Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Carduul Akahl


Name: Carduul Akahl
Alias(es): None of yet.
Birthplace: Serenno
Force Sensitive: No.

Species: Human
Age: Mid-Late Twenties
Gender: Male
Height: 6'2" ft
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Skin: White

Rank(s): Mandalorian, Rally Master
Allegiance(s): Mandalorians | Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders
Language(s): Galactic Basic, Mando'a.

Personality Traits: Chivalrous, Honor-bound, Valiant
Education Traits: Scholar, Level-Headed Tactician
Lifestyle Traits: Preservationist

The Red Coronation left many Mandalorians scattered to the wind, aimless. In the confusion, some chose to leave altogether. Tucked away in some corner of space, a small group of Mandalorians chose to isolate themselves, becoming secluded with ancient texts and histories in a desperate attempt to preserve what little tradition remained. While it did preserve their history in a new - and by then foreign - way, it had dulled their sense of glory and pride. Nonetheless, their education was unmatched, and unorthodox training regimes created unique habits.

Carduul Akahl, a foundling of this sect, eventually found this isolation to be a stifling prison. Regaled with tales of old, instilled and indoctrinated of the oldest tenets of their culture dating back to the Mandalorian Wars and beyond, he sought to leave these confines. So he did, and bade for any in this sect who sought honor and glory to join him. They have since worked as a mercenary, and a Rally Master to those who followed him, until the call was heard in the form of a Raid of Contruum. The Old Ways have returned, and the fires of war beckoned him to add unto it.

Skills and Abilities: Gladiator, Historian, Strategist
Strengths: Charismatic, Discerning, Single Combat
Weaknesses: Old-Fashioned, Monologuer, Stubborn, Vindictive

Neo-Crusader Raid on Contruum (Prelude)
The Great Hunt | Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders
Neo-Crusader Raid on Manaan
Hearts of Iron
Echoes of Obscurity
Neo-Crusader Raid on Umbara
The Art of Warfare
Vindication | Open to All Mandalorians
Heart of Fire
Mandalorian Crusade for the Lantillian | Battle of Bimmisaari
To Strike the Heart of Industry

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