Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Can you can it.


Location: Valkan Citadel, Eriadu


Sitting in the study, his personal office, just as it had been for each generation's Head of House Nargath before him, the Marquis of Valkan ran through the plethora of notes, messages and quotations made in the N&Z and forwarded towards him. He truly did start to dislike having to combine the position of Chairman of the Board and CEO, trying to decide on good candidates to take over the latter position was also something he had to run through as well, but for now, his attention was focused more on a peculiar message he had gotten from someone in the United Seswenna Mining Company; a division of the N&Z Umbrella Corporation primarily focused on mining and refining of materials.

It appeared that there had been another batch of incidents with the transport of the highly flammable residue material: Noxinium B gas. It was a real nuissance to deal with said material. While they could effectively store it in large pressurized silos, there were quality issues that needed attending, matters of subcontractors failing to meet the necessary quality standards was always going to be an issue, but it was the degree on which the containment was subpar which truly baffled and angered the Chairman of the N&Z. "Two hundred sixty four barrels worth of pressurised Noxinium B lost over a week's time due to faulty valves, subpar materials or welding lines... Why did my father even think about making a contract with them?"

Tapping his fingers across the large screen in front of him, the man suddenly had himself scanned by a small lens hidden within his desk, as on the screen, the cold beauty of Mir Rhor Mir Rhor revealed itself. "Mir...that contract with the Eriaduan metalworks...cancel the damn thing, rip it to shreds, I do not care if it still has a term and all. I want you to terminate the contract and in turn utilize our shells to buy up as much of that company's shares as possible...they need new management and new guidance. If possible, we can either take the damn company for ourselves or we sell whatever it has of worth to another who might have use for it."

The face on the screen nodded as suddenly a pop up appeared on the screen...
Arceneau Trading proudly presents....

The Marquis quickly swiped away the pop up, but recalled that he had seen the one who owned that company, that conglomorate and was certain that they had such a vast portfolio of subsidiaries, that perhaps they could have something that might solve their current pressing issue. Tapping the screen again, the same cold, beautiful face appeared on the screen again. "Mir, I want you to write down an invitational letter to Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau ... Yes, from Arceneau trading. If I want to have you send a gift basket? No, I want you to invite her, send an invitational message to the conglomorate's main offices and her private residence... Wether I want to offer her a credit line on N&Z products?...

Letting a sigh as he reached for his furrowed brow with his left hand, the Marquis grit his teeth for a moment. "Yes, let's give her a credit line, let's give one of the wealthiest people in the business a creditline to the company...wait, you did what?!"

Tilting his head backwards while letting out a grunt filled with anguish and pain, Tertius closed off the screen, snapping the fingers on his free hand to have it retract into his desk. "This must be the worst possible joke..."

A message would find its way to Arceneau Trading's main offices and Danger Arceneau's private hololink adress...reading as follows:

Lady Arceneau,
Greetings and Salutations,

I, Marquis of Valkan, Head of House Nargath and chairman of the N&Z Umbrella Corporation; Tertius C. Nargath wish to cordially invite you for a small and private meeting in regards of a potential request, partnership and other options that may benefit both our endeavours and exploitations. We hope to be your humble host at our estate; the Valkan Citadel, should you choose to accept this invitation. Also included in this invitation is a credit line for ... 1 ... credit on our N&Z Products.

With regards,
Tertius C. Nargath​

Interacting with: Tertius C. Nargath Tertius C. Nargath
| Dress x | x | x | x | x | x | X | X |
The Marquis of Valkan was a curious man, that much was clear. Danger still hadn't quite decided what to make of him after reading the peculiar invitation he'd sent. Now, she was always open to a business meeting, but this one? Well, it made her arch an eyebrow in sheer bewilderment. A credit line for just one credit to N&Z Products? It either had to be a mistake or a bold move meant to grab her attention. Either way, she figured it would make for an interesting icebreaker, so the Queen of Trade sent her acceptance.

A few days later, Danger's personal yacht touched down gracefully at the landing pad of Valkan Citadel. With her usual confident, full-hipped stride, she descended the ramp, her auburn hair catching the light just so. At the bottom waited the N&Z representative, and Danger took in the scene with a practiced eye. She'd done her research. N&Z was making waves in the galaxy, but more recently within the Empire of the Lost, a region that had been under the thumb of the late Alicia Drey. Since those days, Danger had kept a keen interest in the Empire's dealings. After all, her business assets in that space had been running smooth enough, paying tariffs and passing inspections without a hitch -- so far, anyway. But things could change quickly, as history with the Dark Empire had proven.

It was always good to stay ahead, and meeting with the Marquis in person might offer her a better sense of what was happening behind the scenes, especially if there were opportunities to benefit the Arceneau Trade conglomerate.

A soft, gracious smile curved her lips as she approached, her burgundy dress draping her generous frame in all the right ways. By her side was Aeri Vyn, her most trusted Zeltron assistant, who had been by her side through many dealings. As they neared the representative, Danger's mind was already spinning with possibilities -- if nothing else, this was bound to be enlightening.


Location: Valkan Citadel, Eriadu
Attire: [X]


One of the House Nargath's staff, accompanied by a representative of the N&Z Umbrella corporation and one of the Chairman's own assistants to boot were carefully awaiting the planned and timely arrival of Lady Danger Arceneau, whose name and fame did preceed her. Even from the remote location of the landing pad, one could see the majesty and grandeur that came with the enormous grounds and estate, dominated by a citadel with towers that seemed to defy the heavens themselves. The two men, accompanied by a small detachment of N&Z Security ready to receive the Corporate juggernaut and her own personel present.

The N&Z Representative pointed towards a large, luxurious limousine parked near the landing site, motioning that they'd have to go by limousine because it would take them quite some time on foot. When in the limousine though, both the representative and the staffmember to House Nargath seemed to remain quiet, eyeing Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau and her assistant with keen interest. While driving by, the outside, the flowing fields within the estate contrasted extremely with the heavily industrialized nature of Eriadu, almost as if the House of Nargath had managed to create themselves a slice of heaven within the filthy smog of the planet.

Scrubbers cleaned the air, groundskeepers maintained the forests, the gardens and the terrains, N&Z Security prevalent at the chokepoints and marching up and down the long road towards the inner wall of the estate, when they arroved there though, the N&Z Representative bid the two visitors adieu, as he wasn't allowed to pass beyond the inner wall. The staffmember of House Nargath though, a tough-looking, tall man of easily two meters in height, with broad shoulders, a scarred face crowned with a short black haircut and neatly trimmed goatee looked at the two visitors with a stern look in his steel blue eyes. "We are now entering the Inner Grounds, which is only accessible to invitees and direct personel to House Nargath."

Shifting his eyes towards the auburn-haired woman's assistent, the man let out a soft, displeased grunt but didn't say anything further.

After passing the inner wall though, the scenary would change, with more buildings in a peculiar classical style being visible dotted around the inner grounds, troops of white-armored guards marching around in perfect unison and the massive Valkan Citadel itself looming ever closer over the limousine upon its approach. When it did arrive though, the vehicle stopped in front of a large, wide staircase which seemed to be populated by staff of House Nargath, with maids and footmen standing in rows on the staircase, while right in the middle of them, Tertius Nargath was standing, wearing a strangely elegant, yet also completely different style of attire than he had been wearing on the variety of occassions the two may have had a glance at one another.

"Lady Arceneau, allow me to welcome you at the Valkan Citadel, home of House Nargath and thus by extension...the REAL seat of power within the N&Z," With a gentle smile, the Eriaduan noble approached Danger Arceneau and her assitant, reaching out his hand to accept theirs in a firm grip, even granting the assistant the notice to greet her with a firm handshake as well. Looking more relaxed, more in his element, Tertius looked practically closer to his actual age, which as a fresh thirtier was still in his prime and thus 'primed' for many more years on top of his corporate game. "First and foremost allow me to apologize for that rude joke my assistant had made in the invitation at your and also my expense. It appears my asistant's rude streak has been tickled again...if she wasn't such a hard worker and a vital element to the company...well, you know...she would've been sacked already."

Motioning the guests to follow him, the Marquis would guide the two visitors first into the foyer, a massive hall with elegant sculptured and a multitude of paintings depicting all the former heads of the house, some who had been the greatest scions of their times, others feared, loathed or both...a veritable mix and match of a timeline in faces. The two were then lead through a large corridor lined with a multitude of paintings and tapestries, flower arrangements and ofcourse doors galore, one of which the Marquis would open to allow the two visitors in.

"Please, do have a you wish some refreshments, a snack or something else?" What lay beyond the door he had opened, was a large and airy looking room, with elegant seating arrangements and chairs, a crystaline coffee table with additional extra tables next to every seat, windows giving a great view on the premises and a high ceiling. Plush carpets and interesting tapestries filled up the room. " have a seat, it would be rather uncouth if we were to have a talk in my study or in one of the ballrooms of this place, I do prefer the more closed off, private rooms with a more homely feel. Though, if you would prefer me to bring you to one of the conference rooms, that could be arranged."

Interacting with: Tertius C. Nargath Tertius C. Nargath
| Dress x | x | x | x | x | x | X | X |
Danger listened quietly, amused by the little bits and pieces she picked up from the attendant and a member of House Nargath's staff. She didn't let any of it show, though. Her expression remained one of perfect politeness, offering kind words of gratitude for the limousine, the grand views, and the undeniable splendor of the estate.

By the time she stood face-to-face with the Marquis, Danger had already instructed her assistant, Aeri, to step aside and wait nearby. It was vital to keep communications open in case anything happened with Myra's pregnancy. Having Aeri close by reassured Danger that she'd be alerted immediately if any updates came through, but there was no need for her assistant to be present during the meeting itself.

Aeri gave a respectful nod, slipping to the side just as the Marquis entered with his introduction. When he began to explain the curious situation regarding the one-credit line of credit, Danger simply smiled, warm and gracious as ever. She gave a slight shake of her head, dismissing any worry about offense.

"No trouble at all, Marquis Nargath," Danger drawled, her voice sweet as molasses, offering her hand in greeting. "I was sure there'd be an explanation, and your apology is kindly accepted. I have no doubt your assistant will be most mindful of any future missives and their contents."

With that, she followed the Marquis into the foyer, where Aeri quietly excused herself. "My assistant, Aeri, will leave us to our discussion in private, but I'm keepin' her close by. You see, my daughter's in a rather delicate situation with her pregnancy, and I'd like to be alerted if anything should happen." Danger explained, settling into the seat offered by Tertius.

"This is perfectly alright, Marquis, I do enjoy the cosy feel myself," she reassured him with that same cordial smile, every bit the picture of Southern hospitality. "A water would be perfect, thank you kindly."


Location: Valkan Citadel, Eriadu
Attire: [X]


Glad that the Lady ARceneau took no offense to the... stubborn and somewhat cynical joke of his assistant, the Marquis felt a great deal of pressure drop from his shoulders. While he would have dared going into a trade war with the Trade Federation, the ATC was quite a different beast and its owner and namesake was from what he had heard not someone to be trifled with when push came to shove. Having had a few minor misunderstandings and altercations with the Dashiels and with the CSA, Tertius hoped to avoid any misgivings when it came to dealing with the Arceneau Trading Company.

"Though I appreciate your forgiveness, Lady Arceneau, do know that the N&Z and myself are more than willing to compensate you for any trouble my assistant's misplaced joke may have caused you," Emphasizing his stance on the matter, the Marquis made a solemn nod with his head, a curt, but well-ment sign of his cooperation in this matter. As they continued though, it seemed that Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau decided to leave her assistant out of the discussion they would have, apparently preferring to keep everything in a more private setting, something the Eriaduan Noble couldn't exactly object to. "I understand, though I will have my staff tend to her every need if she would wish to have any refreshments while she waits."

Snapping his fingers above his hand and motioning towards one of the footmen, the Marquis made it clear with a mere wave of his hand that the Assistant to Lady Arceneau was to be treated in the same manner as her superior: as a guast of House Nargath. As the Trade Queen was seating comfortable and had been given the water she had requested by one of the footmen, Tertius calmly sat down and smiled, finally allowing himself to give his own thoughts on the matter which kept the Lady Arceneau on her toes. "What wonderful news Lady Arceneau, I had not expected you to be awaiting grandchildren on such a young age as yourself...I would be remiss if I did not offer you and your family my most sincere congratulations."

Clearing his throat a bit, the Marquis walked over to one of the cabinets in the room, opening the doors and pulling out a rather large, luxuriously decorated lacquered wooden box. As he opened it, he revealed a cigar to the Lady Arceneau. "Anything I can offer you besides some water? A cigar or maybe a cigarillo or cigaret? While you are probably most aware that this is going to be a discussion on potential business, this does not mean it needs to be without its enjoyments...that being said, do you mind if I lit a cigare or are you a non-smoker, in which case I will respect that and refrain from lighting a cigar in your immediate presence."

Depending on Lady arceneau's answer, Tertius would act accordingly, either offering her preferred smoking material and also depending on her answer he too would either refrain from or enjoy smoking a fine cigar as he sat down in the opposite comfortable chair. "As you may or may not be aware, the N&Z has recently begun with prototyping a new industrial project on Erinar, but as we seek to expand this project beyond the Seswenna Sector, it has come to our attention that we might need to adress certain problems we are having with one of our suppliers in regards to the below standard production of containers for one of our most profitable products."

Leaning a bit forward, the Marquis made it quite clear what he was aiming or rather fishing for. "We are looking for a respectable business to perhaps step in and provide us with much better quality containers and more reliable products that could meet not only our demand in terms of quality, but also in terms of quantity."

Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau


Interacting with: Tertius C. Nargath Tertius C. Nargath
| Dress x | x | x | x | x | x | X | X |
"There's no need for compensation, Marquis Nargath," Danger assured him with a warm, gracious smile that could melt the coldest heart. She had learned early on that when it came to initial meetings like this, it was all about building trust and finding that sweet spot of mutual benefit. Now, if the offense had been a bit more serious, well, she might've been more inclined to discuss compensation -- but not today.

"And yes, we're mighty pleased with the news. Thank you for your kind congratulations," she added smoothly, crossing one shapely leg over the other in a graceful, deliberate motion. Her movements were always measured, always composed.

When the Marquis offered a cigar, her green eyes sparkled with genuine delight.

"Mighty grateful, I do enjoy a good smoke,"
she drawled, accepting the offer. Oh, sure, her medic constantly nagged her to stick to a vaporizer -- the one with the little vial of liquid nicotine that was supposed to soothe her nerves. But there was nothing in this galaxy that could replace the satisfaction of lighting up a hand-rolled cigarillo. It was like sex. Ain't nothin' run on batteries ever as good as the real thing.

With a flick of the light, the cherry tip of the cigar glowed bright red, and Danger took a deep, indulgent drag. The rich, spicy smoke filled her lungs, and a small smile of pleasure touched her lips. Oh yes, the Marquis certainly knew how to charm a lady.

But now came the heart of the matter -- business. And she could respect the way he eased into it, careful and deliberate. She'd done it herself more times than she could count.

"Well, I'd be mighty happy to assist in any way I can, Marquis Nargath," she began, her tone as smooth as the smoke curling from her lips. "Would you be so kind as to give me a bit more detail on the specifications of these containers you require? And just what, pray tell, might you be transportin' in them?"

She settled back, cigar in hand, ready to listen. The game had just begun.


Location: Valkan Citadel, Eriadu
Attire: [X]


Considering the lady Arceneau accepted his offer to enjoy a cigarillo herself, Tertius let out a soft chuckle in relief, allowing himself to thusly enjoy a fine cigare himself. While he removed the band and cut off the top properly, he used carefully contained matches to lit his cigare and enjoyed the aroma as he took his first drag of it, bringing a small, silver ashtray to his seat and placing it upon the small table in between himself and the head of the ATC, calmly turning it around a bit, so the embossing of the Nargath Family crest was clearly in sight.

" to avoid beating around the bush," The Marquis showed a somewhat gentle smile as he leaned back in his own comfortable seat, leaning with his elbow on the armrest of the chair to avoid litting the whole thing on fire with his cigar. "What we need containers a highly pressurized and thus liquified gas. Two versions of a gas to be specific, with one being a very heavy and extremely toxic gas, while a more refined version loses a bit of the toxicity and heaviness, but in return becomes extremely flammable and perfectly useable as a high-efficiency fuel."

Tapping with his cigar at the ashtray, the chairman of the N&Z let out a soft grunt. "Our former and sadly still current supplier has had severe issues after the hyperspace war, with material shortages, cutbacks and whatnot, the quality of their containers has shown itself to be...abysmal at best and just downright dangerous to my labourers and general workforce. It has cost us roughly half our profits to recall older containers, refit them and repressurize the contained product, we've had to raise our Q&A and maintainance check with ofcourse added overhead costs just to try and minimize the risk with our current supplier' product."

Letting out a sigh, the marquis then reached for a datapad within his vest, a slim yet broad model which apart from a few metal slivers, seemed to be all screen. Tapping said screen a few times, a large holographic display presented itself. At first something akin to a gas, shown to be put into a cooling tank and then a pressure tank with cooling fluid, before the display finally showed the current containers.

"What we need is a containment system that is reliable and sturdy," Pointing at the display, there were now two containers visible, each marked with a date, with one being a design from around 840 ABY, and the current one being obviously from the turn of the current century. "The old one had a much sturdier design and had built in hydraulic valves to make it easier to access the contained product without compromising its safety. The new ones seem to fall apart just by looking at them, no longer using a double skin and vacuum separation between the actual container and the protective skin. the molding has also shown problems as there's more heat transference due to the material choice of the containers and cracks in the material can cause spillage and leaks, which just as well cost us a fortune to recall, reimburse and luckily so costs that come from accidents."

Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau


Interacting with: Tertius C. Nargath Tertius C. Nargath
| Dress x | x | x | x | x | x | X | X |
Danger leaned back in her chair, taking another slow, deliberate draw from the cigar. The rich smoke curled in the air as she let it fill her lungs, her posture as relaxed as her mood, all while she listened carefully to the Marquis's request. With each word, she gave a small nod of understanding, her keen eyes following the details that came with the holographic display he presented.

It was all too familiar -- Arceneau Trade, under MaraTibx, had been down this path many times before. Volatile fuels like coaxium, Rhydonium, Barium, Isotope-5, Quintessence, and Tibanna weren't just names on a ledger for her; they were products her company mined, refined, transported, and supplied throughout the galaxy. This was their bread and butter, so to speak.

"Well now, Marquis," she began, her voice as smooth as the smoke that slipped from her lips, "you're in good hands. MaraTibx has all the experience in the galaxy when it comes to constructin' the kind of transport and fuelin' containers you're talkin' about -- and we can do it at a lower rate, too." Her smile deepened, the glint of business savvy flickering in her eyes. "See, we supply the bulk of our own raw and refined materials for these kinds of projects, and I'm more than happy to pass those cost savin's right along to you."

If anything Danger was known for, was making a fair deal. No need to line her pockets with more credits when having an honest partnership lead to more contracts and networking.

She paused for a moment, letting that sink in before continuing, her tone as sweet as honey yet laced with the authority of someone who knew her business inside and out. "If you can provide me with samples of the two fuelin' products you're workin' with and the specifics on how you're plannin' to ship 'em, I can get my research and development team on it. They'll craft somethin' tailor-made for your needs, and we'll give you a timeline for a prototype. Once you've had a look and give your approval, we can move forward with the final development and distribution."

Danger exhaled another puff of smoke, the red tip of her cigar glowing faintly as she settled back, waiting for the Marquis's response. She had no doubt that this was just the beginning of what could be a very profitable partnership.

"I'm more than happy to discuss other ventures as well if it deals with energy or fuelin'. MaraTibx has a massive division overseein' green energy options, terraformin', dextoxifyin' and purifyin' soils, water and air, and a variety of fuelin' needs."


Location: Valkan Citadel, Eriadu
Attire: [X]


"Well that is at the very least good to hear," Allowing the smoke of his cigar to roll around inside his mouth, gently prickling his tastebuds and the top of his throat before exhaling the smoke into the air, Tertius smiled in a rather content-looking expression. He couldn't have hoped to exchange the old subcontractor for a company with a more knowhow and experience than the ATC and its subsidiaries. Even though on the galactic market, they should have been 'rivals', it was nevertheless a good thing for the N&Z to have a well known and respected company to handle the building and providing of specialised containers. However, when it came to the mention of the ATC and by extension MaraTibX to utilize its own resources and materials for the designs they could provide alongside their expertise, Tertius did wonder what the Lady Arceneau had in mind, considering it shouldn't have been that big of a contract on first sight though.

"Has anyone ever told you how shrewd you are, Lady Arceneau?" The Marquis laughed, as he drew once more from his cigar, grinning as the smoke escaped his mouth through his teeth. "I only mentioned the fact that we want to build these power plants outside of the Seswenna Sector and you already offered an irrefutable deal before anything has been made concrete. Kudos for your business acumen, milady."

STanding up, the man moved towards one of the windows and chuckled softly, reaching for a communicator within his trouser's pockets and pulling it out as he wanted to communicate with some of his on-site staff. "Malnos? Yes, could you go and get me a sample of both the Noxinium A and the Noxinium B... I think they are in the study...yes, good. I want those before I have finished smoking my cigar, Malnos...I know the study is in the west wing, you have legs...use them."

"My apologies, Lady Arceneau,"
The marquis waved his hand around for a bit, while showing a somewhat sheepish smile. "Some of my staff have been here for so long and have been part of my 'extended' family sort of speak, your requested samples will be delivered shortly. I always keep some samples from each of the materials the N&Z produces in my study, for occassions such as this. It's a practice I learned from my great uncle, who also did keep samples on hand for just the occassion."

Sitting down again, the Marquis mulled over Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau 's inclination to other ventures, wondering if the N&Z currently had anything that could be considered a worthwhile venture. Though perhaps he could change the way he went about things for a bit. If he would work together with the ATC in regards to the project of erecting a multitude of Power plants and fuel refineries, they could potentially share the costs and the profits. Especially when it came to the territories in which the two companies didn't overlap, it would have been a boon to still gain profits out of those areas. "About that... would you be interested in exploiting our powerplant and fuel refinery proposal as well?"

Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau


Interacting with: Tertius C. Nargath Tertius C. Nargath
| Dress x | x | x | x | x | x | X | X |
"Has anyone ever told you how shrewd you are, Lady Arceneau?"

Danger responded with a warm but measured smile, just enough to acknowledge the compliment without basking in it. She wasn't one to puff herself up with praise. But she also knew the work she'd poured into Arceneau Trade, every bit of sweat and savvy earned her place.

Taking a slow drag from her own cigar, the tip flaring bright red, she exhaled the smoke and replied in her signature honeyed tone, smooth as silk, "Well now, momma always said if a girl wants to impress, she ought to keep a clean house and make sure there's plenty of food on the table. My aim is simple, Marquis -- mutually beneficial partnerships. It's always better when both parties get their tit for tat, wouldn't you say?"

With that settled, and satisfied that the samples were already in progress, Danger leaned back in her chair, but her sharp mind honed in on his mention of power plants and fuel refinery proposals.

"You've certainly piqued my interest. Out in the Wild Regions, folk are mighty keen on sustainable fuel and tech that won't give 'em trouble down the line. Tends to sit better with the folks in charge when they know their lands won't get spoiled while buildin' up their communities." Her emerald fire eyes twinkled with intrigue as she added, "I'd be mighty interested in what you've got to offer. Might even be able to give you a few pointers on what'll sell at a fine price out here in the black."


Location: Valkan Citadel, Eriadu
Attire: [X]


With a gentle smile on his face, the Marquis put out his cigar in the ashtray atop the small table standing in between Tertius and the Lady Arceneau, walking over to one of the cabinets in the room, more precisely the one next to the one from which he had gotten his own cigar and the cigarillo for his guest. Taking out a crystaline caraf and two glasses with thick, solid bottoms, seemingly carved out of a single piece of glass rather than shaped by blowing and rolling. Pouring two fingers of an amber-colored liquid with a strong smokey smell with hints of cherry and oak into those aforementioned glasses, the Marquis put both glasses onto the table. Yet, before he could sit down, a knock could be heard on the door, with a man excusing himself as he entered with two small, cylindrical containers, each the size of a cigar on top of a silver plate. "Your requested samples, your grace."

"Ah perfect, you can hand those to my guest," Taking his seat, the Marquis glanced at how the servant placed both cilinders atop the table next to the glass the Marquis had put in front of Lady Arceneau but moments earlier. "Each is marked with the corresponding letter of the compound, for convenience's sake. A of noxinium A and B for noxinium B. Treat the former with care, it is a heavy and extremely toxic gas upon release... B may be toxic as well, but is much more stable and funny enough is much less reactive despite having greater potential as a fuel."

Taking a sip from the glass which happened to contain a sort of whisky which gave a good zinger to the man's throat, Tertius let out a soft chuckle and looked straight at the woman sitting across the table from him. "The idea which we started with out PF-One facility on Erinar is to have a power plant which can be built quickly and safelyout of as little structural pieces as possible without compromising on build quality and structural rigidity of the buildings. In about a month, an entire facility should be built and ready for production."

Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau


Interacting with: Tertius C. Nargath Tertius C. Nargath
| Dress x | x | x | x | x | x | X | X |
Danger gave a polite nod as the samples were brought before her. She appreciated the gesture, knowing these would soon be in the hands of her Research and Development Division over at MaraTibx. Aeri would see to it.

"Mighty grateful for the warnin' on the fuels toxicity ," she replied, her voice smooth as honey. "I'll make sure these are delivered safe and sound to my R&D team. I expect a quick turnaround from them -- won't be long before I can provide you a solid timeline on the project. I'll keep you posted with updates, as needed or requested." It was all about trust, after all -- making sure she followed through on her end of the bargain.

Then, turning her attention to the power plant plans, her curiosity piqued. "So, you're lookin' to expand and build these power plants on other worlds? How many are you thinkin'?" A month for each was an ambitious project, but not unheard of.

She leaned in slightly, her business mind already whirring. If Arceneau Trade was going to handle this, there were plenty of factors to consider --- the type of power plant, the fuel it'd need, and what could be done with the waste. Sustainability was key out in the Wild Regions, and anything they could recycle or repurpose would be a bonus. But if the waste required proper disposal and detoxification, well, they could handle that too.

"And what sort of power plant are we talkin' about here? What's the waste product like?" she asked, her tone businesslike but still friendly, her mind racing already with the possibilities.


Location: Valkan Citadel, Eriadu
Attire: [X]


"That would be most beneficial," The Marquis remarked when he was notified by Lady Arceneau that she'd have her R&D team do their outmost best in swiftly figuring out what to do, promising a solid timeline for the research and promising to keep the man updated on her own progress. He didn't dislike this at all, being kept in the loop ment they'd be keeping in touch, which could also be potentially useful for any additions to this deal should the need for it arise.

However, when the question arose on how many of the power plants he was expecting to build, the Chairman of the N&Z Corporation seemed to grow quiet, his brows furrowing slightly as he seemed to be mulling over the answer to this question. It wasn't like he had a set number to give her, at best he could offer her a prognosis on his work in trying to convince several localised governments to have these power plants built. There was however also his near unlimited reach within the Empire of the Lost, where he had favorable contacts and connections to get things through much easier.

"WHile I can't provide any actual numbers as of yet," Tertius let out a soft sigh as he sat down again, tilting his head a bit backwards as he seemed to continue contemplating his answer. "There are at least two set locations in the form of Chandaar and New Cov, with a possible expansion within the Empire of the Lost's territory and potential acceptance in the Confederacy. While I may have to look for partners within the Sith Order, I do not doubt for a second they would refuse the idea of greater efficiency and expediency of fuel rations and power surplus."

Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau


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