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Private Can Beauty Come Out of Ashes?



TAG: Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze

Jonyna had promised to bring her new mate to Cathar.

That was before Echnos. Echnos changed a lot. That was before the Crusaders. The Crusaders had changed a lot.

Everything was different now. Cathar once more felt the urge to flee into the jungles, and hide out the crusade. Jonyna once more had to remind them of their bravery. Their history. Today, she did something unprecedented in such a time. She had done it once before, but that was in a time of peace.

She brought a mando home.

"You doing okay?"
Jonyna asked Jenn as they entered the atmosphere, the Reaper adjusting as they came down.


| Location | Cathar
| Objective | Broken bridges to be mended

Jenn hated how diminished she felt.
Hers was the legend of The Redeemer, etched into the very stars; a humble smith who made her stand against the savagery of her own people, and in so doing became greater than a mere mortal soul. The Mandalorian Enclave, the Mandalorian Protectors, the Neo-Crusaders - all of them once stood as the dominant force guiding her people, and she had outlived all but one of them. They said she could not be killed; they said her voice could shake the very foundation of the universe, and breathe life from lifeless debris. Ever-seeking to live up to these grand expectations and eventually exceed them, Jenn sought to project an image of herself of absolute power.
And now... here she was. Only staying upright with the aid of a heavy stick made of finely-carved wood, fashioned by the fine craftsmen of her Clan. So much less than what she should have been, so much more vulnerable... so much mortal. The thought made her shudder.
The thought of stepping foot on the world of her people's ancient enemies had never crossed her mind. Too much had been done to the Cathar by the hand of her people for her to ever feel justified in asking them to forgive, and even less so when so many Mandalorians abandoned themselves to the very same brutality that led to this age-old enmity.
But things could change. The bond she shared with Jonyna was made greater after Echnos, for it was now tested in battle; and although she had proven unable to help her Moontide slay the doom of her people, her life had been saved only by the intervention of the one she held so close to her heart. Resentful as they may be against the Alliance for leading them into slaughter, the warriors of Clan Kryze would not soon forget Jonyna's deeds. Even those who once served the Sith before being offered a second chance were beginning to warm up to the New Jedi Order...
The Cathar's voice shook her form her reverie, her helmed visage turning towards her, and answering with a slow nod.
"I've been better."

TAG: Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze

Jonyna could only watch as Jenn slowly rose. The Cathar swore she would help her Lyrana get back to full strength, and beyond. She had promised her training in the Force, and in exchange, Jonyna only asked for love.

Fighting that thing on Echnos was like watching a ship crash in slow motion. All the mistakes laid bare. On her part, and on Jenn's. They had let revenge and ego cloud their decisions, a belief they could stand tall over a monster that had it's own legend, long before either of them did.

But today, today it didn't matter. Echnos was the past. Today, Jonyna introduced her love to her home. Her people. Her planet.

And one day, she'd teach her the language. Jonyna considered that. An exchange of words. The idea of learning Mando'a would be tantamount to betrayal of her culture, had you asked her when she was a decade younger. Then again, that was over 900 years ago in real time. A lot had changed since then, and so had she.

The ramp dropped, and Ran Dom Kuun, the City Tree Jonyna had grown up on, greeted her, only to go quiet as Jenn came down with her. Jonyna looked to those whispering, and spoke in her native tongue, though Jenn certainly couldn't understand it. In time, Jonyna thought. In time. Whatever was said, it seemed to calm the locals for now, though now a new look came across their face, looking towards Jenn.

Disbelief. Confusion.



| Location | Ran Dom Kuun
| Objective | Make amends

Jenn didn't just trust Jonyna. What she felt for the Sentinel of Harmony went beyond anything she could have imagined, transcending honor, duty, and even love. Whenever she laid her eyes upon the features of the Jedi whose path had crossed with hers, her heartstrings were tenderly plucked, and a smile pulled at her lips, almost unbidden. Peace was anathema to her, child of war that she was - but the tenderness shown to her by her beloved allowed her a glimpse of what could be, should she ever put down her blade, far-fetched as the idea may seem.
The Mandalorian's arrival was heralded by the steady tapping of her walking stick against the ramp, the finely carved cherry tree wood standing out amongst her surroundings... though not quite as starkly as her armor did. Here she was, amidst the people her kind had wronged time and time again. A stranger in a foreign land, all too similar to the ruthless conquerors who hurt them, time and time again. Even now, her features remained hidden beneath her helm, a faceless harbinger of the tides.
Leadership and its demands left her all too familiar with the sensation of being faced by a crowd, and yet she found herself assailed by anxiety all the same, faced as she was by so many people in her state. Weak, and vulnerable. Gritting her teeth, she brought a hand to rest against her sleek breastplate, palm flat and pressed over her heart. A sign of peace, foreign as it may seem from a Mandalorian.
"I am Jenn", spoke the warrior at last, her voice carrying with ease, even now. "I come before you humbly, as a repentant soul and a friend both."

TAG: Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze

The crowd seemed to stare for what seemed like an eternity. No one could blame them for not believing what Jenn had just spoke, no one could blame them for being skeptical in this moment.

First Jonyna had beaten Mia Monroe Mia Monroe in single combat, and they had thought it was finally over. Now this.

But finally, a teen girl, looking strikingly like Jonyna save for the twin ponytails and suspenders she seemed to wear, approached with an attitude. "So you're Sage Jonyna's new girlfriend then?" Only a teenager could be so brazen to approach a mandalorian unarmed, and yet this one did.

Jonyna looked at the girl with a soft smirk. "Jenn, this is Nyota Si. She's my..." Jonyna took a moment to say Great quite a few times, before finally ending with "Niece."


| Location | Ran Dom Kuun
| Objective | Meet a descendant

There was only silence after the Alor's declaration, made heavy by the weight of her words... and the wariness the Cathar seemed to harbor. Jenn could not find it in herself to blame them, not after everything that happened. No matter how genuine she was with her words, truth could only ever take her so far, as did her earnest desire to make something better.
Mercifully, the moment passed, and someone stepped a little closer, bringing a smile to her lips - hidden as they were behind the elegant, if somewhat intimidating Y visor of her helm. And yet, here was the young girl, standing before him so boldly, and asking that question without fear nor worry. It was admirable, really, and soon claimed a muted chuckle from the Ersansyr. Yes, that boldness was truly worthy of the name Si.
"I suppose I am", answered the Mandalorian warmly, turning her helm to face Jonyna instead. Stars, but that Jedi never failed to leave her captivated... perhaps now, more than ever before. Somewhere she could tell truly mattered to the one who held her heart. "Though I find Lyrana more lyrical a word for it."
There was such tenderness behind that word. So much love.

TAG: Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze

The use of that word made even the bold teen take pause, and looking to Jonyna in a sort of skeptical look.

A woman from the crowd asked Jonyna something in their native tongue. Jonyna made a note to one day teach it to Jenn, but for now it was a jumble of meaningless words, a soup of vowels and rolled Rs and Ws.

Jonyna finally responded with nothing more than a blush and a nod.

"It's true. I hope, one day, my example can help heal the scars of the past."

Jonyna took Jenn's hand, holding it tight in that moment. The others stared, before soon a smile came across their faces. Jonyna looked to Jenn, smiling as well. "Let you show you around, Lyrana."


| Location | Ran Dom Kuun
| Objective | Together they dance

The silent gawking and staring from the crowd did little to deter Jenn. Jonyna... brought her a warm sense of certainty. Jenn had come to Cathar with a rare show of humility, but if the locals disapproved of what she felt for their Sage, well - to Haran with them. Even now, she had eyes only for her beloved, her gaze admiring her features behind her Y visor. How blessed was she, to have earned the affection of such a brilliant soul?
"Nothing would please me more, Moontide," uttered the siren tenderly, squeezing her darling's hand lightly. "I've wanted to see what home is like for you, ever since you first spoke of it."

TAG: Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze

Jonyna smiled as she led them past the crowd. There was a slyness to that smile, as she led Jenn right to the edge of the massive branch. "Well, first lesson then..."

Without another word, Jonyna let go of Jenn's hand, and jumped off the branch. For a moment, she disappeared, lost into the greens of the endless leaves of the City-tree. Given they were 30 stories up, it was no surprise the branches were a winding tangle of green...

Until a cheer could be heard from below, and Jonyna slid across a lower branch, corkscrewing across a tangled branch, before grabbing it by her tail, and slingshotting herself back up, right up to Jenn. "Treesurfing." She said, landing perfectly next to her mate, with a little bow to show off. "It's the way we get around the tree. The wet season leaves the branches slick, so you'll need to get used to it."

A peer down from their perch, and Jenn could spot it. Cathar of all ages, some as young as 3, some as old as 80, using the branches as a highway across the ever-interconnected maze of the city-tree.


| Location | Ran Dom Kuun
| Objective | Treesurfing, uh?

Seeing Jonyna flustered was its own reward, though the fierce Cathar hardly remained like this for long. After all, the Sentinel of Harmony was not without boldness; a quality that earned the Jedi yet more of Jenn's affection, sure enough. Following along with a smirk, hidden as it was behind her buy'ce, the Mandalorian was all too glad to immerse herself in the culture of her darling... as evidenced by the soft gasp that soon escaped her before the sight of so much-
"Jonyna!" called out the Ersansyr with clear panic in her voice as she saw her beloved jumped off the branch. The moment stretched, and fear grasped her heart. How high up were they? Could she still jump down, try and control her descent with her jetpack to reach her light of lights in time-
And that was when Jonyna emerged once more, moving with speed and grace! Jenn watched with awe before the nimbleness on display, a sigh of relief escaping her soon after. If she was honest with herself, this whole treesurfing business did not inspire confidence within her heart; it lacked the control granted to her by senaar'sen, or a good jetpack! But, for her lover? She could give it an honest try.
"You'll catch me if I fall?" asked the fiery-haired warrior, the slightest note of worry creeping in her voice.

TAG: Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze

"Of course." Jonyna smiled, before leading them to the edge of a branch, that dipped down. "We need to get to my house after all. I wanna show you where I was brought up."

Jonyna put a foot down on the slick branch, before letting the pressure of her footpad go, and sliding down in a measured way. It looked simple enough in theory, but given Jonyna's display earlier, it was clear there was plenty of nuance to the concept.


| Location | Ran Dom Kuun
| Objective | Across the trees

Jenn was not easily afraid of new experience... but treesurfing was certainly a lot for her to take in all at once. A fine way to get around, for one acquainted with the technique required, but far more challenging a proposition for one such as herself! The Ersansyr knew water in the form of oceans, seas, lakes and rivers, but not quite in the way of such a humid environment. For a moment, she stopped, and looked down at her feet, suddenly aware of how easy it might be to slip from such slick wood. That apprehension did not last.
Her people had tamed the great Mythosaur. Though their blood may not be hers, their spirit lived on through her, and it demanded her to be bold. One measured step at a time brought her closer and closer to the edge, until the time came for her to slide down after her beloved.
It took a lot of effort on her part to resist the urge to activate her jetpack and control her fall. Especially when closed her fingers around a branch and found them slipping - something that probably wouldn't have happened if her hands were bare, given how well-suited her scaled hands might be for the task. It was all she could do to hold on for dear life as she hung from the branch she'd caught herself onto, swallowing hard as she looked down.

TAG: Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze

To Jonyna, it was incredibly amusing to watch her lover struggle to keep her balance. Lucky for Jenn at least, Jonyna wasn't a terrible teacher, and the route down was rather simple. One branch led to another, which led to another, only small drops in between. The reality was, the interconnected highway of foliage was often easily navigated, but to a Cathar, the tangles and branches were more than just a road. They were a canvas. Even the most mundane of cathar had the simple instinct to keep their routes interesting.

But today, she'd let Jenn take the easy route.

It also helped that Jonyna silently was keeping Jenn balanced with her telekinesis. It was tiny pushes, keeping the warrior from slipping.

Finally, they came to their destination. A wooden house carved right into the side of the trunk, hidden away by a massive set of leaves overhanging it.

And above the house, carved and painted into the trunk...

A mural.

A mural of two cathar jedi, one weilding a ruby saber, another a black bladed katana, standing opposed to an Imperial Moff. Jenn could tell the younger of the two was her lover, but the elder seemed to have brown, curly hair, and sported a saber that would look familiar to Jenn in that it was the same Jonyna had used in their last battle...

"Welcome to my humble abode, Jenny."
Jonyna said with a smile as she walked towards the front door.


| Location | Jonyna's Home
| Objective | Do as the Cathar do

Perhaps Jenn would have been able to sense the way her beloved tilted the odds in her favor... if not for the state of absolute focus she found herself in, afraid of slipping as she was! Although awed by the raw, savage beauty of her surroundings, the Mandalorian was all too glad to feel solid ground beneath her feet once more when the pair landed at last. Although determined to learn more about the rich culture of the Cathar, the Ersansyr knew it would require time and patience both, if she was to succeed in this most unlikely of challenges... but Jonyna was worth it.
A keen-eyed historian like herself was all too easily engrossed in admiration of the mural etched into the wood itself. The Alor of House Kryze stood still, drinking in the sight with quiet reverence - and not a little pride in her lover's determination, so clearly represented as it was. The Sentinel of Harmony was a woman out of time, and yet she fought on, her courage undimmed. How blessed was she, to have crossed paths with such a brilliant soul?
The loving nickname reached her ears, then, and her full attention returned to her cyar'ika. Everything made sense, when they were together. Life had texture and beauty. There existed meaning beyond the next battle.
"I've never seen anything quite like it", confessed the Mandalorian openly as she followed her darling. "And I'm fairly well-travelled. You've already shown me the Reaper, but this feels - different. I'm touched, Moontide."

TAG: Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze

"They made them following my defense of the Home-Tree, back 900 years ago. It...wasn't much admittedly. A squad of stormtroopers accompanying a moff who had been tailing us for a while. I managed to get the jump on him, stabbed him in the back and kicked him all the way down to the roots of the tree. We were all a bit more...scrappy back then. But...back then, my people saw anything as a victory. We had fallen into such obscurity, any instance of valor or bravery was seen as a myth playing out in real time." She let out a sigh. "Sylvar knows how they'll remember my feats nowadays. I don't see myself as a mythical hero, just...someone doing what should be obvious. The right thing."

Jonyna couldn't help but lean slightly on Jenn. It was always the Cathar's way to relax, fidning comfort in touch. Her hand, on instinct, reached for her saber, and Jonyna knew what needed to come next.

"Come on inside, I'll show you around."
Jonyna gestured, as she walked up to the front door, a wooden slab that had definitely seen days gone by. Scars in the wood showed, some older than Jonyna herself.

Once inside, it was...quaint. Jonyna had gone to great efforts to restore the feel of how she grew up. Red leather couches with hand stitched quilts over the back, furniture that was all carved from the same wood as the house, and very little actual electronics. The whole house permeated the smell of home-made stew, even though it was clear no one was in the kitchen. Jonyna walked idly to the main couch, pulling her saber off her belt and placing it on the small glass table. "...did you have any brothers or sisters growing up Jenn?" She asked, sounding as if that was definitely a leading question.


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