Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Callum Calahad

Callum Calahad

Callum Calahad


Callum Calahad


Private Investigator



5 foot 9 inches (1.8 meters)

165Ibs (75kg)


Dark Brown


Force Sensitive:



Awareness - Calahad has worked as an Investigator for many years, and has developed his skills of perception and deduction through various encounters with different types of criminals. As a PI, he continues to display an aptitude for finding things that would otherwise be missed by an average cop.

Charismatic - Working in the lowers levels of Coruscant for so long has made Calahad a very persuasive person. He is usually able to charm a witness into giving up information, and he is happy to do this.


Mental State - Calahad has developed suicidal depression from the number of cases he's worked on, mainly the ones that have ended badly for the victim or their loved ones. He is reliant on antidepressants to get him through each day, and is constantly on edge due to the stress of his job.

Addiction - Calahad has developed an addiction to both antidepressants and Cigarettes. Both help him relax, and if he spends too long without them, he starts having withdrawl symptoms.


Calahad is a 32 year old human male, standing at a height of 5 feet 9 inches and weighing 75kg. He has dark brown hair, blue eyes and pale skin due to the lack of sunlight in
Coruscant's sublevels. He wears a custom fitted, black 3 piece suit (, a white shirt, black and brown tie, and a gold watch on his left arm. He wields a DT-29 heavy blaster pistol, that is scratched from overuse.


Callum Calahad was born to unknown parents on level 1638 of Coruscant's underworld. He was raised by a group of common thieves, who would use Callum as bait for robberies. Unfortunately for them, they tried this trick on a Coruscant police officer, who figured out the ruse and arrested the group, including Callum. When he was taken to the police station however, the officer discovered that the boy was being used by the group of criminals, and decided to take him in. From this point onwards, Callum was raised with the moral code of a policeman, and the heart of a thief. As he grew older, he began looking into the career opportunities in the sublevels, and discovered an opening for a junior investigator at the local police station. He took the job, and for a time worked alongside his adoptive father in the police force, before being promoted and transferred to a different station. He continued to work for the police until he was 30 years old, at which point he left to become a private investigator, partly to find out who his true parents were, mostly because he hated the rules of the police station.




Bounties Collected:



An Uncommon First - In Progress
An Uncommon Second - In Progress
Hypothermic Emergency - In Progress

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