Lilin sat and took a sip of her coffee.
It was a nice café somewhere near the woods where in a nice garden, a person had opened a great coffee shop where people could go and enjoy a warm drink. That's where Lilin was at that moment. It was on one of the random planets the girl visited. The more she traveled, the less she cared about planet names or keeping track of which planet she'd been to.
All that mattered was exploration and adventure.
Her eyes moved to the painting on one of the walls. It was supposed to portray a scene of two people drinking tea. The owner had told Lilin it had a special meaning to the place and to the whole sentient kind -- it was supposed to be a sign of understanding, peace and unity. She could kind of tell why it was so, even though she would have chosen a different painting to portray that.
But what could she say... the painting matched the coffee shop.
Then she moved her eyes back to the coffee. She was in Silver Sanctum space, that's what she knew. And even though she hated the faction, she had to admit they had a few admirable planets under their control. That made her feel an emotion inside which she couldn't classify as anything. It was like a mixture of happiness and admiration, yet one of jealousy and fear.
Perhaps she could take in the fact that other factions had better planets in their hands than the Republic did.
[ [member="Nima Tann"] ]