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Approved NPC Captain Gelifix Venjuta

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тнє ναмριяє ℓσя∂


Intent: To Add To The Venjuta Bloodline

​Image Credit: Found through Google Search: Bright Green Eye And Red Hair Male, Asch from an anime called "Tales of the Abyss"

Picture Found through this link:

Role: Captain of the Wintermoor Royal Guard

Links: N/A


Age: 570

Force Sensitivity: Knight Level

Species: Sanguinius Vampirika - Vahla Hybrid


He usually wears the same kind of armor as the Wintermoor Royal Guard, with the exception of the helmet. When not suited up, he dresses comfortably in clothes designed from Dathomir Spidersilk. From neck-to-torso (including his back) he is covered in tribal tattoos associated with the Green Mystic Clan (Dathomir Nightsisters).


Name: Captain Gelifix Venjuta

Loyalties: Marlow Venjuta, The Venjuta Bloodline

Wealth: Fairly Moderate

Notable Possessions: N/A

Skills: Melee Combat, Knight-level Dark Side abilities associated with inflicting pain. He uses abilities such as Force Choke, Inflict Pain, Darkshear, and Injure/ Kill (But only Injure)


He is a very passive vampire, never allowing his anger to get the best of him; unless it's needed. He is very prideful and egotistical, and can come off being self-centered


Weapon of Choice: Sith Sword

Combat Function:

He is highly skilled in melee combat and rarely relies on the Force in combat. He does, however, suffer from common sense when engaged in combat; occasionally underestimating his opponents


When Marlow Venjuta was appointed the Patriarch of the Venjuta Bloodline and Count of House Venjuta, he was personally chosen by Marlow to serve as Captain of the Wintermoor Royal Guard. The appointment, at the time, drew much criticism from some of the other Venjuta because the two had been at odds over certain political topics involving the direction of the Bloodline; mainly the new mandate that the Venjuta only feed off the evil doers of the galaxy. However, overtime the two grew close, and Captain Gelifix Venjuta not only became one of Marlow's greatest supporters; but one of his closest friends, and was gifted with a Sith sword as an honor of their friendship.

Rarely does the Captain ever leave the confines of Wintermoor Castle and has taken a vow of celibacy; dedicating his life to the protection of the Venjuta. To those under his command, he is a stern but fair man, earning their loyalty and trust completely. He leads by example, and will not ask others to do something he himself is unwilling to do.

He is respected by the Venjuta, for the exception of Junoi Venjuta whom believes she should Captain the Royal guards. The two have a long standing rivalry, but both know the punishment from killing another member of their species without concrete proof; and only with approval from the Patriarch and the collective vote of the Council.
[member="Count Marlow Venjuta"]

Same thing.

This is a character named Asch from the anime Tales of the Abyss

For future reference, if you're using Chrome browser all you have to do is right click on an image and select "Search Google for image" to do a reverse image search and find the original source.

Tag me when the edit is made.
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