Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Caine D. Slarr

Caine Slarr, full name Caine David Slarr the Third, is a Sovereign Naval Admiral with a storied history among the people of his homeworld, Eadu. Caine was born as the first son of Caine D. Slarr the Second, patron of the House of Slarr, one of the few branches of nobility native to Eadu, though the family traces its lineage back to Corellia. He was born at the family manor in the capital, where he would proceed to spend much of his childhood. The privilege and burdens of Nobility are much the same despite the planet of Galactic Origin, and so appropriately Slarr was afforded the best education that Eadu could provide, learning from a young age the ins and outs of court intrigue and procedure. The young man entered into a career of military service at a young age, as such demanded the traditions of his family.

The curse of Nobility is that of dignity and respect, in the case of Caine, having it thrust upon you, no matter how prepared you might be. His enlistment was similar to that of most nobility, he was immediately based on little more than right of birth given a ship of his own to command in the Eaduan Defense Force. Despite how it may sound, it was not a glorious command, Eadu's fleet consisted mostly of converted and armed civilian vessels or second-hand warships purchased for the purpose of hunting pirates and undesirable criminal elements, a job which Caine became very, very good at.

The growing state of Galactic Turmoil led to mass destabilization, which luckily left Eadu mostly unaffected - at least through direct means. Caine had been recently promoted to Commodore of the Fleet when the storm reached his beloved homeworld. Pirates, criminals, and deserters alike began a veritable mass exodus from the inner and mid rims, leaving him a far busier man than naught. The problem he faced was unique, long had passed since the days when Eadu was a backwater, in the past decades his beloved home and grown into something of a hub, a core-world of wild space. This growing planet was dependent on shipping from nearby colonies to fuel a growing economy and populace, supplies which were ripe for the picking by pirate forces. He had a few cruisers and frigates at his disposal, with which he needed to defend lightyears of space, so a simple revelation took hold, to fight his enemy Caine would have to embrace his enemy, to become like them in every aspect, to take them into his very being. So he did.

A reputation began to surround the growingly crafty and ruthless space forces of Eadu, it was like that of a snake to slither one's way into enemies very self and strike at them, though a far more sinister facade took form around it, Pirates deserved no mercy and were given none, more often than not they would board and capture vessels, assimilating them to their growing fleet and venting hapless crew into the cold black. One way or another he would have the ships he needed to defend his home.

There was, of course, black marks on his record - he was after all human and as such entirely fallible. Caine had bitten off more than he could chew, one of the larger and more manned pirate gangs proved able to outmatch the rag-tag fleet he had assembled over which he now stood as reigning admiral after years of honing his craft. It was now that his biggest mistake would befall him, outgunned by an alliance of pirate clans, it would leave him forever disfigured and changed. His life only saved by a passing merchant vessel, those who he was charged to protect returned the favor, if they realized it or not.

It would take months and dozens of surgeries and cybernetic implants before Caine could so much as sit on the bridge of a ship again, but he did so with a newfound determination and far less scruples. The hiring of mercenaries and bounty-hunters under his command came commonplace, his own approach to interstellar warfare becoming more standardized and rigid, somewhat akin to the major military powers of the galaxy.

This would be the position he found himself in when the Sovereignty was formed, it was a new government formed around his beloved home and one which he found himself grandfathered into. The former Admiral of Eadu's defense fleet would now command the Second Sovereign Fleet, a change would which be a slow and daunting one. He was a pirate-admiral of unique discipline and teachings, in stark contrast to his new array of compatriots, with years of formal education and drilling. They had a book to read, Caine struggled to work with a few pages, he had much to learn from them. Perhaps, he had something to teach them as well.


Full Name: Caine David Slarr.
Age: 38

Species: Human (Cyborg)
Homeworld: Eadu
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual

Relationship Status: Single
Education: University of Eadu
Aliases: N/A
Occupation: Admiral, Sovereignty
Skin Color: Marble
Eye Color: Blue
Face Claim: N/A :
Voice Claim: N/A (Hoarse and robotic)
Physical Abnormalities: Heavily scarred with a large variety of cybernetic implants.
Psychological Abnormalities: N/A
Force Sensitive: No.

Admiralty Uniform
Comms Headset
GLIE-50 Blaster Pistol
A single piece of polished shrapnel



Strength: Gifted - In a turn of luck, despite being a noble thrust into a position he had no merit to, Caine found himself to be quite the natural.
Strength: Yarr Harr - Caine has learned to think like a pirate, he has a strong focus on unconventional naval tactics and operations.
Strength: Knowledgeable - Caine is well educated and informed on the state of most subjects to at least an operable degree.
Strength/Weakness: Ruthless - Caine has shown an aptitude for using any means necessary to accomplish his goals, a disadvantage in such a political position.
Strength/Weakness: Criminal ties - Since his injury, Caine has maintained contact with several otherwise undesirable criminal organizations and mercenaries.
Weakness: Informal Old Guard - Caine lags behind his contemporaries in terms of official education in the terms of naval warfare, this manifests itself the most in his lack of experience when working with Capital Ships.
Weakness: Life Support - Should Caine ever be placed into a particularly physically taxing situation, he is at a major disadvantage.
Weakness: Untrusting - Caine has a hard time relying on the knowledge and abilities of those below him, leading to several inefficiencies within the chain of command.

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