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Canon change for lightsaber crystals

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Hate it... I enjoyed the crystals having their own colors and the many different kinds of crystals. I understand this is to make things more Mystic... but i enjoyed having crystals to have colors of their own before even being found.
I happen to like it, at least it makes sense as a force user would use their own essence of the force in the construction of the saber, it only makes sense that the force sensitive crystal would pick up on the person's essence. It might not be canon anymore but for example, when sith made force artifacts, they could be sensed as being dark tools as they are created and empowered by the dark side. The same was done with lightsabers in legends, the force user would use their connection with the force to create it. So a sith saber would obvious be powered by the dark side, so should reflect that either by color...or..even picking it up you should get the chill of .."oh dark juu juu on that thing".


Disney's Princess
[member="Rylan Thatcher"]

Meh. I'm still flying high on the whole 'Thrawn' thing. So I can forgive a few goofs like this on Disney's part. *shrugs* :(
I found synthetic crystals felt cheesy and I never liked it. This is fine to me, especially with some of the musings and ideas for how new Sith get their crystals, and how rare this makes lightsabers and their users.
Well for me it doesn't change up too much of what Gray already did with his own saber. He spent days fusing his force signature into his crystal and krayt pearl that made up his saber without stopping. This was something the jedi from legends did to reinforce their connection and strengthened their sabers. It made it so they reacted better to manipulation from the owner while more resistant to others influence. Kind of what I was going for, and with the explaination now in canon it still fits him.


I may be using this change in some cases.

But I will ignore it for the rest. Not gonna get rid of mah black lightsaber because of that crazy change. :p
Ijaat Mereel said:
I found synthetic crystals felt cheesy and I never liked it.
Okay this right here, this makes sense. Yeah, synthetic crystals are a bit silly.

@Xiarr Sair
His lightsaber gun has a blue crystal, right? Or do you mean the cross guard one? He found that on Malachor iirc. Maybe he found it in Pee Pee's Gayhouse? Wouldn't it be yellow then?


Two really key points:
1) I like that they've simplified the whole system. There's no more 1,532.3 different kinds of crystals found in 862 different locations. You just find a node, pick one off, dump it in your lightsaber and bam, you get your color crystal. No gamey special effects. No ridiculous rarities.
2) The existing main canon finally makes sense. Now there's a valid reason why the Death Star shoots green beams instead of red ones! You get the point from here.

This is not to say that there never will be specialized crystals in the "real" canon. That kind of thing sells. It just won't be hyper-inflated anymore.

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