​Image Credit: Su Jian
Role: He is a force sensitive Nalroni that Tenzin found on Celanon.
Links: Tenzin Olcron

Age: 16 (Due to Caesar's strong connection to the force, he ages at the same rate as humans).
Force Sensitivity: Padawan
Species: Nalroni
Appearance: He is a brown looking Nalroni with black ears and mouth area. The top of his hair grows a little bit extra so he turned it to a bun. He wears armor and a green cloak over it. Don't let his cuteness distract you!

Name: Caesar
Loyalties: Tenzin Olcron
Wealth: Poor if anything, relies on Tenzin.
Notable Possessions: Yellow Bladed Lightsaber (Shoto-Style)
Skills: Strong Sense of Smell and Hearing (Species), Force Push, Telekinesis, Utilizes Form IV (Ataru).
Personality: The best way to describe Caesar is immature. He loves to pull pranks, make immature jokes, and goof around. He is a very strong jedi, but it doesn't show at first. His humor stems from his insecurity as a small force user. He doesn't want others to think less of him due to his size. His true idol is Jedi Legend Master Yoda. He wants to be as strong as Master Yoda ever was. If he is demeaned because of his size he will go from a happy pup with his tongue out, to a growling teeth showing hound.

Weapon of Choice: Lightsaber
Combat Function: If Caesar isn't running on all 4's next to Tenzin, then he is on his shoulder. They have two lightsaber combat styles which can be deadly. Their first form is when Caesar stands behind Tenzin. While Tenzin is locked in combat with an opponent, Caesar would jump over his shoulder to give either a devastating blow or allow the enemy to leave an opening for another attack. The other Combat style is when Caesar stands on Tenzin's Shoulders. This allows Tenzin to either enter combat or block just attacks that are in front of him while Caesar actually does have his back. Other than that Caesar likes to use a force push here and there to his enemies. When Caesar is fighting alone his combat technique is most relatable to Yoda. He likes to jump around and try to disarm the other person. Often times he can get carried away and act immaturely.

Caesar was born as a stunted Nalroni. He was always made fun of and teased as a kid. He noticed that he pushed a bully farther than he has ever seen. He used anger and that is what fueled his power. He had no idea what he was doing but could feel the power of the dark side surging through him. For one second he didn't feel judged or small, that second passed up when he realized he hurt his bully to the point where he wouldn't be able to walk again. Before he could make another mistake like this, Tenzin and his crew happened to pull up to the planet to see what it was like. When Tenzin felt the force power within Caesar, he asked if he would like to come with him on his adventures. Without Hesitation, Caesar accepted and never looked back.


Well-Known Member
[member="Tenzin Olcron"]

Before we delve any further into the submission:
  • Please change your species from Dog (pug) to something more appropriate for the Star Wars setting.
  • Consult the Wookieepedia if you need help finding a dog-like sentient species – it is, however, unacceptable to have a the NPC be a normal 'dog' who has gained sentience through the Force.


Well-Known Member
[member="Tenzin Olcron"]

Tenzin Olcron said:
Species: Nalroni
  • Please link the species article for ease of reference.

Tenzin Olcron said:
Force Sensitivity: Apprentice/Padawan

Tenzin Olcron said:
Skills: Strong Connection to the Force: Force Push, Force Pull, Force Wave, Telekinesis, Master of Form IV (Ataru).
  • That's a bit much for a FU of padawan level. Please trim the list of Force powers and reduce his skill in lightsaber combat.
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