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Organizational Symbol: Clan Akahl’s sigil depicts the Ethrani Ouroboros, reminiscent of the original Crusader Sigil that represents the cycle of life and death.
Description: House Akahl is a shard of scattered fragments from the Mandalorian Civil Wars, who went into seclusion as preservers of ancient history and traditions. The Civil War and Red Coronation had seen this small group break away from conflict and strike out on their own, blaming these events upon a lack of unity. In an attempt to rectify this problem, they turned to the ancient ideology of the Neo-Crusaders, which had seen their people spread across the stars and nearly claim dominion. Only recently emerged with the Crusade, this branch did not technically consider themselves a 'clan,' or a ‘house,’ rather a movement. They adorn similar armor to the original Neo-Crusaders, symbolically sacrificing individuality for unity, with ideologies generally emphasizing on the old ways of conquest for the sake of survival, renewal, or the worship of religion. It has grown significantly from its original numbers in light of planetary conquests and conscription, and the ascension of their Alor to Mand’alor.
Domain: Noverskaa, Alpheridies, other sections of Mandalorian Neo-Crusader Space.
Those who caretake Dxun are the most experienced veterans of their number, who volunteer out of a felt obligation to preserve an important piece of Mandalorian history. Their presence is not obvious, and intruders are viciously kept away since their arrival - with disappearances being attributed to the harsh jungles. Dxun is a staging ground, providing one of the best training grounds for promising Mandalorian warriors. It also serves as a listening post, fortress, and communications hub when needed for war.
Compared to other sects within the renewed Crusade, Clan Akahl is more inclined for diplomacy to unprovoked raids. Established governments are generally turned into Mandalorian vassals, whereas generally lawless planets are left to their own devices unless they interfere with operations. While there are some pockets of resistance, a majority of assimilated planets enjoy staunch protection from its Mandalorian presence, and all are provided amenities for living. In return, every able-bodied being is expected to contribute to society through various forms of labor. This includes farming, mining, skilled trades, and other such tasks that would be wasted on most warriors.
Notable Assets: Rooted in history and the preservation of Mandalorian traditions, Clan Akahl has access to knowledge befitting scholars. It is known they hold blueprints to older designs, written & electronically stored teachings, and equipment from prior generations—the Neo-Crusader armor schematics being one such example—that have been improved upon for newer generations.
Hierarchy: Following the ways of the Neo-Crusaders, House Akahl maintains a more clear ranking structure. At the top are Field Marshalls, clad in gold, who are responsible for directing large-scale war efforts. This is followed by Rally Masters, clad in crimson, who function as a strange mixture between drill sergeants, battlefield commanders, and political officers. They are expected to be knowledgeable of Mandalorian history and traditions, for part of their duty is instructing and indoctrinating new recruits to the Clan’s way. Finally, all other warriors, typically clad in blue, are expected to follow the directions of those above them. Veteran warriors (sometimes adorned in silver) have more leeway and command more authority over their peers, though are still expected to listen to orders if they are not Rally Masters.
Membership: Incredibly small in ‘original’ members, House Akahl originally consisted of veterans who had witnessed a resurgence in traditional ideals during Mandalore the Wrathful’s rule. After their seclusion, membership consisted exclusively of carefully trained individuals that were interested in the Mandalorian way. Unlike most clans, their ‘foundlings’ were not restricted by age. Those who were willing to forsake their old life—or simply felt as if they had no other alternative—were brought in and indoctrinated.
Membership: [ Approximately how many people are in your organization? What does it take to become a member of this organization? Is there an initiation or a ritual? Missions they have to carry out? Tasks to perform to prove their skill/worthiness? For families, is it easy to marry into the family or are there certain attributes the family leader looks for/do you need approval? For companies, how does one get hired? Include both IC and OOC if someone were interested in your organization how they would join. ]
Climate: [ Friendly local business? Czerka style intrigue? Are you at risk of expiring just by checking in at work? Describe what kind of feel your organization has from the inside. ]
To Outsiders: House Akahl, at least compared with Clans that share in their Crusader ideals, are the lesser of several evils. They have an emphasis on building strong infrastructure for worlds under their control, and improving upon the methods of their predecessors during the Mandalorian Wars. Thus, livelihood upon conquered planets is generally of a ‘higher standard’, with subjects being given access to amenities and privileges above the slave labor of other groups. As the warrior mindset is rewarded within Mandalorian culture, an outsider subject joining the Crusade as a de-facto ‘Foundling’ elevates the status and livelihood of themselves, and their families, making it a genuinely appealing option for parts of subject populations. They are still, however, quietly feared despite the image they try to project as liberators and stewards, as it is known since Manaan, the numerous raids since, and Kashyyyk that resistance is harshly dealt with.
To Mandalorians: Previously, Clan Akahl was largely unknown to the wider galaxy as they were vehemently isolationist due to internal strife from the ruling Mandalorian bodies. To those who knew of their existence, they were regarded as one of the many strange, wayward sects of their people. Many did not associate history with their ideals to the point of going to such lengths to preserve it. It went to the extent where the progenitor Clan was rightfully viewed as the equivalent of a monastic order, forgoing many notions of the warrior mindset for the single-minded purpose of preserving culture. Since its return to the larger galaxy and prominence in the renewed Crusade, House Akahl is valued for their expertise as tacticians, cultural advisors, and heralds of war. Mandalorians prizing traditional values of their culture often find them as admirable mentors.
[ How do people see this organization from the outside? Beloved? Distrusted? Wary or neutral? Describe your organization’s reputation here. ]
Curios: [ Do the members of your group have any special item, marking or trinket that designates their membership? Something that only those part of this group would have access to or possession of? Examples are tattoos, amulets, rings, books of faith, etc. ]
Rules: [ Most organizations follow some set of rules. Maybe the Resol’nare, the Jedi Code, etc. Does this group have any religious beliefs? Philosophies? ]
Revitalize Mandalorian traditions and fervor in line with Neo-Crusader ideals through imparted knowledge.
Make the galaxy stronger and more ‘Mandalorian’ through hardship or a guiding hand; including through raids, invasions, and forceful takeovers.
Safeguard the Mandalorian people from internal and external threats. This includes disputing teachings of honor and ideals not in-line with any manner of Mandalorian thought, and combatting external factions that they perceive are threats to their people.
House Akahl’s goal is to ensure the preservation of Mandalorian culture, history, and tradition. In extension, they seek to re-ignite a Crusade of the Galaxy that would see a new age of prosperity for Mandalorians, thus fulfilling Mandalore the Ultimate’s attempt that had ended in defeat. In a way, this is still considered the ‘preservation’ of Mandalorian culture, as it would theoretically ensure the creation and wellbeing of future generations for far longer than even the Mandalorian Wars did.
A particularly important objective for them is securing Mandalorian space (and preferably beyond, such as the Core Worlds) by establishing stable governances with firm roots in Mandalorian culture, even if the population of said planets were originally ‘outsiders.’ The end goal is to create a powerful military-industrial complex that would be able to sustain itself long after the people who made it perished.
Eliminate or mitigate as many potential threats to the Mandalorian people as possible.
[ What are the goals of this organization? Future plans for expansion? Collection of information? Providing education to those who seek it in certain skills? Supporting charitable works? For all intents and purposes, this is your in-character intent with this organization. ]