Shiva Horizonis
Maria Natalja and I have been talking back and forth about a thread she was wanting to do with my padawn healer. One thing lend to another until we came up with a plan. That is where thought would bridge a gap between the Jedi Order and the Silver Order but also we as Healer don't really get to do much but be back ground so now here our time to shine as healers.
Still got plans being worked out is having some kind of out break on Umbara that needs all the healers to come up with away to combat the plague on the planet.
If any of you Healer or others have any other idea I would love to hear them. Either here or just PM thanks you.
Still got plans being worked out is having some kind of out break on Umbara that needs all the healers to come up with away to combat the plague on the planet.
If any of you Healer or others have any other idea I would love to hear them. Either here or just PM thanks you.