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Approved Armor Camlann, Armor of the Lady of Secrets

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Manufacturer: Taeli Raaf, Vulcan Industries
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Unique
Weight: Light

  • Classification: Multipurpose
  • Weight: Light
  • Resistances:
    • Energy/Plasma Weaponry: Very High
    • Kinetic Weaponry: Very High
    • Lightsabers: Very High
    • Sonic Weaponry: Average
    • Ion/EMP Weaponry: Average
    • Thermal Protection: High
    • Corrosion Protection: Low
    • Disruptor Protection: Low
    • Biological Protection: High
    • Radiation Protection: Average
    • Light Side Force Protection: High
    • Dark Side Force Protection: High
  • Left Gauntlet
    • Nanite Storage Dispensers for Deployable Shield
      • Shield is highly resistant to blaster, plasma, and maser fire
      • Utilizing embedded emitters in the nanites, shield can be charged with an electrical field similar to a stun baton
    • Embedded Bardottan Sphere shard altered by Sith Alchemy to absorb Force attacks
  • Right Gauntlet
    • Nanite Storage Dispensers for Deployable Melee Weapon
      • Melee Weapon can form various lengths of bladed weapons
      • Melee Weapon similar to the Kyuzo Petar, the nanites can emit a monomolecular energy chord along the edge of the blade when the energy pack within the gauntlet is activated or can emit an electrical field similar to a railgun. At the loss of some of the nanites, parts of the blade can be fired as a fast moving edged projectile.
    • Embedded Qixoni Crystal altered by Sith Alchemy to better channel Force Lightning
    • Embedded Sith Amulet to increase the potency of Sith Magic cast by the sorcerer
  • Left Pauldron
  • Right Pauldron
  • Helmet
    • Enhanced 360-degree HUD
      • Integrated macrobionocular (x50 magnification)
      • Multi-spectrum scanner (infrared, x-ray, lifeform, radar, UV)
      • Macromotion monitor
      • Multi-frequency targeting and acquisition sensor
    • Vocal Encryption and Modulator
    • Integrated Neahtid Earpiece
    • Integrated Comlink
    • Polarizing Anti-Flash Faceplate
    • Integrated Environmental Rebreather, Hermetically sealed
  • Chest Plate
    • Biorestorative Underlay for Automatic Emergency Bacta Infusion
    • Environmental Control Systems
  • Back Plate
    • Back Plate charging and storage dock for Aurora Industries Support Drones, dock also doubles as the connecting point for jet and jump packs
    • Extra Atmospheric Tanks with a supply of two hours of preferred breathable atmosphere
    • Hidden compartment for a shoto lightsaber
  • Boots
  • Components including Utility Belt
    • Three Talismans of Concentration formed from Lignan Crystals embedded in the belt
    • Gravity Belt
    • Energy Sinks
    • Combat Deionizers
    • Ammunition Pockets
    • Emergency Flares
    • Emergency Medpac
    • Security Spike
    • Code Cylinder
    • Two extra Nanite Storage Canisters for the gauntlets
  • Utilizing songsteel plates with a laser reflective coating applied to the armor, the Camlann armor is very protective against energy and plasma-based weaponry while maintaining a light weight to allow for more freedom of motion. The strength of songsteel against lightsabers also makes it highly protective against strikes from the legendary weapons of the Jedi and the Sith, while the cortosis and armorweave bodyglove continues the protection against lightsabers.
  • Darth Arcanix's Camlann armor makes use of the nanites utilized by the Medhir Armor Mk II within the gauntlets of the armor. The left gauntlet is programmed to deploy a shield with the nanites able to pass a current through the shield that acts like the current that runs through stun batons or electrostaves. The right gauntlet is programmed to deploy a bladed weapon that can vary in length and can use nano-scaled emitters to produce an energy chord such as those found on a kyuzo petar weapon or can be fragmented and fire off as kinetic projectiles, although this does deplete the nanite canister.
  • The Camlann armor has also been augmented with several Force crystals and talismans altered by alchemy to enhance the Sith Lady's already strong powers and sorcery, along with a Bardottan Sphere shard to absorb Force-based attacks that are launched against her.
  • A common feature mandated by the Lady of Secrets, the armor is equipped with a storage and recharging dock for support drones developed by Aurora Industries for the soldiers use in the field for greater flexibility and versatility while in a combat scenario.
  • While the armor has an average protection from ionic and EMPs, such weaponry can short out the drone dock and the Nanite Storage Dispensers, eliminating their use until the systems can be rebooted, or if the damage is severe enough, until they can be repaired out of combat.
  • The armor is also, like most armors, not designed to deal with disruptor-based weaponry very well as that type of weapon disrupts the molecular bonds of physical matter and disintegrates it. The armor is also more vulnerable to corrosive materials such as acids, potentially causing weakening of crucial plates and giving an opponent openings to exploit.
  • If the wearer passes through an ysalamiri void bubble or a Force suppression field generated by voidstone, the various amulets and talismans embedded in the armor will lose all potency and will require being recharged with dark side Force energies or spirit ichor to be used again. In addition, exposure to powerful light side energies, such as a potent application of Force Light, can strip the armor and its various amulets of any benefits granted by the dark side until recharged by the Lady of Secrets although this would not affect the Bardottan Sphere shard.

While Darth Arcanix was no stranger to battlefields or combat, it had been some time since she had properly upgraded the gear she would wear into battle. Given recent events where her grandchildren were kidnapped by the Sith Lord Darth Strosius, and the coming war against the Sith's enemies, it was only proper and at her wife's behest, that she commission a new set of armor and gear for herself. Realizing how long it had been since she had done so, her last set of personal armor had been commissioned during the past war between the Galactic Alliance and the Sith Empire, there were many upgrades and design features she could borrow from the armors her own forces utilized.

Preferring songsteel for her own personal armor plating, due to its lightweight yet highly protective properties, along with a laser-reflective coating applied to those plates when they were painted, the Lady of Secrets continued her proclivity for weaving cortosis into the armorweave bodyglove worn under the plates. The gauntlets of the armor were designed much like those of the Medhir Armor Mk II, utilizing the same nanites and programming to create a shield and melee weapon she can deploy if needed. The gauntlets were also augmented with several Force artifacts and crystals to both augment her powers when unleashed and to absorb Force-based attacks that would be directed her way in a more static defense.

Like all armors designed by Vulcan Industries, the back plate of the armor also has a recharge and storage dock for personnel support drones developed by Aurora Industries.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To submit a brand-new armor for Taeli as it has been a long time coming and needs an upgrade
Canon Link: N/A
Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: Taeli Raaf
Model: N/A
Modular: No
Material: Songsteel Plates with Laser-Reflective Coating; Cortosis-Armorweave integrated with Durinium Bodyglove; Sarrassian Iron; Thermal Gel Insulator; Kinetic Gel Underlay; Bardottan Sphere Shard; Lignan Crystal; Qixoni Crystal; Specially Designed Nanites
Classification: Multipurpose
Defense Rating: Very High
Energy Resist: Very High
Kinetic Resist: Very High
Sonic Resist: Average
Thermal Resist: High
Radiation Resist: Average
Other Resistance(s):

Sonic -
EMP/Ion -
Corrosion -
Disruptor -
Biological -
Light Side Force Protection -
Dark Side Force Protection -

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