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Approved NPC Canni Bale Boof

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King of Pumpkins
  • Age: 32
  • Force Sensitivity: Master
  • Species: Human
  • Appearance: This male human has dark brown hair and yellow eyes from all the use of the Dark side he has. He generally has a beard and is hidden beneath a cloak. However he also wears armour underneath his cloak generally.

  • Personality: He has an Annoyingly calm and superior personality. He almost never seems to get angry and actually draws his darkside powers from the pain and fear he strikes into others.
  • Weapon of Choice: lightsabre as well as The Force
  • Combat Function: In combat he will use his powers to affect civilians around him to attack his foes. If he is confronted somewhere there is no other people or even if he runs out of people, he will then switch to his lightsabre primarily occasionally throwing the force in much in a similar way to Count Dooku. Some of his weaknesses are that he wears no armour. He finds it repulsive and generally sees that he has no need for it. He uses other people to do his bidding and can turn others to his will however he is very cocky. He will generally underestimate his opponents leaving the battle before it is finished. If he is using his powers to affect people around him he is unable to use any other powers or even able to defend himself. Any attack on him during this state will break his concentration and ultimately force him to stop affecting the people around him. However he is also terrible with a lightsabre and expects people to do combat for him.
Canni Bale Boof was once a small boy named Timmy. He never learnt his last name as he accidentally killed all of his family when he discovered his force powers. He was discovered by a Sith knight. This Sith was a chiss male. He learnt a lot from this man over the years however the man one day went missing. Timmy looked for the man never finding him so instead he went about his days slowly learning all the skills he needed.

Many years later another chiss man appeared before him. Similar to the last one in his face structure and force feel. The man broke into his mind allowing him to once again meet his master and his master's killer his brother. However it seemed like the brother had seen the error of his ways and had joined them. Timmy was thus renamed Canni Bale Boof a Sith lord and given ways to be independent such as connections to criminal syndicates and crime families. He was given one mission to cause as much devastation as he could. The masters required some time.

Tom Taff invaded the tomb of freedon nadd and used boma ghosts to chase his spirit away. The spirit contacted any dark lord that would come and such only Canni Bale Boof was one of the lords to appear. However during a series of challenges he killed all the other potential champions allowing him to take the mantle. However he only really did this to cause as much fear, pain and sorrow as he could as he uses others emotions to feed his dark side energies.

He then began his hunt for Tom Taff during which several villages and force sensitive individuals went missing. No one has seen or heard from any of them since. The real reason for these disappearances was due to the need of an army and lieutenants for Canni Bale Boof. He will eventually turn on even these people as well in an effort to continue his mission and sow sorrow and fear throughout the galaxy in a way the current Sith don't.
[member="Tom Taff"]

I dig seeing more 'opposition' NPCs coming into the Codex, makes for interesting lore opportunities. I need a few things added and clarified, then I can stamp this.

I think the link got borked here, because it seems you were trying to link to your character sheet, but right now it links to a ME dominion? You probably want to fix this one way or the other.

  • Skills: He has used fear so much he has made it so powerful he is able to create insanity in those around him not able to resist his powers. He has also learnt memory walk however he only uses this to torturer people who he has captured especially force users.
Considering this guy is a Force Master I am gonna need a bullet list of all the Force Powers this guy knows with his 'skill' level. Please also hyperlink to the wikia page of every force power. I also want you to clarify which Lightsaber forms he knows and how good he is at it/them.

Some of his weaknesses is he has no way of combating someone at range
This weakness is disputed by:

In combat he will use his powers to affect civilians around him to attack his foes.
And also:

He has used fear so much he has made it so powerful he is able to create insanity in those around him not able to resist his powers.
Please revamp the combat function to be a bit more reasonable. Right now this guy has a lot of strengths, but not a lot of drawbacks. I will allow some leeway, because he is supposed to be opposition to your character, but a Force Master NPC will have some scrutiny.

Tag me once you have made these changes and I will review it again.


King of Pumpkins
[member="Jairus Starvald"]

Thanks for picking up this sub to judge.

I have fixed the link. I have given him force powers and lightsabre forms he knows.

I have changed to combat to he is now vulnerable while turning civilians or bystanders against his enemies.
[member="Tom Taff"]

My apologies for the wait.

We are relatively strict when it comes to power/skill availability for Force Masters, because they cannot ever be as competent (or even more so) than characters created and written by actual writers. That being said- I always believe in some leeway when it comes to NPCs that are made to oppose your own characters, in the interest of story and progression.

So I will be okay with this if you pick one of two things-

Either he is accomplished in the Force or accomplished at lightsaber combat.

A- if you go with the Force, I want you to remove Vaapad. Add in the weaknesses that they aren't as competent with the sabre. Giving them a more substantial disadvantage.
B- Other way around? I want you to remove a handful of the powers, 4-5 of them to make the list more manageable. Add in the weaknesses that they aren't as competent with the Force. Putting them at a disadvantage as well.

Either way- I want you to assign 'skill level' to each skill this guy has. You can simply pick from Apprentice-Knight-Master. That way I will have a better idea how balanced this guy is.

After all, someone with a substantial power list, but they are all at 'knight' level is something different than being a master at every ability.

Tag me once you have done this and if you have any questions I am here to assist.


King of Pumpkins
[member="Jairus Starvald"]

Okay went with option A.
So I dropped form 7 and added a weakness about him being terrible with lightsabre combat.
As for the force powers I have him master in 5 powers however he is knight or apprentice level in a lot of the others though.
[member="Tom Taff"]

I think the weaknesses here are solid and like I said- its a NPC made to serve as opposition for you, so I am more than willing to give you some leeway here.

Nice job here and thanks for working with me!

Pending secondary approval.
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