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Cancer Hits Like A Little Girl

Rhurek Thane

Dr. Cantanker0us, M.D.
I know, I know....
For like the past six months you've all been wondering what happened to me... er, again.
Well, no more suspense, the time has arrived, the wait is over, all questions will be answered.....

The reason I disappeared was.... *dies*

Okay seriously. Yeah, it's been a roller coaster year for me. Mind you, I'm not looking for sympathy or whatever, just as an explanation for my disappearing act.

To make a really long story short, after finishing school and starting a new job, (during which I was also on a hiatus), this year I found out that I had cancer. Yaaaaayyyy!!!!!

That was sarcastic (in case you actually thought I was genuinely excited and haven't gotten the tone of this past yet). Anyways, after many, many, many doctors visits and appointments, I finally had surgery and have been in recovery for a few weeks now. All is well, the doctors are very confident they got it all, so now all I have to do is wait and heal up and try not to do anything. Which I found out is a LOT easier than it sounds! :p

Also, my wife left me during all this, so there's that too lol, but I'm back, may not get back into RPing, at least not yet, but I missed you guys and wanted to say hi.

If I was RPing with you earlier, I just want to apologize and say I'm *unintelligible garble*.


Disney's Princess
Welcome back Thane! :D

Sorry to hear your life is upside down right now. Heal up and eat well. Our thoughts are with you.

Rhurek Thane

Dr. Cantanker0us, M.D.
[member="Ilias Nytrau"] I see what you did there. It's never lupus lol

Thanks [member="Jay Scott Clark"], I've lost weight that's for sure, but I'm trying to eat right and get healthy soon. Thinking maybe I could write a book and make millions, The Cancer Diet! What? Too soon?

[member="Valiens Nantaris"] It's good to hear from you, old friend. I'm sure you'll find me jumping back into things soon. Good to see you're still helping to run the show! Or at least keep Sarge neutered :p

[member="Jak Sandrow"] Please, if you have a joke, share! I've dealt with all of this with humor. It's made it a lot easier to deal with and you know I'm always good for a joke. For instance, I just kept telling people that I only got cancer so I could not work for a couple months, or if I asked someone if they could do something for me and they said no, I could just say, Aww, come on, I have cancer.... Worked everytime.

But yeah, if I get only one moment on a soap box, let me just say, yeah, I didn't think a 31 year old male could get cancer either. Free screens, lab tests, blood work, and colonoscopys for everyone! Fight the power!

Jak Sandrow

"Nobody cares for the woods anymore."
Thane said:
[member="Jak Sandrow"] Please, if you have a joke, share! I've dealt with all of this with humor. It's made it a lot easier to deal with and you know I'm always good for a joke. For instance, I just kept telling people that I only got cancer so I could not work for a couple months, or if I asked someone if they could do something for me and they said no, I could just say, Aww, come on, I have cancer.... Worked everytime.
I dunno, I just found it kind of ironic that Thane, the doctor, gets the cancer. I'll... I'll just... fade back into the bushes now.

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