Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Can I Create a Hand-to-Hand Combat Style?

Noah Corek

Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel
So recently I've been studying up on Army hand-to-hand combat styles and one style has jumped out to me as pretty cool,the US Army Ranger Special Operations Combatives Programs,which unlike most martial arts skills,focuses on fighting with your kit and incorporating strikes,blocks,restraint escape,personnel control and ground fighting. So anyone got any idea how I could do this? Or do you just wanna help?
I imagine it would turn out something like the Lightsaber forms. It doesn't matter how much I say I'm countering your Form A with my Form B, all that matters is my ability to out-write you and what you're trying to do.

So, basically, all you'd be doing by making your own fighting style is getting to say Noah fights in a manner different from others... which, really, isn't all that surprising.

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