New Member
Art Credit :: Myself
Art Credit :: Myself
Art Credit :: Myself
Civies (Art Credit :: Myself)
:|: BASIC INFORMATION :|:- NAME: Cambry Owens ("Cam")
- FACTION: It would be the Mandalorians, if not for his aversion to their presence.
- RANK: None really. Has a ship. Runs cargo. Occasionally shoots people. No real title.
- SPECIES: Human, specifically From Dantooine.
- AGE: 29 years of age.
- SEX: Male, last time he checked.
- HEIGHT: 1.80 Metres
- WEIGHT: 72.5 kg
- EYES: Clear Blue. Hard to tell behind his helmet visor.
- HAIR: Brownish, sometimes appears dirty blonde.
- Ranger :: Focuses primarily on marksmanship and hand to hand combat. Not great at ship-to-ship combat in general.
- Resourceful :: One skill he's shown over time is something of a scavenger's sense of usefulness, and is actually quite good at crafting miscellaneous items and tools.
- Punching Bag :: Cambry is rather durable, and has a high pain threshold.
- Mandalorian Instinct :: On some level much of his training did sink in, and he can handle himself on thanks to those instinctive skills.
- Uncultured :: Displays a startling amount of ignorance on a regular basis regarding various cultures and ways of life.
- Sheep in Wolf's Clothing :: While he wears the armor of a full-blown Mandalorian, he's rather uncertain about that whole thing. By no means incompetent, he still doesn't deserve the fearsome repute the armor carries.
- Wanderer :: No real sense of drive or purpose, no cause that he believes in, as of yet.
- Social Stinkbug :: Cambry is introverted, and often rather awkward with groups of people.
Cam is of a rather medium, fit build. He carries himself as one with experience would, but with an air of humility. His hair is short cut, and his curious eyes are a clear blue. He has a solid jaw, lightly lined with post-flight stubble (seemingly perpetually). He wears drab brown, mottled green, and dusty tan Mandalorian durasteele armor, detailed with a pastel blue, and maroon padding on his flightsuit. A brown warden cloak, torn and frayed at it's ends, is worn over his shoulders. The armor itself is nicked and scraped in several spots. Around his waist is a blue sash, and holsters rest at either side of his hips. A swatch of black cloth hangs from the back of armor - a token from a Sith Acolyte who tried to ambush him on his ship.
:|: BIOGRAPHY :|:Cambry Owens was a young boy born on Dantooine, and soon after put up for adoption by his soldier parents, whose preference was not to be weighed down by a child in their careers.
So he was adopted and then raised on the outer border of Mandalorian Space by an older, more eccentric member of the Mandalorian Protectors, Fotos Sprey, while the latter was on a resupply run.
Sprey raised and taught the boy well enough, but the issue here was that Sprey himself had never been that great of a Mandalorian. He himself was a Chiss from Noris, who had really only joined up with the Mando out of a thirst for fighting. The whole cultural and pride aspect had never really ingrained itself in him. And thus, the upbringing that he gave to Cam would be seen by most Mandalorians as sorely lacking. Focusing really on only the actions of the Six that he himself thought important and practical, and completely omitting the language, the loyalty to Mandalore, and other such Mandalorian important lessons.
Sprey was a rather clever sort, and through his fighting with the Mandalorians, he had made for himself a decent way. He owned a YV-929 Armed Freighter, an infamous “flying brick”, which he had outfitted with armament and used as his main transport and occasional place to sleep. He had christened the vessel “Lassie”.
Aside from a solid transport ship, Sprey owned his own set of decorated Mandalorian armor, as nearly all Mandos did. Over time, he helped acquire a set for Cam, as he taught the young man the arts of combat, of war, of piloting, maintenance, survival skills, and shooting. So by the time he was a bit older, this young man had done lots of hunting, fought some criminals, and knew almost nothing of the culture he professed to be a part of.
Fotos Sprey
Professed, though. Due to all this ignorance, he felt sorely out of place and self-conscious around more respectable and experienced Mandalorians. He was only able to stumble his way through a conversation in Mando’a, and frankly, the culture just sort of weirded him out and intimidated him. The entire way through his childhood and teenagerhood, this is how he felt. He far preferred being alone, maybe reading something, or hanging out with anyone who wasn’t a Mandalorian.
Thus, when the pair ended up participating in a conflict, and Sprey ended up taking a blaster bolt to the neck, Cambry decided to heck with it all, and disengaged himself from the fighting while dragging Sprey’s corpse. He prepped Lassie, stored the corpse in the storage bay, and set off for friendlier skies. Preferably away from Mandalorians if he could help it.
Despite his lack of education in Mando Culture, his other lessons had been fairly extensive, and Sprey had been a fairly good teacher. Cambry was relieved after a few months to find that he was still alive and doing well on his own, working in large part off of Sprey’s reserve funds hidden in the back. He kept Sprey’s body and armor in the back as well, because he frankly didn’t know what to do with it; throwing it into space seemed a waste of such good armor, and stripping it first just seemed rude. So it just sat there.
First thing was first: he wanted out of the whole war thing. So he, rather quickly, managed to find a good job at a scrap yard, and then a repair shop. He had the head and the hands for the kind of work, and none of it involved getting shot at, which was fine by him. But over time, repair after repair, he just found himself getting bored. He enjoyed gearhead style work, but he hated just sitting around all the time. At some point, due to possible poor judgement, he took off after collecting a paycheck.
Well, right off the bat, Cambry began his freelancing career by doing a few cargo runs, typical and mostly legit. Then he tried to get into bounty hunting. Whoo boy.
He picked up a widespread call advertising a meeting in the outer rim to discuss a bounty on a CSA officer. Because this sounded lucrative, Cambry, like many others, flocked to the ship that was being used for the meeting; an old freighter called the Royal. Unfortunately, unbeknownst to him and other bounty hunters, the entire thing was an entrapment plan rigged by the Systems Authority. Once they were all on-board and the Systems Authority played their hand, one of the more paranoid hunters aboard detonated explosives, crippling the ship and causing a multitude of problems. The Royal had been abandoned originally after a slave revolt on board, when it was a Black Sun ship. Now it was still barely functioning, and Cambry found himself in the middle of that mess. After about a week, he was finally able to get off, spacewalk to the Lassie, and leave the whole thing behind him. Maybe the third time would be a charm.
Ben made his way across the galaxy, mostly making his living off bounty hunting and transport/cargo running work. He considered himself a freelancer for the most part, and was willing to take most jobs that didn’t conflict with the particular moral code he had. Over time, he met strange people, took strange jobs, found strange things onboard his ship, and got the experience to become a more familiar and comfortable pilot and mercenary. Several battles and the like found him a tougher individual in general. As he went, he customized his blank-slate armor with various colors and markings of his own, and brought new pieces into his gear set, including a set of Beskar vambraces, a vibro knife, and a pair of DC-17s blasters, acquired when he was stiffed his full pay for a smuggler operation. He just generally takes what he can get.
We find him now at the age of 29, still drifting and wandering the galaxy for work. To discover and collect what he may.
Cambry has been seen in various places, including witnessing the most recent attempted Invasion of Naboo. Besides that, his transport and cargo missions have taken him as far inward as Coruscant, and as far outward as Tatooine. Man's got the wanderlust.
Though even he couldn't tell you why, Cambry ended up attending the funeral of the Mand'alor, an event which bolstered all of the doubts and self-conciousness he felt for a good few weeks following.
While trawling for jobs on the holonet, he ended up falling asleep in a Corellian cantina in low-orbit, and on his liftoff, ended up discovering a Sith has snuck aboard his ship while he was out. The two scuffled, and the Sith ended up a wreck, and then spaced. Cambry for his part was somewhat impressed with himself, and though he didn't realize it, he had for the first time managed to interact with the force during the encounter, when some sort of connection warned him of the intruder on board. As stated, he didn't wholly realize this. Continuing to follow up on offers and connections, he set off for Nar Shaddaa soon after. Following some floating and various small scuffles and transport jobs, Cambry found himself hired by the Red Ravens for work in their personal war against the Black Sun. As it was for money, he was glad to. Cambry purchases and obtains much of the ship, sensor, and droid technology he's needed with his nest egg, while on Nar Shadda.
Cambry ended up getting himself hired on Kessel in preparation for a Raven rescue mission in the infamous prisons, later disabling the facility's shields when the time came. Following his subsequent abandoning of the mines, he participated in the Raven Dominion of Orrazerus, which he left after playing a rather pivotal sabotage role in.
Bountyhunting was his next, and his last, venture while in the service of the Red Ravens. Glyph, bodyguard to the Princess of Naboo, was wanted by Lysle for personal issues, and Cambry, who saw it as nothing more than a paycheck, was glad to deliver. However, while trying to retrieve the target on Coruscant, Cambry and Verne ran into more issues than they had been expecting. They eventually left the planet (never a happy visit) empty-handed. A day or so later, it didn't even matter. Lysle has stepped down as the head of the Red Ravens.
Though Cambry likely didn't realize it, his loyalty had been more to the confident Rigger than to the organization itself. Alongside this, a full-out war scenario between Ravens and Suns was something that just turned Cambry away with distaste. War had never been his strong suit. With Lysle's departure from headship came Cambry's departure from the criminal organization, bringing the Spacer a surprising amount of satisfaction and release; he was once again free. From obligation, from responsibility, he was a free agent. To both Cambry and Verne, this was a return to a comfortable norm.
:|: SHIP :|:
A highly modified:
YV-929 Armed Freighter
The Lassie was Foto Sprey's ship, acquired near the end of his tenor as a Mandalorian Protector. As such, when Cambry inherited the vessel, it came equipped with far higher durability and shielding than most of it's model, and it's engines were formatted for better performance in general. As something of a gearhead, Cambry's made his own modifications since the ship came into his possession, primarily in the way of surveillance technology and remote control compatibility.
It's also equipped with a Drop Pod system.
The Lassie was won by Fotos Sprey during a gambling match. Actually, he was supposed to win a far newer combat freighter, but this ship is what he found waiting for him at the impound lot. So of course, he went back, beat the guy who cheated him senseless, and used his cash to purchase a whole slew of upgrades for the ship, just to prove he could. It worked; the Lassie is a pretty great ship, these days. Sure, it's shell is out of date, and a little clunky, but on the inside the ship's younger than her current pilot.
Advanced Engines + Supplemental Maneuvering Jets
Advanced Shields
Reinforced Armor [Perimeter Defences]
4 Triple-Barreled Blaster Cannons (With Stun Functionality)
4 Ion Cannons
1 Concussion Missile Launcher
Target Marking and Identification program
Advanced Communications Relay
Communications Scrambler
Jury-Rigged Communications Interceptor
Short-Range Audio Amplifier
Wide-Reaching Computer Databases
Atmospheric Sensors
Flight Sensors
Advanced Radar
Remote Flight Capabilities
IFF Systems
ECM Systems
Sensor Scrambler
Drop Pod Emplacement
Et Cetera (I may have forgotten things)
:|: PRIMARY EQUIPMENT :|:Beskar Mandalorian Armor - Cambry's
Beskar Mandalorian Helmet | Heavily Modified - Cambry's
Brown Warden Cloak - Worn and Torn - Worn over shoulders
Chimera Blaster Rifle - Slightly Worn - Worn over back
Beskar Vambraces - Slightly Worn - Worn at Lower Arms
Pair of DC-17s Blaster Pistols - Worn, but still in completely working condition - Worn at Hips
Heavy Duty Vibro Knife - Good condition - Worn under belt
M42 Push Device - Worn on left gauntlet
Sith Lightsaber - Worn in a sort of holster under his kama.
Dragonskin Shipsuit - Kept on the Lassie.
Bolt Blade - One worn in boot, one worn at back.
Sith Breaker Grenade - In a pack at belt.
Z-6 Jetpack - Quick Release
Liquid Cable Launcher - In both Gauntlets
NPC Factory
A droid collector on Dantooine was found purchasing off the Black Market. Because what he owned could be useful, Sprey used this as an opportunity to raid his villa. The collector wasn't arrested, but Sprey did make away with a particularly nice-looking Astromech.
Previously the navigator for a smuggler in the outer rim, R2-V3 was put up for sale and bought cheap by the collector, along with a few others. Said collector used the astromechs as test projects, and Verne really only has his functions because Cambry found a way to do a system restore. Since then, he's served as the Lassie's pilot, navigator, and first officer, originally alongside Sprey and now with Cambry.
The Lassie's Astromech handles remote flying, autopilot, diagnostics, systems, navigation, and much more. He's something of Cambry's silent companion as well, and the spacer tends to talk to the droid without much actual conversation taking place.
Despite not having much personality, the droid has plenty of character, due to constant modifications and personalizations made to his chassis.
With the addition of a personality module and a voice coder, Verne is revealed to be the very picture of sarcastic wit, much to Cambry's chagrin. While he appreciates the company, the dry comments about his life and performance he could do without. Nonetheless, Verne is a reliable companion.
Post the names of any bounties you have delivered and the amount of money you gained for it. If possible, include a link to the thread in which it happened.
Into Hell We March :: Naboo
The Edge Falls :: Coruscant
Mos Eisley Cantina :: Tatooine
The Great Hunt
Stroke of Midnight :: Naboo
Marching Far Away :: Mandalore
Just a Resume :: Corellia
They Flock at Fridas :: Nar Shaddaa
First Mission: Just a Job :: Tatooine | Tusken Raiders
The Ryloth Connection :: Ryloth
Scorched Red Feathers :: Antecedent | Cyrus
Are you going to be just a one night stand?
Drinking with the Ravens :: Antecedent
Getting two new Jobs :: Kessel | Prison Guard
Woe to the Vanquished :: Kessel Prison Break | Black Suns
Gearing Up
Orrazerus Blitz :: Dominion of Orrazerus
Always Reuniting with Family :: Bounty Hunt on Coruscant %5BGlyph%5D
The Invasion of Barab I :: Barab I | Black Suns
The Intergalactic Diner
The Unforeseen Beginning of a Glorious Partnership or (Spacemen)
Rest Stop