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Can't determine the build for this ship

Lelani Sevestra

Hapes Consortium Building Subsidiary - Warden
I am designing a ship for the Hapan Consortium and need some opinion on weather to classify it as a Corvette or Heavy Dropship.




To me the size denotes a shuttle however the armament denotes a hint of a heavy drop ship.

Personally I'd classify it as a heavy drop ship or something akin to a heavy bomber.

Kung Seilois

Freelancer Extraordinaire
I wouldn't call it a heavy drop ship. There doesn't seem to be that much room for soldiers and the like to fit in. If it was longer, I would say it would make a good drop ship, but it's rather small if we use the standing people as a way to measure ratio. It also has far too many weapons to be a bomber. That is a lot of space being taken up for weaponry, ammo, soldiers to man them, if they are auto-run then you need the room for the processor for the turrets, etc.

Honestly, it seems rather small, and I would call it a Fighter if anything, but a small, heavily armed, and very fast corvette would be my bet given the categories allowed.

EDIT: Another reason I highly doubt it is a Heavy Dropship is because of the ramp. It is tiny, not suitable for deploying large amounts of troops.

Saera Willamina Savan

~+--- Skaidra ---+~ Beskarsmith, Alchemist
Judging by the formations in the picture, that's a personal fighter or shuttle at the most, hardly Corvette material. I mean, in scale it can be whatever you want because it's only visual aide. The armament definitely does seem like it would fit the "Heavy" Gunship category.
Two Warhead Mass Drivers
Six Turbolasers
One Ion Cannon Turret
Something like that. If anything, it actually has mild resemblances of a bomber or an attack craft.

Edit: Oh, also, I know I'm the biggest committer of this crime, but long, snubbed ships tend to make very easy targets. There is more surface area exposed via 6 o'clock and 12 o'clock (head on or directly behind) and once you pull a turn in this thing, even more surface area will be exposed to strafe shots by a pursuer. Just food for thought. ;)

Kung Seilois

Freelancer Extraordinaire
[member="Lelani Sevestra"] Aye, which is why I said aim for a really small corvette. Most of it's size is from the wingspan. There are approved Gunships, so you could label it as a Gunship, and it would probably work as.... it has a lot of guns.

[member="Særa Ayña Savan"] My thoughts as well. It appears to be more of a fighter then anything, but turning in the atmosphere would be dangerous because of the amount of air it will catch.

Saera Willamina Savan

~+--- Skaidra ---+~ Beskarsmith, Alchemist
[member="Kung Seilois "]- Dual shielding cuts/blocks airflow over what would typically be considered 'flight surfaces' on some Starfighters, reducing drag. It's basically a flying bulb in equivalence. That's why they're able to reach ridiculous speeds even in-atmo.

Edit: Should note, that requires particle shields on top of ray shielding, so that's some extra weight.

Kung Seilois

Freelancer Extraordinaire
[member="Særa Ayña Savan"] - I see. I did not know that. :) I was just looking at the design, but I will have to remember that as it is a neat concept.

[member="Lelani Sevestra"] - I can't see it as a dropship. It doesn't have the room to carry that many human soldiers, droids can fold up as the CIS droids do, humans... can't.

The ramp is also far too small for troops to be able to deploy quickly and efficiently, there is only enough room for one person at a time, making it a very bad idea.
As it stands 'I found a cool picture and wanted to make a ship with it,' is not a satisfactory intent to make a ship with. It's not common but we can deny for such things and that's pretty obviously what's going on here.

That said, looks like a light gunship to me.
Særa Ayña Savan said:
16 meters long, 40 meters wide, 26 meters tall.

Just a cross-estimate based on their body size.
Agreed. That could qualify it as a 'heavy fighter' or as a gunship.

Domino said:
As it stands 'I found a cool picture and wanted to make a ship with it,' is not a satisfactory intent to make a ship with. It's not common but we can deny for such things and that's pretty obviously what's going on here.

That said, looks like a light gunship to me.
98% of the subs I've created started out by finding a cool picture, analyzing it, and coming up with a story/stats to go along with the image.
[member="Captain Larraq"]
Building off of ideas a picture gives you is okay, I often incorporate the design of a picture into my description which is really obvious with something like the Nimix cruiser I made or the Panther. Something like that expands and enriches the content of both the sub and IC story. And here it sounds like [member="Lelani Sevestra"] already had an idea of what she wanted to do with it at the beginning of this thread, but everyone else has been pulling it one way or another for the picture's own sake.

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