Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Question Can we use the word "earth" to describe dirt?

I've been reading through new codex submissions recently, since I like to see what folks are making, and I saw a few that are up in the air about the use of the word "earth" where its in reference to soil. The rule stated is "Don't use specific Earth references as shorthand instead of explaining something. Ex. 'Japanese culture,' 'Medieval Europe', etc." I have seen some instances of earth being used as a non-earth related descriptor. Earth-rocks came up in legends, so there is an instance of the word existing outside of the association. I moreso am asking this because I am drafting up a codex submission and I feature the word heavily in association with ground-based elemental force abilities like that of the shapers. I figured I'd poke for clarification.
a horse is a horse is a horse is a horse.

I read it somewhere in an old worldbuilding book, it basically frames the context of using new words to describe commonly known objects. For example, "armor" is well, armor. Ships are ships. Even the dumbest, most bad faithless among you know what I'm saying when I use these words.

Earth is earth, and in the context you describe, is a stones throw far away from even the examples you used. Of course it can be used in description of the element.

For more etymology,
Yes, the word "earth" can be used to describe dirt. In fact, "earth" is often used synonymously with "soil" or "ground" to refer to the material that makes up the surface of the Earth, especially when discussing gardening, agriculture, or construction. So, if you're talking about a patch of dirt or soil, you can certainly refer to it as "earth."

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