Well-Known Member
[SIZE=24pt]Calum Neth[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]“Sometimes the wrong choices bring us to the right place”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]Species: [/SIZE][SIZE=14pt]Morellian[/SIZE][SIZE=14pt]Age: [/SIZE][SIZE=14pt]112 Galactic Standard Years[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14pt]Height: [/SIZE][SIZE=14pt]6 ft 2 in (189 cm)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14pt]Weight: [/SIZE][SIZE=14pt]207 lbs (94 kg)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14pt]Build: [/SIZE][SIZE=14pt]Muscular/Toned[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14pt]Eye Color: [/SIZE][SIZE=14pt]Dark Brown[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14pt]Hair Color: [/SIZE][SIZE=14pt]Dirty Blonde[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14pt]Skin/Complexion: [/SIZE][SIZE=14pt]Caucasian/Tanned[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]Faction: [/SIZE][SIZE=14pt]The Confederacy of Independent Systems[/SIZE][SIZE=14pt]Force Alignment: [/SIZE][SIZE=14pt]Neutral [/SIZE]
[SIZE=14pt]Birthworld: [/SIZE][SIZE=14pt]Morellia (claimed – born on freighter in Tingle Arm)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14pt]Homeworld: [/SIZE][SIZE=14pt]Druckenwell[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14pt]Occupation: [/SIZE][SIZE=14pt]Civillian/Retired Smuggler[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14pt]Allegiance: [/SIZE][SIZE=14pt]Druckenwell/[/SIZE][SIZE=14pt]The Confederacy of Independent Systems[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16pt]Personal Equipment/Property[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14pt]Armor:[/SIZE]- [SIZE=14pt]None (Calum does not don any kid of armor outside of environmental suits needed for survival in otherwise inhospitable locales. This includes space suits needed to withstand the vacuum of space and radiation gear to withstand the effects of a radioactive area.)[/SIZE]
- [SIZE=14pt]An assortment of different fabrics and clothes for garments, typically of materials abundant to the common/middle class. Calum has been known to possess outfits of more extravagant tastes to include shimmersilk and crosh-hide. [/SIZE]
- [SIZE=14pt][1] .48-Caliber Enforcer Pistol (Holstered along right hip)[/SIZE]
- [SIZE=14pt][1] DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol (Holstered along left hip)[/SIZE]
- [SIZE=14pt][1] Tactical Knife with 4 in Phrik blade (Strapped along outside of right shin, just below the knee)[/SIZE]
- [SIZE=14pt][1] Model SW-95 Message Transceiver (Stored inside utility belt)[/SIZE]
- [SIZE=14pt][1] Grappling Hook (Stored inside utility belt)[/SIZE]
- [SIZE=14pt][1] Utility Belt (Worn loosely around waist)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16pt]Personal Starship[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14pt]Model/Type: [/SIZE][SIZE=14pt]Corellian Engineering Corporation/YZ-775 Medium Transport[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]Strengths (include, but not limited to):[/SIZE]- [SIZE=14pt]Experienced (Calum has been travelling the galaxy for a number of years and in that time, he has learned a lot and is knowledgeable in a wide array of cultures and customs)[/SIZE]
- [SIZE=14pt]Expert Pilot (Calum honed his piloting abilities for more than 80 years before retiring from the smuggling life. In that period, he learned to pilot a variety of different vessels and vehicles)[/SIZE]
- [SIZE=14pt]Expert Mechanic (Just as his piloting abilities, he honed his mechanic skills for more than 70 years)[/SIZE]
- [SIZE=14pt]People Person (Because of his experiences with various cultures and customs, Calum is able to peacefully interact with a number of different belief systems and ideologies)[/SIZE]
- [SIZE=14pt]Ego (Calum is known to have an ego that can, at points, get him into trouble)[/SIZE]
- [SIZE=14pt]Incompetence Problem (Calum hates incompetence and hypocrisy and can quickly move to judge someone based on whether they appear to be a hypocrite or incompetent)[/SIZE]
- [SIZE=14pt]Average Joe (Calum does not possess any kind of cybernetic implants or other genetic enhancements)[/SIZE]
- [SIZE=14pt]Average Shot (He ha the aim of an average citizen that touches a firearm for sport)[/SIZE]
- [SIZE=14pt]No Formal Training (Calum is self-taught when it comes to the martial/combat applications)[/SIZE]
- [SIZE=14pt]Untrained (Just as with his martial/combat skills, Calum has received no formal training in the use of the Force. Because of this, any application of the Force is often sporadic and uncontrolled; everything he knows, he taught himself[/SIZE]