I think "edge" in this context is a bit of a misnomer, but I see the point you're making ma'am.
You can consider lightsabers on a plane that's basically a straight line, thickened to several degrees. Anything that falls within that realm is a target, as well as anything within mere centimeters of it. To a degree, fighting in the same way with a different weapon is a bit difficult. You're sacrificing an unlimited number of vectors for realistically two (at most.) This is compensated for with a weapon like a vibroblade, where the real damage is not done by the blade itself but by the intense vibrations of the weapon. Also, you could arm the character with an energy sword and get a similar effect to a lightsaber, albeit with some weight behind it.
The real idea is that understanding and utilizing lightsaber proficiency teaches enhanced reflexes and spatial awareness. We take it for granted as Force Users because the Force is inherent to us and allows us to compensate for a greater surface area with heightened senses. The reason a Forcie doesn't worry about their lightsaber glancing them in combat, actually, is that they're trained to be subconsciously aware of where their weapon is at all times. Those spins, slashes, and quick precise motions are just second nature to a sensitive.
That's not true of a Non-Forcie. Barring a few exceptions, they don't have that inherent understanding of vectors and closeness. With specialized training like the saber offers, they get to learn practicum like "the heat is way too close to me at x mm, I need to be sure to keep the weapon that far from me at all times" and "if I move my weapon like this, these are the finite number of directions and speeds it can move." It's literally vector calculus, physics, and trigonometry.
And it's just taught to little kids like ABCs.