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Can a faction Tier III a hex that has other faction clouds in it?

Well-Known Member
So as the title asks, I'm curious about something. I was looking at the interaction between the First Order and the GA's influence clouds, and started to wonder, what if the First Order decided to go for a Tier Three dominion of say, Anoth?

Obviously the GA control Lothal, but there is nothing stated in the rules which says whether or not competing faction clouds can interfere with a dominions tier level, or whether or not an invasion would be required, or more interestingly, if a Tier Three can claim an entire hex even with other clouds present. That of course would have some serious diplomatic repercussions.

I don't remember if this has been asked or not, but I think this could be a good starting place for considering Hex Invasions.

What do you think?
[member="Fatty"], Yes. They get all the planets that are not already claimed by the other faction. I think there is a spot where that happened on the map. *goes to check*

EDIT: Yes. Check the Republic Hex that is actually touching the One Sith influence cloud. You can see one planet is owned by the OS in the hex, but all other planets are to the Republic. [member="Fatty"]

Rekali the Hutt


The Republic TIII'd the Cato Nemoida hex that the One Sith had a planet in and gained all of the hex except what territory the One Sith had there(notably Commenor). So yes, they can.
Well-Known Member
Ah, thanks guys. I guess the shape of the hex was so minutely distorted I didn't even notice it wasn't a full hex.

That answers everything for me then! Neato :p

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