Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Callan Demitte


Callan Demitte

Weight190 lbs
Force SensitiveForce Sensitive


Long Black striaght hair, pale skin tone, dark eyes (deep grey), and chistled jaw.


Lightsaber Pike (Purple)
Long Gray Robes with exposed chest v-neck


Callan had a very serene nature, his reservoir of dark power does not manifest in rage or outbursts, when he wields The Dark Side he seems like a Jedi, at such peace.
Callan is the heir apparent to his he Demitte throne, and his Father Seidon has groomee him to take over The Family. Cal has a strong devotion to family, and is close to his sister Cordelia Dimitte Cordelia Dimitte , who when she was exiled he began meeting with secretly and funneling his own funds to support her.


In combat Callan acts as if he is in a dance and does not react in emotion, he gives himself to the dance of blades and his calm makes him not tense up and unnerves his enemies.

Unlike his Father, Cal does not use the Art of Deception, he believes that lies tend to destroy the liar in the end because they require a weaving that like most webs breaks.


Pater Pressure:
Callan wants to find his own life, however his devotion to family makes him a slave to his Father’s ambitions, he essentially is trapped in a life he does not want.

Self Depricating:
His father’s harsh training and abuse has made Cal view himself meanly, he never feels he is good enough and this effects self esteem and at times confidence.


Callan was Seidon Demitte’s first born son and thus he is the heir to House Demitte. Cal grew uo subjected to his what his Father called Sith Training, abuses really, and this created in him a poor outlook of himself. Cal was always close to his younger sister Cordelia, who went out if her way to remind him of his strengths. When she was banished by their father, he created a private fund for her and out half of his own income in it so she would not starve or be subjected to dire poverty. He often would met Cordelia secretly, letting her known when their father was dead he would lift the Anthema.

Callan spents much time as the official Prince of House Demitte, which brings him to the forefront if trade deals and conflicts in the wider galaxy.

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