Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Carbon Nanotube

Iris Tyrad

A man with no friends, only live for revenge
I think that Carbon nanotube should be a restricted item.

The reason for this is that the stuff is as tough as diamonds. It is almost indestructible. Not only that but since it is artificial, you can produce it in large quantities, unlike diamonds. Therefore people could create seemingly indestructible ships, armour and weapons, that wouldn't be fair.

There's also the dilemma of cost, any amount of Carbon Nanotube costs a lot. And I doubt many characters on this forum could afford anything made of Carbon Nanotube.

Shuk Swii

The Silent Gand
I don't think they should be restricted, as they practically already are. You need to be 1.) an expert in nanoscience, and 2.) very rich, to make enough to even make a glove out of them.

Then again, One of my characters is an expert in nanoscience, and I'm mianlyg just tryingt o make sure that nanoscience dosen't get banned before I can even use it. So. <_<

But I never planned to make carbon nanotubes...

EDIT: Ah, sorry, forgot about the swearing rule. Completely slipped my mind. :l
My bad!
[member="Iris Tyrad"] We generally don't ban things until they become an issue and I'd imagine any nanotube will have the same drawbacks as slicewire, namely cutting yourself pretty badly. It's also not saber resistant and has some major problems when making things like ships, armor, and weapons. It'd be similar to making them from rope. Though please note that I'm replying to this without seeing a wiki entry on them as I can't seem to find one.

[member="Shuk Swii"] If you managed to find something that made it past the censor please let me know so we can add it, thanks.

Shuk Swii

The Silent Gand

Carbon nanotubes are a real-life thing,t hat's probalby why you can't find them on Wookieepedia. And as their real life technology, I really see no reason for them to be banned, at all... xD

And as for the sensor thing, I removed the vowel from the word, out of habit- forgetting about this sites rules. If you wanted to, I s'pose you could add swear words without the vowels to the filter, but, unless people forget about the rule like I did, no one swears anyway... I wasn't even aware there was a filter.

<.< >.> Feth kriff kark poodoo.
*proves myself wrong*

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