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Canada Most Reputable Country: Report

Canada ranked as 'Most Admired' Country in the World: Report -- The Reputation Institute through CTV news.



Actually, even though the article was published by a Canadian news service the content is still pretty interesting.

In particular, he praised Canada for its "effective government," "absence of corruption," "friendly and welcoming people" and welfare support system.
That quote is particularly interesting as I know many of my fellow Canadians would not use the word "effective" to describe our government as in recent years Canada has expierenced governing bodies that have been less effective than those in the past. That said, when looking at Canada from a global scale, it does somewhat make sense.

Well-Known Member
I don't understand Canada.

How does it work?

Tell me of the British Maple Syrup Lumberjack - Polar Bear/Moose Confederation of Sorry, eh?

I wish to be educated.
sabrina said:
[member="Sebastian Nadav"] Germany seems to want to turn Greece into indentured slaves.
Though that's a bit exaggerated, I do understand what you're saying...definitely not the actions of a democratic nation or at least, not the actions of a nation that is regarded as one of the most enlightened with some of the most stringent anti-hate laws.


Well-Known Member
The problem is that greece owes so much money due to banking crash it can't afford the interest payments. So unlike Greece after world war 2 who let Germany of the hook more or less Germany is insists Greece pay it back. Which they will never be able too.

Despite their geographical proximity, Greece and Germany are two vastly different cultures.

That said, I've been too wrapped up in school to pay more than a passing interest in European affairs. That is a bit unusual for me, but is necessary for the time being.
sabrina said:
The problem is that greece owes so much money due to banking crash it can't afford the interest payments. So unlike Greece after world war 2 who let Germany of the hook more or less Germany is insists Greece pay it back. Which they will never be able too.
I'm aware of the situation, that's why I said that the phrase you used about germany turning greece into slaves was inaccurate. However, Greece is not alone in their financial issues. I suspect that many more EU nations, notably France, will likely end up down the same path. It's going to be a very dark time for the EU and actually, the western world in general unless something is done to combat the jobs issue.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
I can't wait for the elections come October! Time to get Harper out. And so glad that Bill C-51 is being challenged in court.

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