Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Resolved Canon or Custom?

Hey again. I’m trying to decide on how about to submit a certain planet for possible inclusion into the galaxy map. Specifically the world of Tao that featured in episode eight of Star Wars Visions Season One. Under normal circumstances I would try to submit it as a canon world but it’s classified as a non-canon world in Wookieepedia and is not part of original SW Legends lore before Disney canon either.

Here the link; Tao

So my question is should I submit it as a canon or custom world? Of course I do realize if it is the latter case I’ll attempt a write up for Tao in the planet creation. Just wanted to be sure either way.
Grandmaster of the Imperial Crusaders
Minuteman75 Minuteman75 Anything that is not original to Chaos I would call Canon. We don't limit ourselves to accepting Disney Canon or Legends Canon. Unless you are intending to make it completely your own I would consider it canon even though it is not part of either major accepted storylines.
I agree with Teckla Tane Teckla Tane . Just wanted to add that whatever you submit, Codex staff will let you know whether something needs to be changed or not. Submissions can be (theoretically) updated an infinite number of times until they're accepted or outright denied. So I wouldn't worry too much with getting it right the first time.

More importantly, instead of worrying over Canon versus Legends, as defined by Disney, you should concern yourself with following Chaos canon - if applicable.

To directly answer your question, Tao should be submitted as canon - it has a wiki entry and appears on Star Wars media.
Minuteman75 Minuteman75 Anything that is not original to Chaos I would call Canon. We don't limit ourselves to accepting Disney Canon or Legends Canon. Unless you are intending to make it completely your own I would consider it canon even though it is not part of either major accepted storylines.

I agree with Teckla Tane Teckla Tane . Just wanted to add that whatever you submit, Codex staff will let you know whether something needs to be changed or not. Submissions can be (theoretically) updated an infinite number of times until they're accepted or outright denied. So I wouldn't worry too much with getting it right the first time.

More importantly, instead of worrying over Canon versus Legends, as defined by Disney, you should concern yourself with following Chaos canon - if applicable.

To directly answer your question, Tao should be submitted as canon - it has a wiki entry and appears on Star Wars media.

Thanks. To confess I was concerned about embarrassing myself if I made a mistake with my first planet submission hence why I asked beforehand. Really appreciate all the advice.
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if it helps, i've already seen subs straight from visions, such as scabbard auxiliaries for lightsabers! I've also seen people do custom subs of canon planets that have been completely changed by events in chaos canon, take for example Carnifex's wonderful if dark "Moridinae" and it's "fortress moon", both of which showcasing the aftermath of the TSE despoiling of Mandalore, which was renamed for a time. There's also Adeline's "Yalara Academy" which has been slowly altering the canon world it was built on.

So even if your project was from traditional canon sources, you would still have room to make changes so as to bring it up to speed with the chaos timeline from what i can tell
Maker of Stuff and Things.
Factory Judge
Visions is a weird middle ground here, so I understand the confusion.

From a factory judge perspective, technically anything from that series is treated as non-canon as per the show's own admission, it isn't considered canon. That said, planets and equipment submitted from the show are perfectly valid, you just have to be careful about it.

My suggestion would be to put in the work to submit a codex sub for it before you submit a map addition request. Make it your own, flesh out the world with your own ideas and make it feel like a place your characters are familiar with. I've done the same with Cathar, and it's a wonderful way to make a non-canon world work on Chaos.
Minuteman75 Minuteman75 Anything that is not original to Chaos I would call Canon. We don't limit ourselves to accepting Disney Canon or Legends Canon. Unless you are intending to make it completely your own I would consider it canon even though it is not part of either major accepted storylines.
This is the correct answer to the question posed by Minuteman75 Minuteman75 about Canon Vs Non-Canon.

I deeply think there's some confusion here and will say it as bluntly as possible.

Q: Does the planet or anything else exist in Star Wars (Any version of it, past, present, etc for any reason?)

A: This is considered by Factory and Codex to be Canon.

Q: Did you create it from scratch?

A: This is Non-Canon.

That's it. There's no need to "be careful" or anything like that for any reason I can think of. You also don't need to "flesh out a canon planet" before trying to have it added to the map because we always use the link from the Wookie not the Player-Made Canon Planet. What limits map presence the most is typically the congestion of the request or if the planet link is a severe stub. Those are two completely different things.

When we sit back and think about "Canon Vs Non-Canon" I urge everyone to read up on the "Canon" information that is listed on the Wookiepedia. In this section, you will see that Star Wars has grown over the years to be inclusive, not exclusive. If SWRP strictly followed what was considered "Disney Canon" no one would be able to bring in any "Legends" material and that doesn't make much sense. You can literally follow the timelines, watch the definitions evolve, and even see where they confuse and contradict themselves with several continuities at play.

For that reason, we generally don't make that distinction.

Either it's listed on the Wookie (Canon) or you made it from scratch (Non-Canon).

If there's an issue on a particular submission we'd of course let you know and or try to help out if you need it.

John Locke John Locke can add his perspective and or feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. But, I've never penalized/stopped anyone for using fringe lore unless it's considered a superweapon. That's a whole new ball game.
Thank you for the heads up Srina Talon Srina Talon

I can confirm that as far as the factory is concerned, if you're subbing something listed on wookie then it's canon, if you're subbing something you made up it's non-canon.

It's really that simple, people have taken inspiration and used elements of all star wars media, and that's perfectly acceptable, that's what Chaos is here for. Taking all the elements you love and making a story from it, no matter where in Star Wars history and lore they come from.

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