Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public Call to Aid | Project Preservation

Kyra needed to come up with a better name.

It was just a bit hard to define what she was trying to do here. To systematically categorize and preserve the ecosystem of worlds into protected vaults was ... no small feat. Even now, with the ship, and the meeting, and the few people she had already pledging help...

Kyra remained daunted.

"Today isn't really about having answers," she told the people in front of her. They were all invited for different reasons, and not all came from the same background. Kyra entrusted more than a few experienced names to send invites out to those who they thought could lend a hand-- or a had enough skin in the game to care. Countless worlds had already been lost, billions slaughtered, and ecosystems destroyed.

If that wasn't enough to touch someone, then they wouldn't be here.

She rubbed a clammy palm on her leg, the woman taking a subtle deep breath, before she continued.

"I hope today we can just... talk about this problem. Point out resources... establish contacts that we could use. Preserving the contents our worlds to stop future genocide will require more than just science. We'll need funding, tech, protection. And above all-- secrecy.

"This can't get out,"
she told them, nervous blue eyes catching each of theirs. "Or we'll be their target next. Are we in agreement?" She opened the floor to initial thoughts, or concerns.
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It was definitely… a name. But what he was really hopeful for was that his daughter was making her own path here. What he wanted to do was help as best he could without standing on her toes. He had stepped up to donate a ship to help her with moving the gear that she needed for her project.

It was true that he may not speak up, but he was here, in a show of support to the Perlchaser. Jedi robes, but more nondescript than the white-gold-blue ones he typically wore, he sat in the back. There were others who were going to be much more useful for Kyra's project. He was a Jedi, and had the ships, but he couldn't run this. All he could do was help point the right beings into the path of Kyra.

Sitting, he remained silent.
Solarpunk (semi-retired)
Vooltroo was excited. As excited as a stoic Ithorian could really become, anyhow. There was a project for preservation. It was much of what Mother Jungle would support. Arriving on his own ship, a wood-and-ceramic thing that reminded him of the Jungle. It was a good ship. Carried seeds, carried life. Was made from seeds, made from life. Vooltroo was happy.

Seeing that there was a group of people were focusing on the same things he was? Well, that meant he was not alone. It would make reseeding the galaxy easier. He may not be the best to lead a village, nor a movement, but he could support. His own quest was to spread the message of Mother Jungle, to heal people, heal worlds.

There was a name attached to this mission, and that name was Perl. Asking around, including his sometimes-mission-partner Jared, Vooltroo learned it was a Starchaser.

It being a human female. Young, hair of fire, skin of flower petal colors.

"We can save seeds. Move seeds. Spread them around the galaxy. We could keep them moving. Scatter them among the winds."
The voice of the ithorian came through but the Basic language from a translator droid. He wasn't seated far from the Perl speaking. She had an air about her.

The Force was strong.
Kyra Perl Kyra Perl Vooltroo Vooltroo

Tiland leaned against his staff, head listening as Kyra spoke. He could feel the emotions surging around the younger woman as she spoke- a bit of nervousness, some excitement, confidence, honesty.

All excellent for someone taking a step to lead, especially a project as ambitious as this. It was a tall order and one that could take lifetimes to accomplish.

Ironically, lifetimes was something he had, at least if one thought in human terms. Between this and the Selab, which he kept quiet about, he was becoming a bit of a curator, or an archivist. Granted one mostly focused on Qi-Ko in many ways, but still one dedicated to preserving, repairing, and understanding.

The Ithorian spoke, and Tiland nodded from his seat next to Coren.

“Yes, it unfortunate such things would become targets,” Tiland agreed, “But I think a broader dispersals and a decentralized distribution can help mitigate some of the risk.”
Wearing: Diplomatic Gown

Armed with: Subverter's Blade (Red Split Saber)

Objective: Offer aid

007 hours prior.

Countess Arianna Belasko reclined in the luxurious white leather sofa of her suite on Nar Shaddaa, in a silvery gown with exposed shoulders. A finger on each hand was covered in an outrageously expensive Fire Diamond ring, her earrings studs fitted with million credit Night Pearls. Her neck was draped with a pendant of multiple diamonds and rubies.

"I'm so glad you came to me with this, rather than some vision-less joke of a Dealer..." The Countess of Khemost assured the Masked CEO.

With the fall of the CIS as a Galactic Super Power, all the rats were jumping ship, and all the vultures were circling over it's still fresh corpse. House Io had been rapidly gobbling up whatever of its military surplus could be acquired, for it was essential it be in their hands over the enemies. Shipyard and Droid manufacturers, who had made billions forging both for the CIS, were now heavily in debt due to the sudden, shocking collapse.

A masked CEO, who had agreed to meet the filthy rich Countess despite her being associated with someone viewed as a violent maniac (And rumored to be a violent Psychopath herself), straightened the lapels of his expensive suit.

"So you willing to pay off all our current debts and buy from us?" The masked man asked.

"Of course. A Ship and Droid Manufacturer selling almost exclusively to us is one not selling almost exclusively to our enemies."

"If...I...I'm nervous, Countess..." the CEO confessed.

"And I sympathize with you completely..." The Countess assured him. "But who would you rather sell most of your stuff to? The Ashlan's, with their rediculous approach to economics and purity tests? The Alliance, a government so incompetent they were led by the nose to get tons of their Jedi killed and their main world burnt? That bunch of Fascists in the NIO? That bunch of Fascists in the EE? The Maw, who would rather kill you, and take your assets rather than pay what they are worth?"

The CEO lowered his head. Times had made him desperate.

"I see your point."

The Countess handed him the contract. It was as legal as it possibly could be. He would be making deals with one of her front companies for the ships and the droids.

"This contract grants you exclusive access to all shipping lanes used by Moonlighter Shipping and Chimera Services. You will sell ships and Droids to us and through us. You keep 90 percent of the profits, my organization, in turn gets to plant our operatives in your power structure as factory floor employees."

"Just factory floor? Why not someone higher ranking?"

"Our enemies would expect it..." Arianna replied. "If our operatives get pinched and no one is found at the higher level, you can still claim plausible deniability."

"If...if we are found out..." The CEO trailed.

"Your prospects are grim as they are. Besides, no other organization will give you this kind of deal..." Arianna assured him. "The House protects sir..."

The CEO's hand, trembling, reached for the pen...

There was a crash, and Arianna instinctively surrounded both her and the CEO to blunt the effects of a flashbang as SJC Rangers and Jedi Knights stormed into the place.

One Jedi a powerfully built Guardian, brandished a blue Lightsaber.

"Countess Arianna Belasko, you are hereby placed under arrest for being under suspicion of aiding and abetting terrorism and anarchy against The Silver Jedi Concord and The Galactic Alliance. Surrender or face the consequences of the Atrocities you enabled."

Arianna smiled, ceased the sphere of water. She exuded a powerful, rotting, but Fake Dark Side Aura...

"These are remarkably serious charges, I hope you have sufficient proof beyond eyewitness testimony..." The Countess remarked patiently, folding her arms, wrists draped in Corusca Gem-studded bracelets.

"Don't play games. You were personally witnessed killing Jedi at Kerest." the Jedi said, face the epitome of calm and control.

"Ugh, Jedi, always calling those who don't want to do it their way or the high way terrorists. The Alliance and the SJC were the biggest terrorists of the Third Imperial Civil War. It was you who threw in with the NIO and allowed them to grow so insanely powerful to start with, and allowed the Bryn'adul and Maw to ravage world after world. How's that working out for you, by the way? Oh, right, the Bastion Accords collapsed and you're even worse off than before! The Black Knight did warn you, as I recall, about how the NIO were going to screw you, in the end."

"Enough! Throw down your weapon, Demon, and we won't have to do this the hard way."

"Silly Jedi..." Arianna said with an evil smirk. "Don't you know anything about who opposes you? We love doing it the hard way."

Arianna's flesh shuddered violently everywhere as three Jedi all tried to suppress her connection to the Force at the same time. Due to the nature of her enchanted gown this caused their attack to have quadruple the effect, making Arianna stagger backward, unnatural, pig like metallic squeal escaping her throat. The Jedi who had spoken snorted in disgust and moved to restrain her.

The Suppression attempt, amplified greatly by the weaknesses of her dress was almost overwhelming to the Force Spawn, and she was genuinely helpless for a few moments as The Jedi got her arms in restraints, further compounding her problems by fitting her with a Neural Disruption Collar. Her flesh melted and sloughed and reset constantly off her Skeleton, occasionally melting face exposing the surface of a pearl white skull.

The masked CEO screamed at the sight of her. He kept shrieking, couldn't stop shrieking.

"Pretty soon everyone will see you for the monster you really are..." The Jedi vowed

"I'm not out of...the apartment...yet." The Force Spawn hissed through melting lips.

The Jedi snorted and hauled her up...

That was the curses activated. Glowing runes placed on the floor beneath the feet of the Jedi using Force Suppression, severely disrupted their concentration.

The Collar may have disrupted her ability to call on the Force, but it did nothing to actually disrupt the enchantments on her dress.

The melted abomination snapped it's head back and broke the Jedi's nose, making him fall backward as she broke her cuffs and ripped off the Collar, barely getting a water shield up as the Rangers and Jedi opened fire, two Jedi hitting her with Force Pushes that slammed her backward, severely stunning her, a bullet ripped hit her side, then her shoulder but the enchantments on her gown prevented the shot gun blasts from piercing her flesh.

She hissed at them demonically, conjuring a hammer of water that she used to bash the shooter's brain in, just as a Jedi swung at her face with her Lightsaber...only for the power coursing through her flesh, reinforced by the enchantments of the Gown, to cause the blade to skitter off it. She lunged, hands clasping around his face, instantly leeching his Psychic Energy and rendering him unconscious, hurling him at the other rangers, summoning a shield of water to block the sonic bolts that headed her way, a tentacle springing from it, punching a Ranger's lights out.

Arianna was yanked backward by a Force Pull, gripped telekinetically, and slammed into a wall, making her woozy. Her face caught another Lightsaber blade, this one held to her face to try and break through both the natural enchantments of her flesh as well as those of her gown.

She squealed unnaturally in pain, rage, forming a solid bubble of water around her attacker, causing him to start thrashing about.

One end of her saber staff went active and she cut off his hand with a quick chop, throwing a hand covered in sagging, melting flesh out. It looked like she was Force Choking the Rangers. To the Jedi, it would feel like an act of the Dark Side, but in actuality, she was triggering only minor muscle spasms in the throats of her victims, causing them to fall unconscious without truly harming them. Do to her own nature as a False Persona, Arianna sincerely believed she was choking them to death.

One Jedi left, both blades from her staff came out and she was on him in a frenzy, slashing chaotically in Form 007, destroying his stubborn Soresu defense. Her hand grabbed his face and he was near instantly drained to unconsciousness. Despite his strength in The Force, Arianna was simply that much stronger.

Her flesh finally reset across her body, and she was once more the immaculate, pale skinned Countess of Khemost, who only minutes before had been finalizing a business transaction.

Arianna turned, smiling warmly at the masked CEO, and strode up to him.

"As I said, Sir..." she said, handing him the contract, flesh on her face shuddering for a second.

"The House protects..."

A few hours later...

"Well..." Darth Xiphos said as Arianna came aboard the Cathedral Yacht. "That suite is a wash..." Xiphos wore a solid black armorweave kimono

"At least I got the contract signed..." Arianna proclaimed as Xiphos followed Arianna to her Private Quarters.

Arianna began removing her Jewelry. "I was extraordinarily lucky none of this was damaged..." she admitted, removing the last of it and wearing a simple black pendant on a black chain with a green Kyber in the middle. It was worth the least of any of her Jewelry, but meant the most to her because Xiphos had made it as a gift for Arianna. Arianna took a remote and classical harp music played over the speaker.

She sat down on a ludicrously expensive sofa. Without a word, Xiphos sat next to her, head reclining on Arianna's lap.

The Sorceress casually ran pale fingers through Raven black strands of hair.

"Mother, that was far too close. We need to do a better job securing you. I'd like to post one of my daughters as your security detail. An Advanced Model 1..."

"Will it make you feel better, Julia?" Arianna asked, running a finger gently across Xiphos's forehead.

"It would. If I lost you, I would burn down the home of whoever did it. I would burn down their planet..."

"The most important is I'm here, and I'm safe, and we are on our way back to Home..." Arianna assured her with a warm smile.

"I do have a bit of business that needs attending..." Xiphos said. "Someone is trying to get a reconstruction project going. I want to get us involved, but anonymously, at whatever meeting they intend."

"Who do you want for the operation, dear Julia?" Arianna asked, eyes trailing to a lock of Julia's hair wrapped around her finger."

"The Diplomatic Nuetralizers . I think it's time we put them to a true field test..."

Arianna nodded. "That is an excellent idea..."

One Hour before meeting started...

Aboard House Io Star Destroyer (KNV PHOENIX BLOOD)













The House Io Star Destroyer Phoenix Blood is a reserve ship where special Bio Nuetralizers receive in-depth instruction and testing. It is one thing to have some of the highest quality programming available in a brain that can be updated wirelessly or directly. It is another to actually use and learn to use it properly.

Xiphos had used other facilities before. Old space stations and the like (She swore by old stations like the old VenteX Cargo Facilities). But going forward, the Bio Nuetralizers would be received and tested on this ship and others like it.

The Model 1 units, first of Darth Xiphos's children, retained special rights as to the instruction and testing of all other Nuetralizers, mechanical or otherwise.

Some hadn't even been deployed yet.

The Model 1's trained all their brothers and sisters without prejudice. They were their older brothers: The eldest sibling cares for the youngest.

Most Model 1's today are veterans of battles in the third Imperial Civil War. They were covered in war paints. Mainly stripes and dots to signify how many they killed, what kind of enemy, and which battle. The very oldest veterans, the ones who had been active since the Invasion of Generis, had a Dark Green stripe across their forehead. They were allowed to wear a dark blue stripe on the chassis for surviving the second and third battle of Ziost, a red stripe for Korriban, an acid green one for Vjun.

Very few Model 1's had all the stripes. But the ones that did are utterly lethal and intelligent.

One such Nuetralizer served as the Headmaster. His name was Martin. He was one of the very first factory models ever tested--one of the first two, in fact, on the planet Pzob.

He was accorded much respect by all the other Model 1 units. Even the obnoxious, often trolling Model 3's didn't give him any chit.

Upon receiving authorization by Mother to deploy one of the very newest models, Martin immediately set off for their recreational area. They were exceptionally fast learners, figuring out how to complete training courses as fast as they could be thought up. The Phoenix Blood had an equal compliment of Organic Citizens being both observers in the interest of transparency to the populace as to what they were doing, as well as interacting with the Bio Nuetralizers as a necessity.

Martin entered a stark white colored area filled with trees.

They were purpose built diplomats. But they were still Nuetralizers.

They all went still, eyes instantly fixed like a hawk on Martin. Some were playing harps. Others had acquired a pet hamster for a source of affection that didn't come from their siblings and were busily petting and playing with them. Some played Pazaak, others checkers. All looked the same, an incredibly beautiful young woman with tan, flawless skin and dark brown hair, wearing a silver armorweave dress.

"Good Morning, Little Sisters!" Martin said. "I have come to select which among you will have the honor of attempting to get in on the ground floor of a reconstruction project. Show of hands if you believe yourself ready..."


Armed with: Vibro Rapier (Cortosis-Weave)

Wearing: Armorweave Gown

Heavy Sonic Blaster

She was a vision of beauty, but as she moved, one could tell something wasn't quite right.

Her skin, though it looked real, was curiously flawless. Her movements very fluid, unusually precise.

She had been given a cover as an employee of Chimera. None of its assets were traceable back to House Io or even Arianna herself...none of her name's were on any of its books, and the company was secretive as it was.

She was armed only with a simple Vibro-Rapier and a Heavy Sonic Blaster. Of course, her abilities as one of the smartest, most advanced HRD's in the Galaxy receiving it's first true field test came with it's own, built in benefits. After being let in, the slim but athletic looking young woman walked daintily to an empty seat, quietly listening to Kyra Perl Kyra Perl express her concerns.

After others spoke their peace, Megan, The Diplomatic Nuetralizer decided to say her own peace.

"Forgive me if this seems impertinent..." Megan said delicately in a Coruscant accent, tone as non offensive as possible.

"But it occurs to me the first order of business is to secure fuel and shipping routes...and a steady chain of supplies..."

Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser

Tiland Kortun Tiland Kortun

Vooltroo Vooltroo
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"Or we'll be their target next. Are we in agreement?"

Trextan gave a slight nod, but didn't speak up. He was the son of a powerful, renowned jedi master and yet he had barely made a mark on the Galaxy for all his talents. In the last few years he had taken great satisfaction in making small differences. Yet in that time entire species had been pushed to the brink of extinction.

He wanted to help, but faced with the enormity of the task ahead he struggled to see how he could. At least whilst he tried to figure something out he could amuse himself with the sight of Coren wearing pristine Jedi robes. When has that started happening?

Perhaps someone else would start a point that he felt he could pick up on.

“But I think a broader dispersals and a decentralized distribution can help mitigate some of the risk.”

That wasn't it. Given that Trextan didn't understand that at all, he definitely wasn't going to try and get involved.
"But it occurs to me the first order of business is to secure fuel and shipping routes...and a steady chain of supplies..."

"Well, that's one thing, yes," Kyra agreed, her words drawn out as she thought of a way to break down the initial steps.

"But first we need funds-- and people! People who would be willing to tend to the stasis facilities, and people willing to moving them under the cover of something else. We'll need agents, and intel, we'll need to know if a facility is compromised, we'll need to know the worlds the maw might target next--" And now she was getting ahead of herself again.

She stopped short and sucked in a small, tight breath.

"...An operation as big as this, we need ... everything. And every little bit helps. So if you can help with fuel supply, Arianna Belasko Arianna Belasko , it'll be invaluable when we know where have to move to next.

"Master Tiland Kortun Tiland Kortun , you said you might know a group we could start with? And Vooltroo Vooltroo , is there a planet in need whose ecosystem we could help next?"
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Tiland nodded, listening. “I do indeed, several, actually. The Outer Rim Development Corps is the main organization. They do a great deal of NGO developmental and infrastructure work across the Rim, and easily have the agricultural and horticultural expertise to collect and preserve seeds.”

He cleared his throat for a moment. “I was also informed that Tillian Family Enterprises would be willing to take cargos and supplies under false manifests, whenever they’re headed the right direction, at little to no cost.”
Solarpunk (semi-retired)
Vooltroo was glad to see others here. Being connected to growing things was important. The galaxy needed to assist in growing things. It needed more plants. It needed more food. Plants made soil, they made oxygen. They provided shade and habitat, they provided tools. "Providing supplies of seeds should be easy. Visit green worlds. Plants do not ask for credits." Vooltoo's droid stated as the Ithorian made some motions with his hands.

He was paying attention to the conversation but in his own way, interjecting when he could.

"Outer Rim Development and Scar Worlds can help and would need help."
The droid continued. While it was speaking, Vooltroo pulled out a datacard. "There are many worlds that need our help. We should choose one, make it a pilot project?" The droid did its best to transfer the question over.

"Design our initial need around a temperate world. Move to others, and fill in the gaps."

Tiland Kortun Tiland Kortun Kyra Perl Kyra Perl Trextan Voidstalker Trextan Voidstalker Arianna Belasko Arianna Belasko
Megan, The Diplomatic Nuetralizer, didn't offer a smile at the response of Kyra Perl Kyra Perl . It would have looked suspicious at such an early junction.

"I can get fuel. That's no problem..." Megan assured Kyra Perl Kyra Perl . "The company I work with specializes in locating fuel sources in deep space."

Even if we have to steal it from pirates and other fething factions. she thought privately to herself. House Io had zero qualms stealing stuff like this from pirates, and less than Zero about seizing fuel sources and holding them.

The Diplomatic Nuetralizer took a moment to glance around at the scenery. She had never been off the Phoenix Blood before. The Diplomatic Nuetralizer Model 1 units required months and months of training, given the delicate nature of their primary function. She was curious about the world outside House Io. Curious at a world of non warriors who lived like the universe was perpetually on the verge of cutting them a break. Xiphos had, despite her own problems understanding modern society, been deeply paranoid about Xenophobia and Isolationism setting into her own faction, knowing it, more than any other factor, had been what had ultimately ruined the Bryn'adul. Both the Nuetralizers and any who would join afterward had to understand and remember what Society was like outside House Io's walls...and why they were rejecting that kind of Society. Why that society suffered continually from foes like Maw and Mandalorians.

From House Io's perspective, the reason was that society refused to behave as viciously towards such foes as they were behaving to society. They lacked the will to crush such threats as brutally as possible, whenever possible. Their on soft nature tempted such enemies to strike. They were not willing to use fear to deter threats. Not willing to resort to total annihilation.

But the worst sin was not willing to unite on more than a superficial level .

Megan listened to Tiland Kortun Tiland Kortun about using False manifests, then Vooltroo Vooltroo about seeding planets.

"It's a good start. Might I suggest the idea of not only ships that have been fitted with false manifests, but using Civilian ships that have been fitted with hidden military grade Weaponry? A False Manifest is good for authorities, but all it will do is surprise a pirate who wants to take your stuff anyway. As for the seeding of worlds, would it do to try something smaller than a world first, practice on a moon or a planetoid to know what we can get away with?" Megan suggested. "Reviving a ruined world is nice but I think we should practice on something smaller first, learn the difficulty we will experience on that then translate what we learn to larger efforts, that way a failure will not be quite so costly. It may be useful to do this just on the basis of establishing a stronghold and waypoint for us to operate out of..."

Trextan Voidstalker Trextan Voidstalker

Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser
Kyra let out a small breath.

This was really coming together. This was really happening.

"I'd rather start on a world that needs our help than a place that doesn't," she admitted to Arianna Belasko Arianna Belasko aid. "But we can start smaller, definitely. Maybe just a square mile. See if we can rehabilitate the soil-- or just the atmosphere. I know they'd release toxic elements in the air to clog it up. Even cleansing those out is a massive start to bringing the world back. Something temperate, definitely," she agreed, gesturing to Vooltroo Vooltroo .

"Let's start there. You find us a pilot world. Miss Megan can secure us travel. And Master Tiland Kortun Tiland Kortun , I'd like to speak to these benefactors."

Kyra could serve as the currier for the first batch. She didn't like to take out her saber, but for this, she would.

And all at once the pieces and come together. A small smile touch her lips and she added something of her own.

"I know just who to go to for tech."

(Unless anyone as something else to add, I picture our next posts wrapping up and closing this little meeting. Thanks for supporting this intro thread, expect to see more seed vault adventures unfolding after the holiday! )
Trextan listened to the flow of the conversation. There were grand plans starting to get into motion here. The pebble that could start an avalanche.

His schooling had been cut short. He had been pulled out when the One Sith had decided to find a way to use him as a weapon or distraction against his own father. He'd been thrown into the Sith training facility within the valley on Coruscant. Trextan had little to offer when it came to rejuvenating a nearly extinguished species of plant.

Trextan tried to drawn unruly curled hair from his face before raising a hand. Without a glove, the black metal of his artificial hand and arm was distinct.

"I haven't really followed everything, but if you're all worried about pirates I can hell defend a shipment."
Kyra Perl Kyra Perl

Tiland nodded, hands clasped over his walking stick as Kyra spoke. “I can arrange a meet and shipment with a captain I’ve worked extensively with in the past. She’s absolutely trustworthy and committed to the cause of a better galaxy, even if she pretends it’s just about the money.”

He raised an eyebrow as Trextan Voidstalker Trextan Voidstalker , “Never fear, my young friend. We’ll have you with a green thumb sooner than you think.”
Solarpunk (semi-retired)
Listening to the humans, or other humanoids, Vooltroo stared. Master Starchaser wasn't saying but, but he didn't suspect the Jedi Master had much to disagree with, or really add. He was a warrior. This was seeds. Yes, the Jedi Master was a Master, and a teacher, but still, he was no Ithorian.

"Will find a world for us." Said the droid as he moved, attempting to replicate a nod in the way a hammerheaded creature could.

"We will need people to protect." The Ithorian looked between Trextan to Coren.

"But we must focus on the seeds."

Four throats. Two mouths. One thought.
Listening was something he was not used to doing, us was used to leading. But here he was, listening to his daughter propose a plan. He had a few contacts, and that was something he could use. "I have contacts within the old Silver AgriCorps. I mean, its not old, but the contacts are. They still have ships. I will see what I can borrow for the project. May need the pilots."

And some of the ships weren't really armed. They'd need the gun hands.

"I'll keep my ears down to the Silvers. Keep this secret until we get it off the ground."

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