Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Can someone explain Post Order to me?

[member="Sprint Kelly"]

There's no rule for it. Generally speaking in a multi-person thread for instance where there are three writers each writer posts once until the other two have responded. This can be problematic though if a person goes MIA mid-thread, in which case the other two either simply continue without said third person, or abandon the thread entirely.

For larger threads where there are for instance 10 or more writers, it's generally courteous to wait several hours to a day in between posts to give other people ample time to respond.
There is no general rule [member="Sprint Kelly"].

Here you are at the mercy of people being courteous to wait for you to post. Some are very good about that, and others have no concept of what that means, and everything in between.

The best advice I can give is to be upfront with people about your posting pace, and show whatever courtesies you would expect to recieve in return.
[member="Sprint Kelly"]

Basically, don't be a dick.

If three of you are in a fight, don't double-post someone.

If there's five of you in a thread and only two of you are fighting, no harm in moving ahead a few posts without waiting for the other three.

Outside combat, it matters less. We just had a wildly successful republic/mando hostile negotiation that had no posting order at all, very organic, but everyone got a say in and it worked out great.

That's how I've generally operated, anyway.
Ir really comes down to the people who are involved, some people will like a structured post order.

People like myself, dont care what order people post in, so long as people don't post more than once before everybody has posted.

Others are fine with no order at all.

With the massive threads like invasions and the like, its just chaos. xD You're basically broken off into little groups and you have your own sort of post order within the whole of everything else going on. xD
There is no rule enforced because it's unenforceable.

It's good manners to wait for the other people to post. If you've had no post for an 'acceptable' amount of time, PM them or keep a look out for LOA notices.

Do unto others before they do unto you as you would like them to do unto you.

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