Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Cardin Mal

NAME: Cardin Mal
FACTION: Syndicate
RANK: Hitman
AGE: 26
WEIGHT: 230lbs
EYES: Brown
HAIR: Black
SKIN: Brown
FORCE SENSITIVE: Not that he knows off. Maybe.


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Fast and accurate gunslinger, years of experience as a Hitman and skilled with most weapons.
Heavyset, not good runner unless short distances. May surprise you though. Strict code of honor will probably end up getting him killed.


Born a slave to a cruel Hutt master on Tatooine shortly before the Syndicate took over the system, lost both his parents when the Hutt lost his temper at age eleven. His anger grew and he waited for an opportunity to strike. Two years later he got his chance. The Syndicate had begun to move into the region near Mos Eisley where he was "employed" and sent an associate to acquisition either the Hutt's loyalty or his demise. When confronted with the two options the Hutt laughed in the associate's face and told him the not so nice equivalent of get lost. The associate shrugged and offered the room a choice, kill the Hutt and be given twenty five thousand credits and a job or continue their pitiful work at pitiful salaries.

Cardin jumped at the chance, seizing a machete from a guard's sheathe and lunging at the Hutt's oversized eye. He succeeded. The associate killed a few guards who tried to kill Cardin before taking him away and delivering on his promise for credits and a job. Cardin was the youngest Hitman in his sector on Tatooine, carrying out his hits with calculated efficiency. He continued like this for years until his shuttle malfunctioned over the vast desert around Mos Espa. He wandered in the desert for a time before being rescued by a twilek hermit named Cole. Cole nursed the injured Cardin back to health before offering him a choice, wander back out into the desert or become his student, to carry on the ways of his clan since he had no children of his own.

The training was grueling and lasted five years in total. The training focused heavily on sword play and a peculiar sense of honor to which Cardin was to live his life by. Cardin accepted the teachings whole heartily and found himself a changed and humble man by the end of it all. Cole died shortly after and Cardin began a grueling journey back to civilization which took him several months. Now that he has returned he plans to regain his position and will likely surprise Syndicate members with his now peculiar sense of honor.




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