Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Campaign on Rhen Var

Silas Ward

Mandolorian assassin
Hey people!!!!! Just want to give u guys an insight on my new campaign called temple recovery that takes place on Coruscant and Rhen Var. it is about group of force users(non-force users welcome as well) who learn about Jedi that are trying to turn the old Sith citadel into a new Jedi research laboratory. It is up to the players to stop these Jedi from causing a disturbance in the force.

Silas Ward

Mandolorian assassin
THE RULES: I will control all NPCs and enemy characters you encounter during the campaign,it is open to all characters, but; they have to work together to stop the Jedi council from awakening an ancient sith beast from inside the citadel. I'm okay for players to fight one another and by the end of the campaign the actions of the players will have effected which faction controls the ancient city of force users. I would appreciate if people who want to join would also enter my thread "under the weather" which is an intro to this.

Silas Ward

Mandolorian assassin
thanks u guys for RPing in under the weather, i really appreciate it. i am starting the campaign today or tommorow and i hope you guys (and girls) enjoy it!!

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